Thursday, July 25, 2024

Just a Note About Life Happenings

Hello, friends.  I just want to share a word to let you know why my posts are sparse and I haven't been around to visit.  I haven't crafted in the month of July at all, but I've had some scheduled posts and I appreciate everyone who has stopped by to comment.

My Rich spent some time in the hospital with pneumonia.  I probably don't have to tell you how scary that was in an older guy whose lungs are already failing from another serious condition.  Miraculously, he recovered from the pneumonia (we think), and is now home, but not in good shape.  The pneumonia took its toll, and he's having a rough time.  Some days are better than others, but never great.  I won't go into all of it, but I know you can imagine my hands are full, my heart is heavy, and my nerves are stretched.  I won't even get started on the quality of healthcare since our regular physician retired.  Crafting would be good therapy if there was time for it.

I miss crafting and blogging and the sisterhood that goes along with it.  I have piles and basketsful of not yet used stamps, dies, and embossing folders.  My desktop is strewn with supplies for the partially finished set of Christmas cards I was making before Rich went to the hospital.  You might look in here and think I was abducted by aliens with everything left exactly as it was at the moment of abduction.  It will all return to normal eventually.  The very fact that I'm sitting here right now is a good sign.

I'll leave you with a card I made and photographed sometime in June.  It was a birthday card for a friend, using the Memory Box Elegant Anemone die and an embossed panel that came in a card from a friend.  I left it simple for easy international mailing.

Sentiment is a combination of older supplies.  Distress Oxide ink was brushed on with a sponge-tipped applicator... or maybe a small brush.  Sorry I don't remember at this point.  I sanded the Memory Box cardstock because I wanted to soften the color.

Again, my apologies for lack of visiting.  I'm really hoping for some spare time to come my way soonish.  Sending love and hugs to all!

Stamps:  Poppystamps Sending Scribbles sentiment  Paper:  Neenah Classic Crest Super Smooth Solar White 110 lb, Memory Box Meadow  Ink:  Distress Oxide Picked Raspberry, Shabby Shutters, Pine Needles, SU Garden Green for sentiment  Other:  Memory Box Elegant Anemone, Frantic Stamper Sending Love/Hugs die, misc rectangle dies, embossing folder unknown (received in a card from a friend)


Yogi said...

Oh wow, my heart goes out to you and Rich. Keep strong. I pray he'll recover completely.
Wonderful card.soft and beautiful. You’re both in my thoughts.

Cindy Beach said...

Leslie, this card is beautiful, so is my mental picture of you in your craft room, even if only for a few minutes. I'm so thankful that Rich pulled through but I know how caring for someone can really take its toll on you. Sending cyber hugs and good wishes your way. I hope every day brings renewed strength and blessings.

Cat Craig said...

Beautiful card, Leslie. Caretaking is exhausting physically, mentally and emotionally. Sending hugs and prayers.

Tracy said...

Hi Leslie,
Thank you for the update. In one of last posts with your Sophie walks, I was got the sense something was not OK, and I was concerned. I have followed you for years and feel like I know you through your blog even though we have never met. I think I may have typed this before but your blog was one of the first ones I found and followed when I started paper crafting years ago. I am glad Rich is home from the hospital and I am sending prayers for health and healing and hugs to you. Take care and God bless you.

LesleyG said...

Oh gosh Leslie, what a stressful scary time you are having. Hope Rich improves soon, and that you get time in your crafty haven too xxx Lesley

Glenda said...

I've been missing you my friend and worried that there might be illness. So sorry to hear that Rich has been hospitalized and praying his recovery is quick. When we have illness it is so difficult to do it all and be there for them as well. Sending love and hugs to you both! Hug Sophie for me...

Marcia Hill said...

Absolutely no need to apologize Leslie, and I'm sending lots of warm hugs and prayers for healing for Rich and for you too my friend! Caregiving is a full time and exhausting job, both physically and mentally! Hang in there and know you're being thought of LOTS!! And by the way...your card is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! Hugs. :0)

Margaret said...

Leslie, so sorry to hear about Rich's illness. Sending hugs and prayers for his complete recovery. Any kind of serious illness today is so scary because we don't know where it's going to lead. It's good that he has you there for him to see to whatever he needs. I bet Sophie helps to cheer everyone up. I hope things get better soon.

Nanny's Pansy Patch said...

So sorry to hear about Rich's health issues. Life has its priorities and I'm sure you have your hands full. Your birthday card is so pretty with the soft colors. I really like pink and green together. I'm sure you will get back to your love of crafting in time. Thoughts and prayers for you both!

bensarmom said...

Oh Leslie, I'm so sorry to hear about Rich and the stress it's all brought into your lives. I'm praying for a peace for both of you.

HilaryJane said...

Your card is beautiful. I love that pink and how it has been lightly brushed over the die cuts. Such a lovely look. It doesn't matter how you did it. I have that problem too. It is surprising how quickly you forget the detail of how you made something. I am so sorry to hear about your Rich and completely understand how your time is now taken up with more important and urgent things. We will see you when we see you. I hope his recovery continues in a positive way xx

Bonnie said...

Sending love and prayers for healing with Rich and strength for you. Your card is beautiful and I hope it brought you joy and that you find moments of joy each day. XOXO

I Card Everyone said...

Leslie, we all know that our time with our loved ones is much more important than anything else... although you should know you are missed so much!
My prayers will include you and Rich - thanks for checking in and sharing your lovely Anemone! xo

Jeanne H said...

I too think your card is beautiful and am sending best wishes for your husband's timely recovery. Cyber hugs to you also.

Mildred said...

Hang in there, Leslie. I've followed your blog since it was started and have enjoyed everything you post since then. You are strong and can do this.

Amelia Breytenbach said...

So sorry to hear about Rich, Leslie. Sending best wishes and love to both of you. Wishing Rich a speedy recovery too. Your card is so lovely. Hugs and thinking of you.

Lynette said...

Sending even more hugs to you and Rich. Be sure to take care of yourself, too. I hope Rich continues to make progress towards gaining strength. Your card is so beautiful - I really love the flower.

Conniecrafter said...

You both have and will continue to be in my prayers, I know some paper therapy would do you good but you have to have the strength and I know it is all going for what you need it to go to right now. Hold on my friend!
This is just beautiful, however you did those strokes it looks fabulous, love that hint of color, just like the real flowers do. Your friend will certainly love this gorgeous card!

Anonymous said...

Oh Leslie, I'm so sorry Rich has not been feeling well. I am praying for his fast healing and comfort, as well as your strength to see it through. Your card is beautiful. Hugs to you both. 🙏♥️😘

Birgit said...

I'm glad to hear that Rich is home and hopefully getting stronger and gaining ground on recovering each day. Paper therapy can do wonders, but only if time allows. Taking care of your man is the main thing. Sending you both warm and heartfelt thoughts. Your card is soft and lovely.

Lisa Elton said...

Thanks so much for sharing your lovely card with us, Lesley. I'm so sorry to hear about your Rich. I do hope he's feeling better very soon. Time with him is what's important now. You will both be in my thoughts and prayers.

Pauline said...

Leslie, I am so sorry to hear about Rich! I'm praying that he feels better soon. It all sounds so familiar with what I went through with my Mom who also had COPD as well as pneumonia. It is so physically and emotional draining. I hope you will find some spare time for your crafting. No need to apologize by any means. Tending to Rich is more important. Sending love and hugs. Keeping you and Rich in my thoughts and prayers.

Ida said...

Thank you Leslie for the update. Please tell Rich I am praying for his speedy recovery. It has to be hard on you and I hope you take time for yourself so that you don't get burnt out. Never worry about taking time to do what is needed for your family. Love your cards whenever you post them.

Christine Alexander said...

Leslie, so sorry hubby has had some health issue. I hope he's back on his feet and taking care of himself ♥

Sorry I've been MIA, I just got back from 3 weeks in the UK visiting family and friends. I was so lucky to make it to a Lavinia workshop run by Jo Rice. It was great to have a chance to see the store and meet like minded crafters :)

Traci M said...

Hi Leslie, just want you to know how sorry I am for your Rich’s health trial. You take all the time you need and I will keep you in prayer. Sending hugs. Bless you. And… I always love your cards and I haven’t been able to log into Google for awhile. This one is so pretty!!!

pam said...

Oh wow, my heart goes out to you and Rich Leslie, popped by to see you, as I do not have much time lately, hope Rich continues to improve, you must be so worried.
Take care sending huge hugs Pam x

Dotty Jo said...

Sending love to you both, Jo x

nancy littrell said...

I think of you and Rich and Sophia everyday and keep you in my get well prayers everyday, dear friends:-) We are staying busy with all our gardening, etc. I will give you a call soon...I miss you so much and think of you, Rich and Sophie everyday:-) Your card is so beautiful...Thank you so much for sharing. Love and Big Hugs, dear forever friend:-)

Darnell said...

Thank you for the update, Leslie. I'm sorry I'm just seeing it, but I wasn't sure if you would be posting yet. I hope since a week has passed that Rich is doing even better. I can sense your anguish through your words and pray for both of you. And your card, my friend, is simply breathtaking! Love and hugs, Darnell

laurie said...

Prayers for Rich and also for you. Your card is lovely as always, and I will keep checking back periodically to see if you are back creating! I too am hit and miss with my blogging thi s summer.

crafty-stamper said...

Oh Leslie, my heart goes out to you, I came to say thank you for your lovely caring comment on my blog and to say I was back online-to see you are now looking after your hubby. Sorry to hear Rich has been in hospital and so ill. Hope he recovers well and you take care too.
Carol x x x

Joan B said...

just saw this. such a difficult time. it can have moments of peace and joy but the struggle is real. hugs

Vicky Hayes said...

Dear Leslie, I have just been browsing backwards on your blog and have found this post. I am so sorry to hear of your troubles. It sounds like a very scary time for you both but I'm glad Rich has done well and is home from hospital. You are in my prayers, Vicky x