Sunday, May 5, 2024

Life in the Slow Lane with Sophie and Friends

Rain, rain, go away.  Who cares that it makes the garden grow?  Sophie wants to go outside!

In fact, Sophie gets to go out to the backyard anytime she wants, but the side and front yards are not fenced so adult supervision is required.  She's learning.  Don't let that wistful expression fool you.  I take Sophie out for fun and exercise every day, rain or shine.

Pictured below is more of Sophie's view through the side patio door.  There is lots of fun to be had out there.  It's rainy, overcast, and dull on this early May day.  Very few days have been good for gardening this spring.

One recent evening it stopped raining long enough to go out for a neighborhood walk.  We ran into one of Wally and LuLu's best friends, Lilo.  She has a hurt leg needing surgery so she doesn't go for long walks, but her good people push her along in a sort of dog stroller.  It's hard work in a hilly neighborhood with a weighty Golden Retriever, but love makes it worth it.  We pulled LuLu in a garden cart when her leg was hurt.  That's me, by the way, introducing the dogs.  Sophie was a little scared at first by Lilo's big, friendly bark, but she got over it.  You can't help but love Lilo.

Lilo and her people came into the garden to stay awhile and let the dogs get better acquainted.  Lilo looks so much like LuLu it makes my heart hurt a little.

Sophie was so excited she had to go prancing on the lawn.  Sorry for the not-so-good phone pics.

Sophie's best friend is my best friend's teensy mini-Schnauzer, Tommy.  They're exactly the same age, but as different as night and day.  He's not much bigger than Sophie's head, but he's a scrapper.  It takes a long time for these two to wear each other out!

That's life in the slow lane, and it suits me just fine.  I'm glad you came to visit today.  Have a good week!


Birgit said...

What a lovely morning I spent with you and your sweet pup, Leslie! I enjoyed seeing Sophie and some of her friends. Your garden is beautiful! Try as I do, I can't get my gardens to grow big and lush like that. Enjoy your Sunday. I hope the rain takes a break for a bit.

Diane said...

I love it when you share Sophie pictures and her life. She is such a beautiful girl! I understand Soph's rain situation, we have had a lot of it here too but enough good days I can get out, yesterday it was in the 80s then rained overnight again, it's 50 this morning!! I like that Sophie gets to socialize with other dogs and make friends, she sure is a beauty and goldens certainly have a heart of gold, hope you have a good week too!!

crafty-stamper said...

Love all the pics especially the prancing one lol.Our dogs are the complete opposite they hate the rain and will only go over the step when absolutely desperate!
Carol x

Yogi said...

what lovely pics even with the camera. Glad you guys had a wonderful day. Have another one today BIG GRIN

Marcia Hill said...

Sweet, sweet Sophie...I never get tired of seeing her photos and adventures! Your gardens are beautiful too Leslie...lucky Sophie to have such a wonderful place to play and explore!! Hugs. :0)

HilaryJane said...

Thanks for sharing this little story, it is so nice to get a glimpse and I heartily approve of your slow lane philosophy. What a truly gorgeous garden you have too. Sorry you are still blighted by rain. We have actually had a couple of warm sunny days recently. Hope I am not speaking too soon xx

Pauline said...

Thank you Leslie for sharing your sweet Sophie with us. Love all the photos, and love seeing her out with her friends. You have an amazing garden, love it! I hope the sun shines soon for you, a bit of a cloudy day here, a bit of rain, but next week looks good - can't wait, on vacation next week, hope to catch some migratory birds moving through. Have a wonderful day and a fabulous week! Hugs,

Margaret said...

Sophie is so adorable. She's got such an expressive face. We have been having big rain storms down here in Texas. I'm blessed that most of the rain is somewhat north of where I live so it hasn't been very bad here. I did lose a small limb off a tree in my front yard. I also got my yard man to do some planting for me. I chose plants that are native to Texas and also perennial so I hope they will last through any freeze that we might have come winter. This is the first I've planted in two years. Your gardens look fabulous - all that color.

Nanny's Pansy Patch said...

Thanks so much for sharing the adventures of Sophie! She is so beautiful and I'm sure she enjoys all the visits with her pals! The weather here has been raining as well. Very cold and miserable. Joe is itching to start the garden but he will have to wait. Rain is in the forecast for all nest week! UGH!!

Lynette said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures. Adorable! Life in the slow lane sounds awesome. We don't seem to get enough of that.

Barbara said...

I really enjoyed reading about Sophie and especially her friend Tommy. He reminds me of my grand dog Lenny.

Darlene said...

OMG Sophie is getting so big and she is BEAUTIFUL!! It's so nice to see her making new friends in the neighborhood. I love hearing about her adventures and seeing a photo of you here & there too. You're such a good puppy mama!!

I Card Everyone said...

I love your life in the 'slow lane', Leslie! and seeing a bit of it is always such a treat!
Sophie's friends are adorable - and your yard makes me go 'wow' every time!

Joan B said...


Cat Craig said...

I love getting Sophie updates.

Bonnie said...

Your garden is beautiful, even in the rain! I don't blame Sophie for wanting to go out. She is quite the social butterfly!

Lisa Elton said...

Awww, thanks for the Sophie pics and update on her adventures! Your garden looks wonderful, no wonder she loves being there!

Glenda said...

Thanks for sharing these lovely photos! Sophie has grown into quite a beauty! As I was always a huge Wally fan Lilo does pull at my heart strings too! Finally got most of my flowers planted but now the shrubs need to be trimmed. Life is keeping me out of my craft room and I miss it!

Denise said...

So Sweet! Love it when you share Sophie's life.

Vicky Hayes said...

Oh what a treat to come and visit you AND Sophie here on your blog today Leslie! I chuckled at Sophie's turned face at the window; that expression is one I'm familiar with - we call it the Tragic Look! Sophie really is a beauty isn't she. I love the photo of her prancing - look at all her pretty feathers! I love how pure white her coat is and it looks so soft. We were told Eva's coat would probably darken up as she got older but she's nearly ten and still very pale. How gorgeous your garden is too. Thank you for sharing this lovely post :) Vicky x

R's Rue said...

Sophie is so cute. Sending hugs and sunshine.

Conniecrafter said...

So good she is making friends, I can imagine it is hard when you see a dog that reminds you of your own loss. sure hope things clear up more and more so you can enjoy getting out without rain. We have had a lot of it here too, we are now out of our drought. We have another black cat and at first it reminded me of our Jip, but their personalities are so different that it doesn't do that anymore, hoping it gets easier for you too!

Loll said...

Awww ... such great photos of Sophie and her friends, Leslie. It made me smile! :) So nice to have some social times with friends for all of us, including Sophie. xx

aussie aNNie said...

How cute I kiss Bella too x

Cindy Beach said...

It warms my heart to see you, Sophie and friends, Leslie! I so miss having a dog but I get to spoil our daughter's dog when we visit. Tommy is adorable too! I'm glad to see how you are enjoying these spring days. TFS!