
Monday, October 23, 2023

Someone to Love

Hello friends.  It's been a month since I was here on the blog and I've missed it, but a person has to know when it's time to cut back in order to regain their footing in life.  I got pretty wobbly for a while.  One step at a time, no hurry... I'll gradually get back to the crafting and sharing that has been such a joy for so many years.

Today I do not have a card, but I'd like to introduce you to the Healer of Hearts.  She's a rather small package of fluff and love who my friend says looks like whipped cream.  I like whipped cream.  Sophie came to live with us on October 9.

Rich and I were shattered by the loss of both LuLu and Wally within three months of each other.  They filled our lives with happiness and purpose.  They were our Golden Retriever Bubble -- a sanctuary of goodness and sanity in an ever more unrecognizable world.  We were as devoted to them as they were to us.

I always knew I would never be without a Golden again, but was it too soon?  Would grief get in the way of allowing Sophie to feel she was the most wonderful, precious, adorable, loved little puppy in the whole wide world?  She deserved to be special, as all dogs do.  Ready or not, her litter was available and Rich and I are not getting any younger.  It was time.

No worries.  Turns out she's the easiest little girl to love since LuLu.  Friendly and sweet, a true charmer, she wiggles her way into everyone's heart and has certainly found a place in mine.  Those eyes...

She can be a bundle of energy, but at this age it comes in relatively short bursts.  She keeps me on my toes.

In the photo below you see Sophie taking a nap with Wally's big Lambie which he received for his 14th birthday on June 27.  It made both of us cry when we realized... you'd have to have been there to understand.  Of all the stuffies I saved for an eventual new puppy, Lambie was the only one that didn't go through the washing machine.  When I first set it on Sophie's blanket she sniffed it all over, hugged and snuggled and just loved on it as though it was a littermate or Mom.  From the first day it was Sophie's choice when she needed some quiet time.  I often find her like this in my craft room.  Wally would be so pleased.

Thank you for all the lovely cards and messages I've received.  Your comments on Wally and LuLu's posts were heartwarming, especially knowing how much a part of your lives they were, too.

We'll get together again soon and I'm looking forward to it.  Your patience and understanding are very much appreciated.  Have a beautiful day!


  1. Oh my goodness, it's too early in the morning for tears, but this big fluffy pile of whipped cream brought them to my eyes! What a sweetheart! And she looks like she acclimated perfectly! She will be easy to love and help you through this challenging time! Thanks for sharing her with us!♥

  2. When I saw your blog pop up on my sidebar this morning I was hoping it was this kind of post. Sophie is adorable and I just know she has stolen your heart already. Loss is painful but this little lady is a healer for sure!

  3. So happy to meet Sophie! She is adorable and I am so happy for you!

  4. Aawww was just thinking about you last night and here you are.Sophie is absolutely gorgeous and sounds like she was meant for you and seems like she has Wallys blessing too,take care.
    Carol x

  5. Leslie, I cannot tell you how glad I am that Sophie has come to live with you and Rich. Nothing can take away the grief of losing your beloved goldens but Sophie will create new memories which will flourish alongside those you have of Lulu and Wally, and that will gradually ease the ache in your hearts. There's always plenty of love to go round. I love that Sophie has found Wally's stuffie and has chosen it as a comforter for her sleepy moments. I can't wait to read more about her adventures with you.

    Thank you for helping to welcome my little re-homed golden girl on my blog too. She is having to relearn everything she knows about life and I am committed to helping her every step of the way. Hugs, Vicky x

  6. No wonder you've been missing in action. My heart goes out to you both. This new one is a real cutie. Glad to have you back in our cyber world. Missed you. Have a great day

  7. Sophie is so adorable. I think she looks a lot like LuLu. Such a sweet face. I know that she will bring so much joy to you and Rich as did Wally and LuLu. We know when it's time to bring more love into our lives and since you had so much with Wally and LuLu I can't imagine you guys not having that in your lives. Over my 80 years, I've had a few fur babies and can't imagine not having one There are so many that need good, loving homes. I'm sure Sophie will bring much joy and love into your lives.

  8. Okay, I am now all choked up with tears running down my face reading your lovely post. What a beauty Sophie is, her color is gorgeous and what a sweet face she has, those eyes look into the soul, what a blessing she is to you. We all know Wally and Lulu can never be replaced but Sophie will have her own special place n your heart just like Mack does in mine, snuggled right in there next to Nellie's place!! I am so happy Leslie she is bringing so much happiness and joy to you and Rich and she is one lucky puppy to have you both, take care and cyber hugs to all of you!!

  9. Oh Leslie...your little pile of whipped cream is absolutely ADORABLE and I couldn't not love her either!! You and Rich are so much braver than Chris and I are, but I just could not be any happier for both you and Rich and I know Sophie will heal your hearts and give so much love in return! Your photographs are AWESOME and capture Sophie just perfectly! Enjoy loving on her and give her a hug from me too! :0)

  10. What a special post to find here in my email today. - Sophie is of course totally adorable and those pictures just show her personality so well. The one where she is running is just so cute. Plus her loving on Wally's stuffed Lambie is just so precious and a sign that he's still with you. I know how hard it is to lose our furry friends and having lost both Wally and Lulu so close together had to be really hard. Now there is new joy and purpose in both yours and Rich's lives.
    Blogging is great but I do understand your need to take a break and just adjust to life on your own pace. - So very happy for all of you. Thank you for sharing.

  11. I am so happy for you and Rich to have a new fur baby in your life's. Hopefully she will help ease of the pain of losing Wally and Lulu. You can enjoy making new memories with Sophie. I am so happy for you.

  12. I am so happy to meet Sophie! She couldn't be more beautiful and is bound to be just as loved as Wally and Lulu - she has such loving parents!
    I look forward to seeing more of your lovely photos, Leslie! Congratulations to you and to Rich - even Lamb Chop looks happy!

  13. Awww ... Sophie is so beautiful ... and she does look like whipped cream. :) I'm so happy you have her in your lives. What a sweet puppy. I cried when I read about her loving Wally's Lambie. Such a touching story, my friend. Thank you for sharing the lovely photos of Sophie. You can tell she is one happy little girl. :) Love, Loll

  14. Oh that's wonderful. Thank you for introducing Sophie to us. She truly is adorable and she will definitely help you heal. I shall look forward to seeing her antics as she grows xx

  15. Your post brought me to tears ... tears of joy for your new family member, and of course some tears for Wally and Lulu, too. We lost our fur baby 2 years ago and there still isn't a day that we don't think of her and talk about the joy she brought to our lives. Today I feel both your joy and the pain of your loss. Your new baby is absolutely precious and based on your previous posts of Wally and Lulu, I know she will be loved and well taken care of.

  16. OMG....Sweet, Adorable, Pretty and with beautiful eyes and white fluffy coat of fir...Sophie was just what you both needed to heal your broken hearts after losing your beautiful Golden Kids...Wally and Lulu:-) Seeing Sophie all comfy and settled into Wally's birthday gift brought me to tears...Thank you so much for sharing dear forever friend.

    It has been 3 weeks since we got the flu and the last week has been all about recovering. I just can't wait to see you and Rich and meeting adorable Sophie...hopefully in a week or 2...whenever you are ready for a blubbering visit:-) We are hopefully getting our New Covid Vaccine this week. NBMC Intermediate Care is giving them out. I will let you know when.

    Love and Many Hugs to you, Rich and sweet beautiful Sophie:-) So happy for all 3 of you:-) Nancy

  17. HOW BEAUTIFUL! Sophie reminds me (in coloring) of our golden. Difference is ours was male - and the shape of the head was different. HOW SOFT Sophie looks - so fluffy and DARLING. So grateful you were able to find the sweetest of golden puppies to help heal your own dear, beautiful heart, Leslie. I wonder if she knows exactly how lucky she is to have a mom and dad like you? And who would ever think that Wally's scent would be a comfort to her? Don't you love how life brings a blessedness or a dearness that we don't expect? ... like Lambie Pie's scent? Sophie's face is one full of love and sweeetness. SO GLAD she is in your home! Thanks for sharing, Leslie.

  18. I'm so glad you found Sophie and Sophie found you! She is adorable and I hope will help you not to miss Wally & Lulu as much. I imagine her antics don't leave much time for crafting but that's excusable! Enjoy her, my friend.

  19. Sophie is so adorable she could heal everyone's hearts. She is so lucky to have you and Rich. May you all have a happy, healthy, fun life together. Wally and Lulu were wonderful pets. Thanks for sharing your life with us. Looking forward to seeing more of Sophie soon. Your photographs are wonderful. Feel like I know Sophie! Thanks.

  20. Where to start, my friend? First, I had to wipe away the tears when I got to the photo of Sophie with Wally's Lambie. I can only imagine the range of emotions that course through your hearts when you see this sweet scene in person.🫠 I'm so happy you didn't wait too long to bring doggie love back into your lives! Because she is white, Sophie reminds me so much of our little Nellie and she does look exactly like a fluffy bowl of whipped cream, with eyes and a smile that show she is already your new owner!

    I'm sorry to learn that you were so ill for a month, but I can't say I'm surprised. With all the sadness and stress of this year ... illness seems to have a way of preying on the weak. I'm glad it's behind you and you are feeling better! Take care and enjoy all the joy, love, and laughter that are once again filling your home! Mwah! Darnell

  21. Happy for you. Sophie is so beautiful and looks happy to be with you two dog lovers. TFS

  22. She does look like whipped cream! What a sweetheart your little Sophie is, Leslie. The photo of her all snuggled up with Wally's lambie is precious. Congratulations on the new addition to your family!

  23. Oh Leslie! Taking on a puppy! Is she a Golden? What a beautiful color...beautiful everything. Snuggling on the lambie is so darling; our own new "granddog" Buttermilk had 10-year-old Chloe to snuggle with. I'm happy for your new family member.

  24. So sorry for your loss of Wally and Lulu, but so glad you now have this sweetie to fill your days. She’s a cutie! Kris Turner

  25. I was so happy to see your post show up in my feed. I was hoping it was good news and it certainly is. What a perfect bundle of joy Sophie is! Life is too cruel without these angels in our life. I must say I did a double take when I saw her sleeping on Wally's toy. I had a flashback of the sleeping golden retriever puppy on that Christmas bag.
    I'm so happy for you! I

  26. Oh my goodness, how adorable is Sophie! Lovely post, lovely pictures, so cute, lots more happy memories to come xxx

  27. Oh you've brought tears to my eyes again. They are "happy for you" tears however. Sophie is adorable. I know she will be so loved.

  28. Oh Leslie, what a lovely post. As a dog lover myself, I am tearing up. I know exactly what you are going through. That little ball of whipped cream is going to heal your heart for sure. She is so sweet and beautiful. You may not agree with me right now, but you are a lucky woman, my dear. Lucky to have been a part of LuLu and Wally's lives, and now the adorable Sophie. We are so blessed with the gift of memory, hold on to that. Hugs, my friend.

  29. There's no better medicine to heal the heart than a little golden retriever puppy. She's absolutely adorable and as I mentioned in my card you will have so many happy memories of Lulu and Wally when you watch Sophie play ♥

  30. Oh my, I was so excited to see your blog post! Your newest member is just adorable! She is just too cute for words and I love her name!! I'm so glad she found her way into your lives. I'm sure Wally and Lulu had a hand in this! I have to go find a tissue so goodbye for now!

  31. Am really happy for you getting the adorable puppie. Hope to se Sophie in your blog frequently. TFS

  32. I am back from our Anniversary trip and what a great start to being back home, a look at your new baby, she is quite the cutie, and I am sure will bring many years of joy to you all as you will bring to her :)
    I love how the lambie is bigger than she is right now. Enjoy this puppy time and get plenty of naps when she does :)

  33. Oh, how precious is your little Sophie, Leslie! She is just adorable. I'm so happy they you've given her the best of homes. I can tell from the photos that she is quite comfortable already loving on lambie. May she bring both of you many moments of fun and joy as a faithful companion.

  34. Oh Leslie, I`m in tears here, so sorry you lost both your gorgeous dogs, been they 6 times now so know how much heartache you and your husband been through,
    we lasted 12 months without our 5th black Labrador Grace, she is a beauty so fluffy and white, as you say time is a healer, but we never forget the ones before.
    Sending love and hugs Pam x

  35. Soft, cuddly and precious healer of love xx

  36. Leslie, so happy for you, she is adorable! We never forget our past furry friends, but have room to love many of them. Thank you for sharing her with us.

  37. She's beautiful just like your cards! <3

  38. Oh my goodness, the cuteness is definitely on overload. Sophie is just as cute as can be! I remember when we lost our first dog Dakota, I wasn't sure if timing was right to get a puppy so soon after losing her. There was a litter of lab pups and one potential owner had backed out, leaving one pup who needed a furever home. I simply said I'd go visit the pup. Well, that was all it took. Hunter was the runt of the litter and no one wanted him, except for us. He was the best dog we could have asked for, for our family. Enjoy that little bundle of fur Leslie, and let the healing begin!

  39. Thanks for sharing the darling photos, Leslie! You are all lucky to have each other, for sure. That is so very special that Sophie has bonded with Wally's lambie.

  40. Love all the photos. And Sophie is adorable. I'm glad she can brighten your days!

  41. Leslie, first of all so sorry for not being here to read your posts. I'm so far behind, took a break from card making altogether. I am slowly making my way back here to catch up on blog posts and hopefully get back to making a few cards myself. It brought tears to my eyes when I read your post. I am so excited for you and Rich to see you have a new someone to love. Sophie is so adorable and a ball of fluff for sure. Beautiful photos or her. Looking forward to many more photos and your journey with Sophie in the coming years! Hugs,

  42. I've visited this post several times and when I get to the photo of Sophie with Wally's toy the tears come. I'm so happy for you that Sophie is part of your life, she's adorable! You can just see the personality she has and oh! those eyes. I can't wait to see more photos of her loving journey with you, Leslie.

  43. Could she be any cuter?


    Congrats on having another member of the fam.

  44. I am so behind on my blog reading. I am so sorry to hear about Wally and LuLu. My friend lost two labs this past summer within weeks of each other so I understand your pain. Sophie looks like the perfect addition to your family.

  45. Accidentally posted the last comment as anonymously again, my deepest sympathies.


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