
Sunday, September 24, 2023

Our Wally is With LuLu Now

It's with the deepest sorrow I'm here to tell you that our Wally passed on September 18.  He took a sudden turn and there was no help for him, so we let him go peacefully.

We shared 14 wonderful years.

Wally and LuLu were two very happy kids.

What a perfect life they had.

I can't say that Wally was ever really quite the same after his little buddy died in June.  

I like to think of them as together again.

This has not been easy for me nor Rich -- our two best friends gone so close together.  I don't even have words, but if you've come to know me at all, then I'm sure you understand.  Rich and I need to ease through this transition and into the next phase.  We will have another Golden in our lives when the time is right.

Additionally, I fell sick on the evening of Sept 14.  Not Covid.  It hit suddenly and then turned into bronchitis, which is more of a big deal than I would have thought.  We're still helping our neighbor friend and his dogs get through their rough time after his triple bypass surgery.  All these events and more power my decision to take an indefinite blog break.  I don't know more to say at this time except to thank you for your patience.



  1. Oh so sorry to hear this....lots of pain and heartache in such a short amount of time. Take a break, rest, recharge, remember. We will always be here when you return!

  2. Oh Leslie. I'm so sorry about Wally. I know that you are devastated. Thinking of you and Rich at this time and sending lots of love. I will be here when you decide to come back, my friend. In the meantime, take care of yourself and Rich. Love, Loll

  3. Leslie, I'm so very, very sorry to read of your loss. Wally and Lulu were so special. On a personal note, I loved reading your stories about them, in the garden and travelling. They were so photogenic.
    Please take time to care for yourself and Rich. Hugs, Leigh in Australia.

  4. Oh my dear, there are no words. You have given him the greatest gift, the gift of peace. He knew how much you loved him, and he loved you beyond words. That's all there is, nothing more. Thinking about you tonight, and thank you for being so very kind to him. XO~

  5. Oh Leslie my heart goes out to you both. I know how difficult this must be for you loosing both of your fur babies so close together. Wally and Lulu will be playing with their toys together in Doggy heaven.
    Hugs and heart ache Christine ♥

  6. Oh Leslie I am so sorry to read this. Being a dog parent myself, I think I know a little about the love and bond between you and your Goldens. I fear the day we have to say goodbye to our beloved Sugar.
    Take care and get better soon.

    Love and hugs

  7. This is devastating news, Leslie. I'm so sorry. Thank you for sharing these incredible loving photos. We really must believe that they are happy and playing together again. And I'm sorry to hear that you are quite ill through this and while helping your neighbor. I know Rich will take care of you as best he can ... I wish I lived closer to help you both out. Please keep in touch when you feel better. Love and huge hugs, Darnell

  8. I'm so sorry about losing Wally and Lulu. Sending strength and healing to both of you

  9. I am so sorry to hear your heart is broken again. It’s bad enough losing one furry friend/family member, but both so soon, I can’t imagine. Take care of yourself, and look forward to seeing you back when you’re feeling up to it xxx

  10. So very sorry Leslie. There are no words only tears this morning.

  11. This is heartbreaking, I know, what beautiful family members they were and will stay in your hearts forever I am sure.
    Its always a positive for me to know they had such wonderful, love filled years and I am even more certain they are together again.
    So sorry for you, I hope you can heal and look forward to giving another pet a loving home. Take care. xxx

  12. Leslie, I'm so very sorry! I have followed the stories of Wally & Lulu for years. They always made me smile. Thanks for sharing them with us. Take all the time you need. Know that we care and wish you peace.

  13. I am so so sorry to hear this sad news, Leslie. It does bring tears to my eyes. I so enjoyed reading about your adventures earlier on Goldens and Gardens and wept with you when Lulu passed. I'm sure Wally's passing leaves large holes in your hearts. It does take time to let the healing begin. They will never be forgotten and I know that they are together and that Lulu met Wally as he crossed the Rainbow Bridge. They will be there waiting for you and Rich when the time comes. My healing prayers for you all.

  14. Oh my friend I am sitting her crying right now, so sorry for your loss of your sweet boy. To get sick on top of everything has got to be hard too. I understand bronchitis I had it too, it helped me decide to quit smoking 27 years ago, you know something can be bad if it can help someone quit smoking.
    I understand the break you need right now and pray God will be a comfort to both you and Rich. I also hope your friend will recover well from his bypass!
    Sending Big Hugs to you ((((()))))

  15. Oh Leslie...I am SO SORRY to hear about Wally and my heart is just breaking for you and Rich! So much loss in such a short space of time! It's been 6 months since we lost Daisy and I still miss that goofy girl so much, so I do know how deep your pain is! And to be sick on top of all definitely do need a break! We'll all be right here when the time is right to come back, and until then you'll be in my thoughts and prayers sweet friend! Hugs.

  16. This just breaks my heart. I know how hurt you must be my friend. Know my thoughts and prayers are with you guys as you weave your way through this grief. As a doggy mommy I know how you are feeling and my heart goes out to you. Hoping you feel better soon my friend.

  17. The tears started flowing the second I saw your post. I am so sorry to learn of Wally's passing. I know you and Rich loved him and Lulu so very much and I'm sure it is heartbreaking for you right now. - I pray that you will find peace and comfort in all of your sweet memories of them both. I know someday in the future you will open your hearts to another sweet Golden and I look forward to seeing them on your blog.

    So sorry that you ended up sick as well. Bronchitis is "never" fun. Hope by now you are feeling better. - Don't worry about the blog break, we will be waiting for you when you do return. Rest, relax and rejuvenate your soul.

  18. So sorry to hear of your loss. It brought tears to me thinking of your heartbreak. Sending prayers and healing thoughts to you and Rich.

  19. I am so sorry to read the sad news about Wally. Thinking about you. Hugs and love from South Africa.

  20. Our next door neighbor just got a little female Golden Retriever puppy, he named her Lady Bug. She is so cute and soft. - I just wanted to share that even though I know right now your heart is breaking for the loss of Wally. I know you'd be happy that I get to see this cute little girl grow up.

  21. I am so sorry to hear that you have lost your Special friend Wally. Your post with these wonderful pictures of your two golden retrievers is so amazing and the love they had for each other is evident. Hugs to you and Rich, and I sure hope that you get better very soon.

  22. Just got back to catching up on things and saw your post on Wally. My heart is breaking for you and Rich! Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you both. Please take care of yourself.

  23. I am so sorry to read your devastating news=you have the consolation knowing they had a perfect happy life and are now back together and will not be far away from you both.Hope you are feeling better from the bronchitis-take care both of you and take all the time you need to heal
    Carol x x x

  24. My heart breaks for you. My thoughts are with you.

  25. My dear friend, Im so very sorry for your loss, we all knew somehow this day was coming and now its here and its heartbreaking.
    I just hope you find some solace in the sweet memories of these wonderful and sweet companions and these can be a balsam to your broken heart.
    Your house will be very quiet now but I hope the memory of the sweet noise your beloved Wally and Lulu made will fill your home.
    My Heart goes out to you and Rich in this most sorrowful time.

  26. To my dear sweet forever friends...Leslie and Rich...The last year+ has been so difficult for both of you...My heart breaks for your loss of Wally and many wonderful and precious years and memories together. You will treasure your wonderful photos filled with Love of Wally and Lulu and all the family, always having so much fun together. Thank you also for sharing with your Blog family. Take all the time you need to heal your body and hearts...we will all be here when you are ready, dear sweet Leslie and Rich.

    I look forward to our next visit...I will have more veggies next week:-) Much Love and Big Hugs always my dear forever friend:-) I hope you are over your Big Bug very soon too...

  27. Leslie, I am just heartbroken for you and Rich. My thoughts are with you...

  28. I'm so sorry for your great loss, Leslie! It's been a tough year and it will take time to rebound. We are here for you and look forward to the day you feel better and come back to blogging. In the meantime, know that our love is with you, my friend. Wally & Lulu were very special and I have so enjoyed your stories and photos. I believe they are romping together again.

  29. Oh no... I'm so very sorry for your loss, Leslie. They will both live in your heart forever. Being sick doesn't make this any easier either. Take care of yourself. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. We'll be right here when you're ready to come back. Sending a big hug your way.

  30. So very sad, Leslie. Wally and Lulu were indeed happy pets. Their being together again will bring you peace. And the memories will bring you joy. Take care of yourselves. We'll all be here when you return.

  31. Oh Leslie, I am so sorry to hear this news. Life certainly seems to be throwing it at you at the moment. Don't you feel bad about not posting for a while, although we will all miss your wonderful creations, it is important to take time and heal. Sometimes something has to give. Good luck with everything and I hope your break won't end up being too long. Thinking of you and sending positive happy thoughts, but, of course, it is OK to feel sad too xx

  32. Oh Leslie, my heart breaks for you and Rich. Our pets are our family, and Wally and Lulu were the best. I have no doubt that they are together in heaven, frolicking and sharing sticks. You and Rich take all the time you need. We will be here whenever you are ready again. God Bless and I'm praying for your comfort and peace. Hugs xo

  33. Leslie, my heart breaks for you and Rich. I've never witnessed HAPPIER Goldens or any other animals for that matter. As you said, you gave them the perfect life and they gave you joy and unconditional love.
    Our fur babies are our children. There are no words for such a loss.
    I want to thank you for being such loving Fur Baby parents. Whenever I hear of abandoned /abused animals I think of people like you and how much love you are giving to yours. Your love and the life you gave them makes this world a better place and gives us all hope. They were so blessed to have been yours to love. Thank you again for your example in the life you gave them.
    Take all the time you need. I will never forget you, regardless.
    Much love, ❤️❤️❤️

  34. Oh Dear Leslie, I am so sorry to hear you've lost Wally too so soon. And then being sick on top of it. Yikes. The musts are important now, what must be done to get through each day. I wish you time to rest and heal both your body and your heart. Sending love, prayer and hugs.

  35. Such sad, sad news for you and Rich, Leslie! My heart aches for your loss of Lulu and Wally this year. Yes, the photos show how loved they were and how loving too. I'm sending hugs and prayers for your healing and comfort. Please take good care of yourself. Bronchitis can be a bear. Don't jump into action too fast, allow time to recover fully.

  36. I's so sorry. So hard to lose a beloved pet. Hugs

  37. Oh my, sending you lots of love to help get through this difficult time. My heart breaks for you and Rich. I hope you are recovering with your sickness so your heart can heal. Hugs my friend. 💕Sue Kment

  38. FollowIt has chosen the worst of all times to fail me - I am so very sorry, Leslie, to be reading this sad news today.
    Take your time, my friend ... we'll all be right here thinking of you and Rich and sending our love and prayers.

  39. I'm really sorry too hear about Wally. I've enjoyed seeing photos of both of your dogs. We lost our 2 dogs within 10 days of each other. Our cat was the most traumatized, sleeping on the dogs' bedding for 5 months. He no longer goes out by himself. Who knew he cared for the dogs that much! Please take care.

  40. Oh Leslie I am so very sorry. What a very difficult time you are having. Hugs

  41. I'm so sorry to know this....our pets leave big holes in our hearts. Know that you gave them a perfect, lovely life! Hope you get well soon. I enjoy your blog! Take care!

  42. It’s been too long since I’ve visited your blog. I’m very sorry Leslie for your loss of both Wally and LuLu. I always enjoyed seeing their happy faces, spoiled lives and fun adventures. All dogs should be so lucky. You and Rich gave them 14 years of love and they gave you 14 of wonderful memories. Hugs.

  43. Dear Leslie,
    I remember well when you got Wally and then later, Lulu. Lulu was one of the prettiest dogs I’ve ever seen, and when we got our Beulah , I was reminded of Lulu’s curly fur and femininity. I had grown attached to them as well and enjoyed the calendars you’ve made through the years as well. Life has a way of taking us by surprise…the years gone by too quickly, especially when it comes to our loyal furry companions.
    I was talking today to my friend that dropped by to help clean about how much less white dog hair there is now…and as I kept talking, tears came to my eyes until I couldn’t stop them. It’s been three weeks since we helped Beulah transition and had a very sweet goodbye. And had I known how much I would miss her and how hard it would hit me…the thought that even if I attempted to replace her with another dog before too much time passes…the sweetness of her presence for me will never be the same. My friend,let me cry and then cried with me, shoulder to shoulder. So needed to take time to acknowledge our loss, remember our wonderful dog companions, share the pictures, tell the stories, take the help offered. I hope you will take comfort in knowing the pictures and stories you told about Wally and Lulu gave me and others so much joy. I wish I could share a picture of Beulah here with you. I feel like we became friends over our love for our sweet dogs. Please take good care of yourself and hope your bronchial bug is gone now. Sending hugs and love.

  44. Leslie, so sorry to hear this news. It is so hard to lose a beloved furry friend and in this case 2 so close together. Please take care of yourself, cry as needed and remember all the happy times. And thank you so much for sharing them with us all of these years. I felt like a knew them through your stories and pictures. They were beautiful souls and are definitley together and happy and healthy. I can't wait to meet all our furry friends again along with all our loved ones in heaven one day. Take care.

  45. I'm so sorry to read all that's been going on in your life Leslie. I'm sorry it's taken me this long to stop in for a visit and then to read of the sad losses of both of your fur babies and that you've been sick is beyond saddening. Know that you're missed but take time to recover and find joy again. We've now lost both our Dixon and Daisy and now have a quiet house, which we hadn't had in many years. It's been a hard transition and I miss the companionship every day. Just wanted to say hi and let you know I was thinking of you. Sending you hugs~

  46. So very sorry, Leslie, for the loss of your beloved Wally and LuLu. Our pets become so much a part of our family and hold a special place in our hearts. I hope both you and Rich find comfort in knowing you gave them the best life and your love. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  47. Dear Leslie, I am so, so sorry to hear that you lost your two beautiful, beloved golden family members and within such a short space of time. Nothing prepares us for loss like this. I hope you take comfort from your memories and knowing that you gave them wonderful lives. Sending love and hugs from a fellow golden family. Vicky xx

  48. Dearest Leslie, it’s been far too long to reach out. The first thing I did was look for posts of Wally and Lulu knowing they were growing older. I simply cried. With each photo I remembered them. A young Wally under the garden deck, sweet Lulu who touched our hearts. The two of them completed your lives. I’m so glad you have the beautiful photo’s of them and your blog journal. The memories are there for you and for us because we all came to love them both from afar. It felt as if we knew them too. But… I see there is a new princess. Sophie is lovely. I am so glad God provides the room in our hearts for one more to love. I feel certain Wally and Lulu would have loved her too.

    Very sincerely and with love,
    Susie Lessard ~


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