
Thursday, February 3, 2022

A Card and an Update

Dear friends, first I would like to offer my thanks and gratitude for your support and kind words during this time that's been all upside down and backwards.  I hope I haven't missed emails or been unresponsive and, if so, please accept my most sincere apologies.

About Tuesday's MRI:  Happy dance!  It was the final word after an ultrasound and a CT scan left me unsure of my future.  As it turns out, all of my insides are perfectly normal.  Whew!  That was a crazy ride.  Let's not even talk about that anymore.  It's nice to have something to celebrate, isn't it?

I have a card to share today which I made... gee... a month ago maybe?  The stamp set was a Christmas gift and the card was sent to the giver as a thank you.

The set is Altenew's Books Are Magic.  Colored with Tombow markers and cut with the matching dies.  My friend knows me well -- I love books, love to color, and love when I have matching dies with a set.  I played with Mintay papers and chose all colors to coordinate with the papers.  The sentiment is actually from another Altenew set.  I'll list everything below.

I'll be trying to catch up with visiting in the coming days.  I'm so ready to get back to my happy place.  Have a wonderful day!

Stamps:  Altenew Books are Magic (with matching dies) and Wishing You (sentiment)  Paper:  Fabriano Artistico Extra White 140 lb hot pressed watercolor, coral textured cardstock, Mintay Dear Diary designer paper  Ink:  Palette Noir, SU Chocolate Chip for sentiment  Coloring:  Tombow markers  Other:  Spellbinders Hemstitch Rectangles, miscellaneous small rectangle die, Scotch brand foam mounting tape to pop up sentiment


  1. So glad to hear your good news! Hang in there!

  2. Sure is fabulous to have something to celebrate Leslie and I'll take that and have a 'little' happy dance for you x.
    What a fabulous 'stack of books' stamp on your beautiful card and the designer paper on the background is really pretty x.....Enjoy getting back to your Happy Place Leslie x.

  3. Brilliant news Leslie and definitely worth celebrating with a happy dance.Fabulous card love the stack of books and beautifully coloured-lovely to hear some good news
    Carol x

  4. Its a wonderful card, but it is beat out by your good news. So happy to hear some good news for your homefront. Prayers continue...hugs.

  5. Oh Leslie it is so good to hear your fantastic news, same thing happened with hubby, we were so afraid he had cancer and it ended up just being cysts, so glad you can put all of that behind you know.
    That stamp set is too cute and I love how you have colored it up, you know I love the papers you paired it with, so nice she was able to give you that great set!

  6. What a beautifully colored stack of books - and such a sweet gift from a friend. Awesome card using it, too! Such wonderful news - happy dance all day!

  7. Dear friend, I'm doing the happy dance with you, what awesome news!!!!!!!
    And your card reflects your peace of mind, reading is one of the best remedies for when you are worried, a good book takes you to places and events, whether real or imaginary, where you can get lost and found again.
    Thank you for sharing your great news and this amazing card.
    Stay healthy and safe.

  8. lovely card. Love that stack of books.
    I'm soooo glad everything is OK with you. Will be wonderful to see your artwork showing up again. BIG GRIN. Have a great day

  9. Leslie, I'm so glad you stopped in today - thanks for your kindness!
    It brought me over to check in, and up on you, too! So happy you've had good health news - wonderful to hear!
    Your cards are so precious - this one looks like a stack of much loved, secret-filled journals or diaries, don't they?
    Beautifully colored and layered over such beautiful paper!
    Keep the good news coming! xx

  10. So happy to here all this happy news, waiting for test results is nerve wracking ♥♥♥♥

  11. First, I am soooo happy for you that you were able to get further testing that showed you to be ok. Second, it makes me downright angry you had to go through thinking you were not. A few of my family members are in medicine and tell me this is happening more and more here locally, due to people being fired over the vax and hiring less qualified replacements. You are one of the lucky ones for sure. Very nice card, hopefully you can get back to a more calm state. xoxo

  12. Happy dance indeed! This is wonderful news and yes worth celebrating. I know exactly what you went through, I had a similar experience a number of years ago, and I understand, the thoughts that go through your head, as always we always think the worst. But so glad you are well and this is all behind you!
    As for your card, wow, you never disappoint Leslie. Your colouring and your complete card design is gorgeous. Love the colours! I might have to look for this set, my DIL is an avid reader, this would be perfect for her upcoming birthday.
    Thanks so much for reaching out to us today, enjoy your day Leslie, hugs,

  13. I am still doing the happy dance too! LOVE this stack of books - it looks so inviting I wish I could pull up a chair. I'm astounded to see those Mintay papers so creatively used in the background, how pretty! Gratitude looks especially sweet here.

  14. Thanks for sharing your happy news with us all, I hope you can feel the collective sigh of relief. Love your card and that wonderful pile of books. Perhaps you will find time to relax and lose yourself in a good book now xx

  15. Such fabulous news, Leslie. I'm so happy that all is well with your health and you can get back to living. I know from experience when you hear what could be bad news, that you kind of hold your breath until you get the final news. Happy to know that yours was good news and that you are well. Your card, of course, is lovely. The colors and papers you used are just perfect.

  16. Glad you had some good news!

    Love your card....makes me want to dig in and get reading!

  17. Wonderful news, my friend! And a gorgeous card to boot! I love how you've colored this wonderful stack of books and that paper is so pretty and makes a perfect frame! I hope and pray good news continues your way!

  18. Oh, Leslie! I'm so relieved! I tried to email you but not sure it went through. All I have is the email when we first met through Splitcoaststampers. I am wishing your husband healing and comfort through his diagnoses. I am familiar with it. Prayers for his health and your sweet doggies. Time passes so quickly and you wonder how people and pets grew so old so quickly. My 100 year and 7 month old Mother passed this week and it wasn't nearly long enough. She used to say the only constant is change. It can really suck,eh? I'm so glad you are going to continue to brighten our lives through your creativity in good health! Love you! Cynthia

  19. Stunning design, gorgeous colours. xx
    Great news too. ♥

  20. Books most certainly ARE magic - and so is your card, Leslie! Loving the warmth of orange, and the fun, adventuresome style in your creation. More than the card, I'm delighted to hear such good news from your recent CT. No matter how much we strive not to worry, there is always a "tingling" in the background of our minds. Thank you for sharing your joy. Thanks for taking time to share your Beautiful artwork, too! huggers, de

  21. Fabulous card, you have colored the image so beautifully! Love the use of the papers too! somehow I missed your last post, don't ask me how but it's been crazy around here I daughter broke her wrist in 3 places and my 14 year old granddaughter broke hers the same day snowboarding! I am so glad things are okay for you, how scary, this getting older thing isn't all it's cracked up to be, who invented those 'golden years' anyhow? I understand about your pups, Mack will be 5 this year, it seems to speed by so fast, 2 of my cats are 16 and I can see a big change in them, especially one of them, Well anyhow, I am happy things are okay for you, you certainly have enough on your plate and don't need anymore! Take care my friend!!

  22. Toasting you and your awesome news, Leslie! It's so true that we all need good news and it's wonderful that you are back in your happy place!! Thank you for sharing the card you made for your friend who knows you well! She will be delighted! Take care and if you have time, everyone would love to see this in the NBUS gallery! Hugs, Darnell

  23. Thank you for sharing your great news! I'm so sorry you had to go through and thrilled for you. Your card is just great. I love the books and especially the feathered pen! The die with the little squares is perfect for this card! Take care!

  24. Oh, you wouldn’t believe how much my heart soared hearing your good news, Leslie! I know stamping is a great stress reliever and a happy space, but really appreciate you sharing openly as possible on your husband and doggy’s health also. I have followed along with you since Wally was just a Puppy and Lulu has the sweetest expressions! I know what you mean about enjoying life’s simple pleasures with our dogs! Your card is beautiful, I love that image and colored up so pretty!! God bless you and your family!

  25. Praise the Lord for Good News! - I am so behind on commenting and just want you to know I was thinking of you, Rich and of course Wally and Lulu this past week and praying that things will work out the way they should.

    Your card is wonderful (as always).

  26. You crack me up with my insides. That is very positive news and I am glad to hear that you are doing well, praise God. Now for your card it is cute and warm feeling. Adore those books.


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