
Sunday, January 30, 2022

Life Stuff

Hello friends.  I'm sorry I've been absent again, but real life is getting in the way of my blogging these days and I've been hesitant to say much here at my happy place.  Maybe it's time we talked.

I mentioned before about Rich getting bad news from the doctor.  I did not tell you it was pulmonary fibrosis and a lung nodule.  At this time we don't know more about the nodule, but it's most likely not worrisome.  Doctor will recheck later.  However, pulmonary fibrosis is not good news and I won't say more at this time.  You can Google it if you care to know more.  Ultimately there will be many life changes to deal with and the optimist side of me hopes it will be later rather than sooner.

Additionally, we've had both dogs to the vet several times. Wally had surgery to remove a growth from his eyelid.  He came home with The Cone of Shame, but he's such a good boy we knew he would not have to wear it.  We told him a couple of times not to rub his eye and that was all it took.  He's had 4 surgeries (3 minor, 1 major) and never had to wear the cone.

LuLu was sick but we don't know why.  Lab work showed evidence of an infection.  A recheck after a course of antibiotics shows her all better.  The picture below was taken a few days ago and shows her looking like a sweet young thing with her mouth full of toys.  So adorable.

Wally and LuLu are 12 and 10 years old respectively.  Many of you remember them as puppies when we first brought them home.  I can hardly bear to see their signs of aging.  When they settle down for the evening they look so worn out, but the next day they're flipping around like puppies again.  Young at heart is a good thing.

And then there's me.  Long story short, I had an ultrasound that indicated I should be getting my affairs in order, if you know what I mean.  A follow up CT scan of chest, abdomen, and pelvis looked much better, but some of it is uncertain and will be further evaluated with an MRI on Tuesday, Feb 1.  I'm really hoping for good news.  Never thought "early fatty liver" would sound like good news, but considering the alternative... 

That's really all I can say right now.  We're going along with life, enjoying our days and our little family and home.  It's been mighty scary a time or two, no fooling about that, but there's nothing else to do but carry on.  There's a surprising lot of joy in our lives in spite of everything.

When and if everything is settled I'll push the reset button and hopefully get back to our new normal.  Please bear with me.  Thank you for your kind regards and your cards, phone calls, and emails.  Our online network and friendship is important to me.  Group (((hug)))!


  1. awww poor Lulu, sending doggy hugs from Bella..xx

  2. Leslie, my heart goes out to you with all these things going on your life. One step at a time and take each aspect of good news at a time ♥ Hubby and the dogs are your life as are mine XX

  3. Oh my, Leslie. {{Hugs}} and am adding y'all to my prayer list. That's a lot to deal with but as you wisely say, nothing to do but keep on keeping on. We are all at that age now where anything could take us. Each new day is precious. Always good to enjoy each one. XOX

  4. I'm sorry to hear this news my friend. Sending hugs and prayers across the miles. I received your card and it is stunning...thanks so much. Thearpy starts today and I'm optomistic about it. I am so limited as to what I can do. Hoping you can receive some good news soon!

  5. Oh my goodness what can I say!!!Such a lot of bad news you are dealing with but as you say you just have to deal with it but such a lot to deal with at once.Hope Wallys eye is soon better but hugs and positive vibes on the way for you and Rich-fingers crossed for a good result for you tomorrow too.
    Carol x x x

  6. Leslie, you surely have a lot on your plate right now along with Rich. Sorry for the pups. I know how it is as our fur babies age or get sick. My thoughts and prayers for you and Rich that the news will be good and you will be with us for many more years to come. Hugs and prayers. Maggie

  7. Oh, my dear, I just kept reading and reading and feeling more and more sad. You have such a good attitude, and that goes a long way. Please know you are loved and we all care about you. Thanks for being so transparent. Hugs and love, my friend. Prayers all around.

  8. Leslie, I am so sorry to read about all of the things going on. They say attitude is half the battle, and you are a bright shining light for everyone you know. I am sure that God is watching over you all and I have no doubt things will get better. Praying for all of you; recovery and comfort.

  9. My heart goes out to you both. Keep strong. Glad the dogs are doing OK.

  10. It sounds like you and Rich have your plates full! My Dad once told me don't worry about things that you can't change but that can be a hard thing to do. Try and take one day at a time and enjoy it. I will think positive thoughts for you, Rich Wally and Lulu! Take care!

  11. Yes, I remember when Wally and Lulu were cute pups. How can 12 and 10 years go by so fast?! They are still great dogs and very lovable (even from afar). Your optimism will help all of you, Leslie. One step at a time and enjoy every minute of every day, as I'm sure you are doing. Good wishes for all of you.


  12. Dear Leslie: I'm sorry to hear about all of these health issues going on in your life right now but, you have the absolute right attitude to confront them and deal with them.
    I wish you and Rich the best, my dear friend, I do miss your posts and your beautiful cards, but I know you'll be back when the time is right.
    Meanwhile, take care and keep enjoying your little family, those doggies are just the best companions and the best medicine to keep going, they never judge, they just love you, unconditionally.
    Sending lots of love, my friend.
    PS. Thank you so much for all the comments on my blog, I've been trying to get back into the joy of making my cards, today I finished 2 that will be posted on my blog tomorrow, hope you can stop by and visit.
    Love you.

  13. Hello Leslie, my friend. Thanks for sharing this news with us, I know that it must have been hard to do. So much to absorb but you seem to be courageous and dealing with it as classy as I know you to be. Hugs to you and continued prayers of course.

  14. Sorry about all the health problem. my husband was diagnosed with IPF (IDIOPATHIC PULMONARY FIBROSIS) after having covid, He is on a med that his doctor put him onto to stabilize the condition. it has helped. He has even got some breathing capability back.I am praying for all of you.

  15. I'm so sorry to read about Rich and yourself with health problems. Thank goodness for Wally and Lulu, they will love you as always. Sending you lots of love and best wishes.

  16. I'm holding you and Rich close in prayer, Leslie. Keep us posted and we all look forward to having you post your beautiful cards again soon. In the meantime, trudge on and take each day as the gift it is finding joy where you can. XOXO

  17. I wish I could jump through this computer and give you a big Hug, nothing more just to let you know I care, and you guys have been in my prayers. Thanks for the update, no a little more on how to pray.
    Oh poor Wally and that is so sweet he just leaves it along after you told him not to, good boy. Glad the antibiotics helped Lulu feel better. I think I know how they feel, at night I feel like I just don't have anymore energy and then the morning comes after a good nights sleep and I feel I can take on the day. Take care and big hugs, you got this!

  18. I'm so sorry to read all what is happening in your life right now, you certainly have a lot on your plate and so much to absorb. I know you have a lot to deal with and scary at times, but you have such a good attitude. One day at a time and continue to enjoy each day. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Rich and pups. I know you will receive good news today with your MRI. Take care Leslie, you are a strong soul, sending hugs!

  19. Thank you for sharing and my heart goes out to you x. Sending positive vibes, prayers and gentle hugs x.

  20. Oh how traumatic for you all and no-one in your household is escaping, at least you have solidarity in that. I do hope the MRI scan brings you good news and know that we will all be sending positive thoughts. It is heartening to hear that you are adapting and seeing the positives in what you have. Your priority must be with your family. I hope to see you back with your cards as soon as you feel able xx

  21. oh my Leslie, so sorry you are having such a rough go of it. I hope you can keep your positive attitude going forward. Life changes can be so tough. Hugs to you my friend. ♥ Sue Kment

  22. Leslie, I hated reading all your tough news, but thank you for letting us know how you are. I am sending hugs and prayers for all of you.

  23. Dear Leslie,
    When I first read this post a few days ago my heart was so stunned that I could not even write yet - I was looking for the best words to say. And there are none. You've been in my thoughts and prayers - and today, I came to write and saw your good news! I will keep praying but I am so happy they didn't find anything! I admire your spirit, dear friend.

  24. I'm so sorry to read all sure have had alot going on. I'll be praying for and your hubby.

  25. I'm reading your posts out of order - thank you, Leslie, for sharing what is happening in your NW neck of the woods. I'm glad you have sense discovered that your news is better. My MD told me that I had genetic fatty liver about 20 years ago. It's embarrassing because usually, it is attributed to poor health choices. But that's not the case, and I know it is not for you, either. Your dear ones all look great. I especially like the photo with Rich in it. I guess we are getting to that "vulnerable" stage of life, yes? loving you always, de

  26. You sure have had a busy plate and a stressful one to boot. I am really glad you are stopping and enjoying life without all the extra worries and making time for what is most important. I know those fur babies are loving all the attention not to mention Rich. hee hee Been thinking about you guys and thanks for the update.


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