
Wednesday, March 25, 2020


A mid-week hello to you!  I feel like I finally accomplished something in my stamp room.   My focus has been scattered and I've been unable to settle.  Gee, I wonder why?  I think we're pretty much "business as usual" at my house, but with certain restrictions, yet everything feels different.  Yesterday we went to one supermarket to pick up a few perishables, but then had to go to an additional store to finish up our list.  Even then there were things missing.  Are people eating more eggs than usual?  Bread?  I really can't complain, though.  We've been pretty lucky here.

Today I'm sharing something sweet.  Bedelia the Bunny is a Stamping Bella a friend gifted to me.  She's one of my favorites because she's an adorable critter and you know how I feel about critters.

I colored her with Copics and added Wink of Stella to the blooms and Stickles glitter to the flower centers.  I even embellished with sequins, which I need to do more often, considering I have a bunch of them.  Have they gone out of style yet?  I hope not!  I strung a little garden banner in the corner.  Trying to keep this CAS without sacrificing too much.

This was a rather quick card which was good for my current short attention span (due to distraction, ahem), but on the other side of the room I also had a watercolor going on.  I'm thinking that might be the new normal in my stamp room for a while.  Anyway, I finished the watercolor and I'll share it on Friday.  Meanwhile... I think I'll start two more projects.

Take care, wash your hands, keep your distance, stay safe and let's make this bug go away!  Hugs and love to all.


  1. What an adorable bunny Leslie, looks fabulous on this card..
    Had a chuckle re your comment on the ADU images, yeah blame me..xx

  2. Oh Leslie, your sweet shy lil bunny is absolutely adorable. You've colored her so nicely and the sequins are a perfect embellie touch. The markets make this a bit more real and scary. Around us they haven't yet come back to normal, hubs went out yesterday and still no meat, bread, frozen stuff...but was able to get some fresh veggies. Yay.

  3. Well hello Bedelia! She is just adorable and you have created a lovely card with her. As always, your coloring skills amaze me...I never learned to play well with markers. Stay well my friend!

  4. Awwwww ... so sweet, Leslie! A very darling image and you colored it marvelously. We are getting close to having to get to a store for eggs and fruit, too. Hopefully we can just use one store, but we'll see.

  5. Your bunny card is just adorable I love her shy expression! The little flowers in her hair just complete the look! I know what you mean about distraction. Kids call, Grandkids facetime, news on TV and trying to fine essential foods. I think you're right - people are eating more eggs or hoarding them. Thank goodness for peanut butter! Take care!

  6. Oh my gosh Leslie!!, this card is an overload of sweetness and pure joy, the expression on this little bunny's face is priceless and your coloring simple perfection.
    A beautiful card to brighten anyone's day, thank you for sharing it with us.
    Sending virtual hugs.
    PS. I went into Crown Point for milk, eggs, some canned goods, fruit, etc. I found all of it but the town is deserted, which was a sad sight but it tells me that people are mindful about what needs to be done.
    More hugs, my friend.

  7. awwww... she's so pretty! and Spring-y! Beautiful Leslie! Two of our daughters have chickens...their eggs are so good! One of our granddaughters bought a little greenhouse and is growing things. So proud of these girls! I can only make paper eggs/food and flowers! lol Have you seen the meme about all the toilet paper at garage sales this Summer? You have to wonder, I'm not good at buying ahead at all. Oh there's a meme with a toilet paper roll stuck in water like they're trying to grow toilet paper... ppl are so creative! lol

  8. Aaaahhh...Thank you for the smile this morning, my friend. Such a sweet bunny and CAS design. Our sunny Spring morning after our couple days of rain is so beautiful and refreshing too. Always nice to wash the Spring pollen away too. I hope to get my mojo back you...distracted!!!

    Be safe and enjoy your creative time. Love and Hugs..Nancy

  9. Bedelia is the sweetest and brings a smile to my face, Leslie! Her garden is so pretty and she looks proud of it! This is the way to be distracted!

  10. Awww... this is so cute. You have some of the sweetest stamps. I love this bunny.

  11. How gorgeously cute love the bunny and delicate colouring -the banners and little sequins are perfect embellishments
    Carol x

  12. Oh, so good to hear from you today, Leslie! Just love how sweetly you've decked out the adorable Bedelia. If sequins are out of style I guess I will use them anyway, lol! Life needs a little sparkle I think. And your card sure made me smile. Loved the sequins and sparkly flower centers. Can't wait to see more.

  13. Such a precious image. Love your card.

  14. Beautiful! and so sweet. I know that distraction well!

  15. Bedelia is so darling. She is a keeper and looks so fantastic on your card. I understand how you feel about this new norm. Nothing much has changed here either but somehow you feel the need to use care when working with products you normally would not be concerned about consuming so fast. I take less toilet paper and less soap for the dishes and laundry too. Rationing is our norm and it can be a bit unsettling. I even don't feel all that crafty either. Today I am baking the bread so we have extra loaves on hand. Not sure when we get to the grocery store if any will be on the shelves. I am out of yeast nearly too now. But I know we will be okay regardless. Take care there too.

  16. Behelia is a sweetie! Just look at her pose! Makes me smile. Love your CAS design. The banner and sequins are a nice addition. And no, sequins have not gone out of style, so keep using them! Such a joy to see your card today Leslie. It's really hard to get back into making a card, I haven't in almost 2 weeks. I work from home and have my little set up in my craft room, so when I'm done for the day don't really feel like crafting. Hopefully it comes back soon. I haven't ventured to the store in over a week, but will need to on Friday when I'm off. Going early so I can beat the crowds and keep my distance. Stay safe Leslie, hugs,

  17. OMG what a cutie, and such great colouring.
    talking about stores, I agree, chicken, toilet paper and pasta who would have thunk it :)
    When the next apocalypses hits you know what to stock up on :)

  18. OMG what an adorable card!! I love that little shy bunny and your card! I think we are all a bit unsettled and everything is quite weird... At least blogland is safe and we can still be in touch. Take care my friend

  19. Adorable~adorable bunny, what a super cute card this is and designed so beautifully and colored beautifully too. Who could resist this bunny!! Love those critter stamps, too! Before all this really began, my sister and I discussed about maybe stocking up on a few things, of course we didn't, it took me 2 1/2 weeks to just find toilet paper and no rice, noodles and such. Luckily I am a sale shopper and we buy 1/4# of beef a year from a local farmer, so we are good, I do have a list of 'needs' but am terrified to go out as Michigan is in the top 5 of the virus...scary stuff...take care and enjoy those fur babies of yours!!

  20. Oh my goodness is that just too stinking adorable. Your soft coloring is just perfection. that sentiment is just too cute with it! I think Sequins are still in, not that I really ever know, LOL! I just use what I have.
    We are heading out today for eggs and fresh fruit and veggies so wish us good luck!

  21. OMW she is so cute, what a adorable image and perfect colouring Leslie, stunning card
    Stay safe hugs Pam x

  22. So stinking cute you made me buy this bunny!

  23. Glad you are finding the things you need and holding up well. We are very lucky here too and thankful for each little blessing. We discuss at dinner the blessing of the day big or small. :-) Now for the card, super cute. what a darling bunny and I like the soft coloring.


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