
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Double D Challenge: Butterflies

Hello friends!  It's Double D Wednesday and a new challenge is up.  Who doesn't like butterflies?  That's our challenge this time.  We'd like to see lots of pretty Butterflies!

I had a completely different card made for this challenge, but changed my mind and started over.  That's what happens when I work ahead -- my stamping mood changes before the go-live date and then I'm scrambling last minute.  So, this is what I ended up with -- Gerberas and butterflies in a garden-like setting.

Our mood board is very inspiring.  Ohhhh, the colors!  I was immediately attracted to the teal Swallowtail on yellow daisies, but the pink!  The purple!  The amber Monarchs on green!  Sigh...  All of these colors are represented by the DD team's beautiful samples.

We have butterfly dies for a random winner:

The team votes on favorites, too.  All details are on the Double D blog.

I stamped the daisies in SU So Saffron ink on X-Press It Blending Card and colored with Copics.  The Butterflies were stamped in Memento London Fog.  Since my flowers and the whole card are so soft, I toned down the color on the butterflies.  The black and vibrant teal just didn't look right.

Power Poppy Dynamic Duos: Glads and Gerberas.  Butterflies borrowed from Soothing Sympathy and Pure Prairie Spirit.  Spellbinders Decorative Curved Square and Standard Circles Large and Small.  Prima Annalee designer paper (retired, probably).

I hope you can play along!  I'll be back to visit again soon.  Till then, have a happy day!

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Twofer Trees

Hooray, I got some cards done in time for the Twofer Challenge!  I missed it last month.  I have lots of card needs currently and have been very busy with stamping and other things, so I put this challenge to work for me.  Thanks Twofer!

The theme this month is "Trees", so I pulled out a very pretty tree from my Power Poppy stash -- Tree of Life.  The whimsical look of this stamp set makes for no-rules coloring, so I didn't worry about getting everything just right.  Minimal colors, quick designs.  Here's my Twofer together:

The idea of this challenge is to use the same stamp on two distinctly different cards for different purposes or occasions.  You can be clever and creative, or simply make regular old cards.  I colored each the same, but you can see the differences in the designs.

These cards are going in the mail toot sweet, so no fooling around with chunky embellishments.  The first is for someone experiencing tough times.

Pictured below is the inside of the first card with a sentiment from Power Poppy's Lavender set.  I lined both sides of the card because there will be a lot of writing in this one.

Next is a get well card with a Big Scripts "hello".  I was thinking if I used just the top of the tree it would look more like a bush.  That's about as creative as I got today.

Inside is another mix of Power Poppy sentiments using Good Thinking: Renewal, and Nice Things to Say.

The Twofer Trees Challenge is open till the 24th.  It really helped me focus when my brain is going in a dozen different directions.

I'm off and running again!  Have a good day!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Big Sexy Leaves

Hi there!  This is not the card I'd planned on sharing today, but I got a little mixed up on my posts.  I'm all discombobulated with too many cards that need making all of a sudden.  So... today I have a card that was made for a guy friend's birthday.  He's a good friend and appreciates my cards, so I don't mind taking a little extra time.  I watercolored Power Poppy's Big Sexy Leaves.

I have three things to say about these leaves:

1)  They're spectacular.
2)  The best way to color them is any way you want to.
3)  You'd best trim your image panel before you start to color because you won't want to cut off or cover up an inch of it when you're done.

Refer back to #1 -- they're spectacular!

This is a 6x6 background stamp and I watercolored the whole thing with Gansai Tambi paints on Arches 140 hot pressed watercolor paper.  It was stamped in Palette Landscape, a medium olive green.  Loose and messy, splattered with white.  I covered the card front and added a strip of rattan specialty paper which I've had forever.  A very skinny strip and a die cut sentiment.  It was painful to cover up even that much of it.  Did I mention these leaves are spectacular?

I have a 1 1/2" colored strip left over and it will be a border for another card.  I have a plan for it and I hope it turns out.  Later.  These things shouldn't be rushed and I have other new and old Power Poppy to color.  The latest release was... yes... spectacular!

Have a happy day!

Monday, June 11, 2018

That Darn Cat

The sun is shining, the flowers are blooming, and I'm making Christmas cards.  Just what you wanted to see, right?  If I keep this up I'll be making flower cards at Christmastime.  I won't complain about that.  We're already at the halfway mark.

With Monday being my fun day, I colored some crazy Christmas cats which were stamped out and sent by a good friend who was certain I'd enjoy coloring them.  She knows me so well.  From giggles to "awwws" and "ahhhs", I love coloring it all, but these darn cats in their, pardon me, ugly sweaters are a real hoot.

My friend also knows how fond I am of Stamps Happen images, another out of business company, tsk.  Are you familiar with them?  I did a search and find very few stamps available anywhere, and those that are available are not my favorites.  Not that I need more stamps, but it's fun to look.

In the first card I framed the large cat with the negative piece that was left after cutting an oval mat.  Stamped the frame with SU's Distressed Dots background.  All this old stuff... if I'm going to keep it I might as well use it.

My glitter fest includes Stickles on the sweater, glitter paper for the die cut stars, and SU's Dazzling Diamonds on the Merry Christmas banner.  First time use of the banner.

I put the whole cat on the second card.  Cut out and popped up on a snowflake-embossed card base which was laying around all embossed and waiting to be used.  Whenever possible I reach for the spare parts so they don't add up to mountainous proportions.  Cut the "merry" die from purple glitter paper and added sparkle to the sweater, but not as much on this one.

Wink of Stella on the stars.

I'll be back with something pretty and a bit more summery on Wednesday.  However, the CAS Christmas Card Challenge is up -- Masculine is the theme -- and I'll play along with that later, too.  But for now... back to the current season.  Take care!

Friday, June 8, 2018

Flowerful Friday: Just the Garden Today

Happy Friday, friends!  Sharing a bit of life outside the stamp room today.  We rarely get the hot temps that drive a person inside to the air conditioning so it can be difficult to choose where I spend my time.

Mornings in the garden are very calm, quiet, and beautiful.  In the first photo you can see the distinctly cast shadows on the path as the early sun finds its way through the forest.

Orange -- wow!

Later in the day along the path heading to the front -- the pink azalea in the foreground is just now in full bloom while the azalea in the middle ground is finishing up.  In the background is a light pink just starting, and a yellow deciduous beyond that.

By the time I posted this the pretty pink was a lot further along.

Rich calls this our stump garden.  Pretty in its own way with all the ferns.

Then I turned around and took this picture.  Not a lot blooming yet in the lower area, but it's coming -- daylilies, Lady's Mantle, and more.  You can see my stamp room window overlooking the garden.

Oxalis are blooming at the foot of the garden stairs, not visible in the photo above, but they're always prettiest when seen up close, anyway.

I wish the pictures did better justice.  You'd just have to be there on a pretty morning to appreciate it.  I have a lot of pots I haven't planted yet.  When they're full of annuals the garden fairly explodes with color.  It requires lots of deer repellent and even then there are heartbreaking casualties, tsk tsk.  I'm still trying to decide if I want to fill all the pots this year.

I'm looking forward to a trip with our camp trailer later this month.  We'll go across the mountains to eastern Oregon, stopping overnight there and back.  Just take our time and enjoy ourselves.  Life is full!  Have a happy day!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Fish Wishes and Birthday Corners

Hi there!  First of all, I want to say how I've enjoyed your comments and stories on my previous post.  We can all relate in some way or another!

Okay, time to share some cards.  What's a stamping blog without stamping, right?

I've been at my Stampendous Laurel Burch stamps again.  Oh, my gosh, I have the most fun coloring these stamps!  Throw the rules out the window and check your color inhibitions at the door.  The first card was made for a guy friend's birthday.  He's cheerful and fun, loves color, art, and the beach.  Does that sound like one of those matchmaker profiles?

  • I used the Fish Wishes set, stamped on X-Press It Blending Card and colored with Copics.
  • Die cut with Memory Box Big Splash Border.
  • Yellow, orange, and Pool Party Stampin' Up inks smooshed on the background then splattered with water and blotted with a wet paper towel.

As I was working along I thought of this older Hero Arts "Life is Not Perfect" sentiment set which has always been a favorite.  It seemed appropriate and fun with the image.  Mix and match.  It's on the front and inside, along with some swirls from the Fish Wishes set.

The fish I used on the inside is an ancient wood block stamp, unmarked, and I can't begin to remember who made it.  It has survived several stamp purges because I love it so much.

I stamped the second card with the Birthday Corners set.  I'd intended to save it for coloring later but I was enjoying myself so much I couldn't stop.  I must have had a good night's sleep or something.  These stamps can be put together a number of different ways, but I stamped it very similar to the way it's displayed on the packaging and used darned near every stamp in the set.

The colors are similar to those shown on the packaging, too.  Makes it quick and easy.  Inside below:

Well, that was fun!  Moving along to the next project soon.  Have a good day!

Monday, June 4, 2018

Stamp Room and Blogger Issues

Welcome to Monday, friends!  I've done quite a bit of stamping since my last post, but none of it is included here today.  Instead, I have some just-for-fun-hanging-out-with-my friends (you) stamp room photos.  But first -- Blogger issues...

#1:  By now, most of you are aware of the Data Protection and Privacy Policy that is being talked about and added to blogs.  I wasn't sure if I needed it, but I added a page to include it.  See the tab above.  I copied and pasted the wording that has been made available, changing only the parts pertinent to my blog.

#2:  Email notification of blog comments.  As of this writing that handy feature has disappeared.  I hope it's temporary.  Since there may be a few bloggers who haven't heard of the fix yet, I wanted to pass along that tidbit.  In order to receive email notifications, comment on your own post and then be sure to click the box right below your name in the "choose an identity" section.  The box is labeled "follow-up comments will be sent to (your email address)".  I hope this helps those of you who were yet unaware of the fix.

Okay, moving along to the fun stuff...

Just a little something that kept me away from stamping for a little bit.  I've done another stamp purge and reorganization.  Tough choices were made, but living in the real world of a smallish stamp room with limited storage space, this is the way it must be.

I can't possibly use all the stamps I've collected.  The drawer pictured below holds 22 stamps, and I have 24 drawers like this stuffed full of stamps.  There are also several shelves of Stampin' Up, two baskets of Power Poppy, and four boxes of miscellaneous holiday stamps -- Valentines, St. Pat's, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas.

Pictured below is my basket of not yet used stamps.  It's not bad, really.  Two are sentiments and two are sets I've used all but one stamp each.  Three sets are Christmas and will be used in due time.  I was making good progress.  Then along came the latest Power Poppy release.  Hey, it's their first since before Christmas and I do use my Power Poppy over and over again.  As if I was not going to get the new Power Poppy, sheesh!  Some I already have in digital.  Oh, yes... not pictured are the digital stamps I've not yet used.  Actually, their number has dwindled considerably.  Again... progress.  Relatively speaking.

But then there are the not yet used dies.  To be fair, some are seasonal, purchased on a super sale, and their season has not yet come.  Others I have specific plans for, but, honestly, with this many stamps and dies it takes a while to get around to everything.

So... now that I've bared all I'm hoping I'll produce so many cards you'll get tired of seeing them.  Every card I make finds a home.  Most are mailed by me.  Some are given to friends.  Occasionally I sell a batch.  I can never make enough to keep up with needs.

Just thought it would be fun to do this post.

So, what's your story?  Do you have a not yet used hoard or do you use it as soon as you get it?  Are you loving on the old stamps once in a while, too?  Do tell, please!  Back to stamping shortly.  I'm glad you could visit today and I'll see you again soon!

Friday, June 1, 2018

Flowerful Friday: Pansies

Hello again!  While awaiting the arrival of a whole batch of newly released Power Poppy stamps I felt it was a good time to pull these not-yet-colored Pansies out of my digi box.

Pansies are such a pretty flower with a cheerful countenance, as though happy to be among the first to welcome springtime.  I didn't give my pansies much of a face with this coloring.  Just a bright spot of yellow and lots of rich violet.

I lightened the image before printing so I could color no-line style.  No line coloring doesn't mean the image has to be practically invisible.  This was clear and distinct and easy to see the outline and suggested shading areas, but by the time it was colored the lines had all disappeared.  Darker colors like this are a sure thing for swallowing up those lines.

Flowers aren't always shy about their colors and markings.  The following Copics on X-Press It Blending Card produced vivid results:

Old designer paper covers the card base, and the leafy border die is cut from another scrap.  Finished up with machine stitching.  The sentiment is from a Power Poppy clear set -- Nice Things to Say.

I'll be back soon.  Enjoy your weekend!

Stamps:  Power Poppy digital Pansies and clear set Nice Things to Say  Paper:  X-Press It Blending Card, other white card base, retired designer paper  Ink:  Printer for image, Memento Rich Cocoa for sentiment, Copics as pictured above  Accessories:  Poppystamps Dianna Border