
Friday, June 8, 2018

Flowerful Friday: Just the Garden Today

Happy Friday, friends!  Sharing a bit of life outside the stamp room today.  We rarely get the hot temps that drive a person inside to the air conditioning so it can be difficult to choose where I spend my time.

Mornings in the garden are very calm, quiet, and beautiful.  In the first photo you can see the distinctly cast shadows on the path as the early sun finds its way through the forest.

Orange -- wow!

Later in the day along the path heading to the front -- the pink azalea in the foreground is just now in full bloom while the azalea in the middle ground is finishing up.  In the background is a light pink just starting, and a yellow deciduous beyond that.

By the time I posted this the pretty pink was a lot further along.

Rich calls this our stump garden.  Pretty in its own way with all the ferns.

Then I turned around and took this picture.  Not a lot blooming yet in the lower area, but it's coming -- daylilies, Lady's Mantle, and more.  You can see my stamp room window overlooking the garden.

Oxalis are blooming at the foot of the garden stairs, not visible in the photo above, but they're always prettiest when seen up close, anyway.

I wish the pictures did better justice.  You'd just have to be there on a pretty morning to appreciate it.  I have a lot of pots I haven't planted yet.  When they're full of annuals the garden fairly explodes with color.  It requires lots of deer repellent and even then there are heartbreaking casualties, tsk tsk.  I'm still trying to decide if I want to fill all the pots this year.

I'm looking forward to a trip with our camp trailer later this month.  We'll go across the mountains to eastern Oregon, stopping overnight there and back.  Just take our time and enjoy ourselves.  Life is full!  Have a happy day!


  1. Oh Leslie, how gorgeous and restful. I love when you post pics of your garden. And the bit of the yellow house peeking through is just divine. Now I need some pics of the dogs!! Enjoy your trip.

  2. Your garden is just stunning! I'm afraid I would rarely stamp if I had all that beauty outside! I'd be sitting out there just drinking in the gorgeousness of it all. It gets too hot here to do that. We have been in the 90's for weeks, with high humidity too. Air conditioning is the only thing that you think of in those conditions. I can see why you love being out there! Thanks for sharing your heaven with us this morning!

  3. Gorgeous~Stunning~Beautiful...what more can I say!! I love it when you show your beautiful garden!! How wonderful you can see all that beauty from your stamp room, so very inspiring!! Have fun on your camping trip...we will be gone next week for a few days as well...Mack is behaving a bit better. Have a wonderful and safe trip!! thanks for sharing all that beauty!!

  4. Thank you for the early morning walk through your beautiful garden, Leslie! I thoroughly enjoyed myself! (How I would love to see it in person!) I can see that even when you are in your craft room, you can easily be distracted by the gorgeous scene outside your window!! TFS! Hugs, Darnell

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Aww, thank you! We're expecting some rain this weekend, so more time indoors and I'll enjoy that, too.

  7. Wow! How beautiful. I know that takes a lot of work to keep it looking so lovely. So nice to be able to look out your craft room window and see all that splendor. Hope you have a great time on your camping trip and a safe journey home.

  8. gorgeous!!!. Have a good trip at the end of the month. ENJOY

  9. I agree, Leslie..morning light is so beautiful and I think peaceful. Your azeleas are so beautiful. Love your oxalis too. We are finding that this year everything has been "loaded" with blooms and lush greenery. Thank you for sharing all your garden beauty. It was fun seeing your stamp room window from the garden. Such gorgeous garden colors and textures to inspire your coloring creations:-) TFS my friend. Hugs..P.S. Happy to hear you are going camping to Eastern of our favorite places too...

  10. Your garden is so gorgeous. Beautiful colors to greet you when you walk in it. Thanks for sharing.

  11. WOW absolutely fabulous garden love all the beautiful flowers and shrubs-really love the stump garden
    Carol x

  12. Your gardens look so peaceful and beautiful! That's a lot of work to take care of all your plants!! Every year I find that I plant a little less and this year with all the storms we had some of my perennials didn't survive. I have a huge bleeding heart plant against the house that made it through thank goodness! Have a great time on your trip.

  13. Your garden is so awesome, Leslie! What a wonderful place that must be to spend your time relaxing. I don't know how you get any crafting time in the summer. Enjoy your camping trip. That sounds wonderful, too.

  14. Leslie, I am so envious of your garden, it looks amazing. I so wish I could see it IRL :)

  15. If your photos are this marvelous, I can just imagine how amazing your lovely garden is in person. I feel as though I'm strolling with you, listening to birds, smelling the fresh air and lofty scents of blooms - isn't it interesting that your azaleas are now blooming, while ours bloomed in February? I've tried day lilies but it's just too hot here, without a sufficiently cold winter for their bulbs. Don't you just thrill in a peaceful way as you meander your gardens? Even though mine are primarily in containers these days, I so enjoy walking, watering, weeding and listening to the contentment of humming bees, or being mobbed by butterflies. We had a very cool evening last night! It got all the way down to 69! Quite a treasure for June in Florida (giggle). Please continue sharing your floral gorgeousness always - whether it be garden, travels or crafting! xx

  16. I'm late as always but just had to put my two cents worth in. Your garden is lovely and the path wandering along is calling my name. I would never get much done inside as I love the outdoors. Here it's 90 today and I'm hunkering down inside. Need to mowing grass and working in the garden but there is also an air quality alert here for one more day.

  17. Your garden is stunning, Leslie! And you can see this beauty from your craft room!? What a luxury!
    Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures! Hideko xx

  18. Thank you for letting me walk through your gorgeous garden... It looks amazing!

  19. OMG ... your gardens are as gorgeous as your beautifully colored cards! What a calming view from your crafting window! I want to come and sit on that bench with you and sip on a cup of Darjeeling LOL! Thanks for taking us on a walk through your gardens ... I so enjoyed the journey!

    With being gone the month of May, I don't have any of my annuals planted yet on the front porch or back deck and, missed the blooming of my pink azalea, our beautiful old crab apple tree, my new lilac and several of the bleeding heart. But, was happy to see the Asiatic Lilies, the peonies, spider wort, roses and day lilies blooming to welcome us home. You can be assured I will be 'playing in the dirt' this week coming! Thanks for inspiration!

  20. Leslie your gardens are breath taking! So full of colour. I can picture myself walking through your gardens, or sitting and enjoying the view, while taking in what nature has to offer. I can relate to Rich's stump garden as we have a spot in our back corner of the yard where the ferns grow (they are about 3-4 ft tall). You have such a great view from your stamp room, I think I would tend to look outdoors and enjoy the view then make cards! Thanks for sharing these today Leslie, I truly enjoyed them, just wish I was there in real to take it all in. Enjoy your trip, sounds awesome!

  21. You've just reaffirmed, you DO live in paradise!

  22. Your garden is gorgeous and full of colour, Leslie. Love how you can meander down the different paths. Such a lot of work, but a lot of joy too. How nice that you can see your beautiful garden from your stamp room window. Thanks for sharing your slice of paradise! xx

  23. Your lovely garden just puts a big smile on my face every time, I love the design of your garden and all the lovely flowers are just beautiful in the early morning light, I bet it is just as lovely as the sun is setting also :)
    Oh how fun to have a get away planned, I hope you have wonderful weather and a terrific time :)

  24. oh wow! Beautiful!!!! So beautiful! and a trip to Oregon... I could be jealous! :D

  25. Your garden is so beautiful! Wish I could join you for a cup of tea one morning!
    The ORANGE!!!


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