
Data Protection and Privacy Policy

In compliance with the EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), please note:

By taking part in any activity on my blog (following my blog and commenting on my blog) I will assume that you have read this Data Protection and Privacy Policy and agreed with it.  If you do not agree with the content, you are kindly asked not to leave any of your personal information on this blog, and that means do not become a follower and do not leave any comments.

This Data Protection and Privacy Policy has been written by me as the sole creator and owner of this blog and it applies to all content on my blog.  This is a private non-profitable blog where I present my own handmade creations and talk about my hobby.

I am the owner the of this blog and the person to contact.


Content on this blog is about me, my hobby, and my handmade cards. 

All the content on this blog belongs to me. No one can use, download, share, copy, or take anything from this blog, neither can they collect any data from this blog. 

Sometimes I share photos of my handmade creations on my social media accounts, as well as links to other blog posts where I have also shared those creations. No data other than my own is shared on my social media accounts. Only photos of my handmade creations and links to blog posts are visible on my social media accounts and content from this blog is visible only on my blog. Followers and readers of my social media accounts have to visit my blog to see/read the content.

I am not responsible if minors visit my blog.  My blog is minor friendly, but no minor is invited to leave their data on my blog. If I notice any such activity or a third person informs me that there is activity by a minor on my blog all such data will be deleted immediately and permanently without any notice to the minor. 

This Data Protection and Privacy Policy applies to all content published on my blog and also to content published on my blog prior to this document becoming effective. 

No data on this blog nor any content of this blog is permitted to be shared with any third party or allowed to be downloaded, copied, etc. by any person.

Data on this blog is provided only by followers and visitors to this blog.  Any personal data shared here on my blog can be deleted permanently from my blog as stated in each section below.  Data is solely used to run this blog and as described in each section below.


Those following this blog do so in the knowledge that their photo, link to their profile, and name are visible to all those who visit this blog and in that way they have published their own personal details.

If you don't want your personal data as mentioned above to be visible to those who visit this blog, you will have to remove yourself from the Followers list (so you will in effect be unfollowing my blog), but I hope you won't. If any technical difficulty occurs, you should contact Blogger or Google to solve these problems.

All followers are also covered by Google Privacy Policy.


Those leaving a comment on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name, link to their profile or blog, as well as the comments they leave are visible to all those who visit this blog. They are thereby consenting to the use of their personal information for that specific purpose, and to having the comment emailed to me, giving me access to their email address. I may occasionally reply to their comment via email.

I manage my email subscriptions through Google Feedburner. By signing up to this, you consent to them and me having access to your email address and user name/name. You can unsubscribe at any time, either through the email that is sent or by contacting me at and I will delete your information. 

Blogger itself provides an option for all users and commenters to delete comments they leave on any blog. This blog is no different. If you wish to delete your published comments from my blog, you are free to do so. If any technical difficulty occurs, you should contact Blogger or Google to solve these problems.

Commenters leaving disturbing comments on my blog will be blocked and reported to the Blogger. 

All those that leave a comment are also covered by Google Privacy Policy.

1 comment:

Thank you kindly for taking the time to share your comment. Due to a Blogger bloop I am now moderating comments so it may not show immediately. You are appreciated.