
Monday, August 12, 2024

We're Still Here

Hello!  Just checking in to say we're still here and dealing with the current lifestyle changes.  I'm not saying we're settled into a routine because everyday is different and one never knows what's around the corner.  We can only stay hopeful and appreciative of every little thing.

Take Sophie, for instance.  She's one year old today.  Happy birthday, Sophie!  She's grown into a beautiful, sweet young lady, my constant companion and a comfort to Rich when he needs it.  That face...

My guy and my girl... Rich makes an effort, although there's little change in the more than a month since his hospital discharge.  In the photo below he was checking a mole trap and, of course, Sophie had to snuggle her way into the center of activity.  She provided a soft place for Rich to rest his head for a moment.

Pictured below:  There is new life in the garden.  I've watched two spotted fawns grow more curious as mom introduces them to her favorite browsing areas.  Shortly after they were born Sophie ventured too close to the area where the doe had hidden her fawns in the woods.  My girl came charging out of the brush looking like she was having the time of her life, but the doe close on her heels meant some serious business.  Sophie has not ventured into that particular area of the woods since.

A day or two after the doe chased her out of the south woods, Sophie blundered into a nest of ground bees in the east woods behind the house.  Her reaction to their stings was to rub her face on the ground which, of course, made it worse.  I was able to call her away and run her up to the house, her white fur spotted with bees which I did my best to brush off before entering the house.  Somewhat traumatized, but safe inside, the sting sites were swelling and giving her fits.  A single Benadryl worked wonders -- no more itching and the swelling went down.  She steers clear of that area of the woods now, too.

As if the incidents with the deer and the bees weren't enough, I looked out my kitchen window one July morning and saw a cougar passing through the very area where I photographed the fawn.  Sheesh!  One can't be too cautious when the predators start coming that close.

That's life.  Visitors come and go, work gets done, errands run, appointments kept.  I'm working my way back to blogging slowly but surely.  I'll be back with Double D in September, but I did also finish the cards I started in June, and even made a new one.  I'd forgotten how time consuming it all is.  Wish I knew how to streamline it and still enjoy the process.

Thanks for putting up with me.  Sending hugs all around.



  1. Happy birthday to Sophie and wishing Rich a speedy recovery. Sophie is definitely keeping you busy and how lucky to see the fawns so close-not so much with the cougar though. Please take care and look after yourself too.
    Carol x x x

  2. It's so good to hear from you, Sophie's antics and Rich's news. One day at a time. That wild life (cougar) is a bit to close for comfort... the most I get here is rabbits and the occasional deer. Haven't seen one of them in a long time. Have a great day ad stay strong. Give my best to Rich.

  3. What a lovely post - Leslie, thanks for sharing your dear life. We saw a Doe with her two brand new fawns yesterday. Either the doe did not want to take care of two, or she wasn't a very good mom. Usually, the fawns stay down in our pasture until mama returns, but one of her fawns was frisky and unusually adventurous, the other became confused by the fencing. I hope they all got back together again. Sophie learned some tough lessons. Hopefully the smell of the deer will keep her away in the future. We had to train Kilo to "leave it" or he would chase them. As for the bees - sorry for the school of hard knocks. It's what did our Kilo in... he saw a pigmy rattler and just HAD to investigate one time too many. One bite, and that was the end of all investigations. Hoping Miss Sophie has learned vital lessons. So cute how she wanted to help Rich, isn't it? Like Rich, every day that I awaken, I'm so grateful. How could Sophie's face NOT be oh-so-SWEET with such great fur parents? Both with the kindest natures, and very giving. Wishing Sophie a happy birthday, and you and Rich some beautiful memories to come! xx

  4. Thank you for this lovely post, Leslie. Appreciate the time you've taken to tell us about Sophie's antics and how life is in the Miller household. Sophie sure is entertaining, even when she gets herself into trouble. She's a brave adventurer. Take care of Rich and Sophie ... and don't forget to show yourself some tender loving care too. Love, Loll

  5. So glad to hear you are all doing ok and learning to just take each day as it's all any of us can do! And a very HAPPY Birthday to Miss Sophie! She sure is an adventurous little pup and I loved hearing all her stories! Take care and hang in there...I'll look forward to seeing your creations again with Double D in September (NO pressure!!). Hugs. :0)

  6. one day at a time. Happy Birthday Sophie. Love and hugs.

  7. Thanks for the updates and the photos, Leslie! And Happy Birthday to Sophie. That's a lot to deal with!! I just have fun things to deal with and I don't have time for card-making or blogging or visiting blogs. I did just schedule a post for tomorrow, though. :-) Take care, my friend.

  8. Happy Birthday to Sophie! She seems large for only one-year old. Such a beautiful coat and sweet nature. Dogs are so intuitive.
    Looking forward to you and your beautiful cards returning next month. Best wishes to you all and please remember to take care of Leslie also.

  9. Thank you for the lovely blog and filling us in on what’s going on with your life. You are certainly upbeat and handle a lot of situations from not only from Rich but Sophie too! I enjoy hearing all of your stories on your blog. You seem to have a lot of action in your backyard. We currently have bears in Florida, one that seems to be getting very friendly. But currently we are in Wisconsin and soon we will be leaving in September for a month in Italy.

  10. Leslie, it is wonderful to have a catch-up today! Love seeing your best buds and visitors, too - though I did gasp when I read COUGAR! I have hope that the fawn survived.
    Take wonderful care of Rich, Sofie, and yourself, too, sweet friend! xo

  11. Thanks for the update and the great pictures. I can't believe that Sophie is a year old. She is such a darling! Sounds like she likes exploring and getting into mischief! I guess the animals are looking for new pastures. We now have bears and mountains lions here. They are taking a way the lands they used to roam through and building so many things! We keep saying it is time to more! Take care of yourselves!!

  12. So nice to have a post pop up from you today, Leslie! It seems like you're doing well. Thanks for sharing the photos of your special ones. Poor Sophie and the bees. Hope that cougar keeps right on moving and leaves those pretty little fawns alone! Take care :)

  13. So good to hear from you. Happy Birthday to is hard to believe she is 1! She sounds like she has become a big part of your lives and I'm so glad. She is beautiful! Hoping Rich improves a bit it is so hard to see a loved one decline and it puts a load onto you. Now that I'm alone, if it happens I'm the one making it so. Some things just have to wait for me. I've been doing some yard work and looking toward Fall. Thinking of you both and of course Sophie!

  14. So nice to see your post! What a love your Sophie is...and mischievous of course. Unfortunately she learned some tough lessons. Thinking of you, Rich and Sophie. Take care.

  15. So wonderful to see a post from you and to catch up on how things are going. Sounds like never a dull moment, our pets can be like having young kids around :) I am glad that the benadryl helped her to get over the swelling, I had the same thing but with a wasp, he got me twice before I could get away. Happy Birthday to Sophie and so nice she is there to lend a back when needed. Love the first picture it is like she is smiling :) Hope the visitors don't get too close or do any harm, and so glad to hear you get some time to be creative, and we will be seeing more posts from you. Sending you Big Hugs!!!

  16. Happy Birthday to Sophie and sending hugs and prayers to you and Rich.

  17. Hi Leslie, Thank you for the update on your life. Wow Sophie is a year old already and what a little beauty she is. The fawn was very cute. It's good that Sophie is learning life lessons like that. Oh my a Cougar. I'd be thrilled to see one from a distance but also scared that it was so close. - Tell Rich we are wishing him a speedy recovery. It's good he's doing what he can. Love you all lots.

  18. I am so glad to hear your news and that maybe things are settling down a little for you. What amazing wildlife you have, that's so special and Sophie is clearly a very special companion too. this card making and blogging lark is definitely very time consuming. I wish I knew the trick for speeding it all up, but it just isn't me. I am such a detail freak! Wishing you all the best xx

  19. Leslie, it is so good to hear from you. Happy Birthday to Sophie, it doesn't seem possible she is a year old already! She is so beautiful! The fawn is so darling, but the cougar is not so. A little bit to close for my liking! You certainly have your hands full, but remember one day at a time. Take care of Rich and Sophie, looking forward to your next post when time permits. Sending love and hugs,

  20. So good to see this post and get such a wonderful update on all the happenings over there. Happy birthday to your sweet Sophie! She certainly sounds like she's getting into toddler mischief. What a sweet picture of her and Rich. She is lucky to have a forever home that loves her so much. Looking forward to your return to the DD team, but no pressures to do so. Take good care of yourself and Rich, and of course little Sophie, who's not so little anymore.

  21. I love that photo of Sophie enjoying that flower! She looks blissful! I think she knew that Rich needed a place to rest his head and she took care of that. I'm glad he is able to get outside and enjoy your beautiful garden. I hope the cougar didn't get a fawn in it's prowling. The main thing with cardmaking is to enjoy the process. I'm glad you get a few minutes here and there to enjoy it. xoxo

  22. How I appreciate this glimpse into happenings in your life and garden, Leslie! I love the photo of Rich and how Sophie gave him a furry spot to rest on. Happy birthday to her and I'm glad she is learning from her adventures! It makes me smile to see your photos that capture such beauty we might otherwise miss and to know that you are still able to cherish the big and small moments.

  23. Fabulous photos, each and everyone!! I am glad Sophie brings such joy into your lives, such a beautiful girl. I had a little hand in helping a blind doodle puppy getting placed in the best rescue ever, his story was heartbreaking to me, I almost went and got him myself!!

  24. WOW! So much going on around your house ... some good and some not so good! LOL I can't believe Sophie is 1 already ... she sure has grown into a beauty! Awesome photos and I truly appreciate them all! Hang in there and know you are loved!!

  25. Thinking of you always and keeping both Rich and you in my prayers. Happy Birthday to your Sophie!

  26. Wonderful photos! Sophie is so beautiful and has a gorgeous smile! The doe is precious and the Cougar sounds scary! I’m sorry to hear about your Husband's health struggle. Sending you best wishes for much improvement. Hugs x


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