
Sunday, May 19, 2024


Hi!  Just a little Sophie today. 

Earlier this week Sophie discovered the low spot in the woods that's perpetually muddy.  Actually, it's beyond muddy.  It's the yuckiest, mucky black mess imaginable.  It's just one small spot and you have to navigate a dense tangle of undergrowth and organic debris to get to it.  It's like Disneyland to Sophie.

My beautiful girl, sheesh.  A LOT of shampoo, hose water, and sweet talk followed by towels and treats made it all better.

Like it never happened.

I haven't taken her into the woods since then, but that can't last forever.

Have a happy day!


  1. Sometimes a girl just gotta roll in the muck! There is a little tom boy in us all! She is growing into the most beautiful girl. It has gotten so my girls don't get past the porch often because of hawks, and critter piles and I just can't give baths (3) every time they hit the grass!

  2. That face bless her lol mud heaven one little hidden spot and she found it!
    Carol x

  3. Oh no! This doesn't even look like Sophie! When I saw the first photo I thought she was another dog. She obviously was having fun! So glad you were able to bring her beautiful coat back to her normal fur colour. She is beautiful in every way! Enjoy your day!

  4. OH MY GOSH! She did look like she had fun, though! What a mess!

  5. Oh do make me laugh girl!! You look like a chocolate lab in the 1st photo! Glad your mama got you all cleaned up and pretty again! Sending you lots of hugs today!! You too Leslie!! :0)

  6. Oh No.. Bella did the same thing yesterday, found a dirty smelly blob of water and mud and we ended up having to put her in the bath to clean her up as it's cold here x

  7. trials and tribulations of dog ownership. BIG GRIN She looks a lot better...

  8. That clean up job sounds like fun! you did a great job though xx

  9. You needed a scuba suit for that bath, I'll bet, Leslie! OH, my goodness - girls really DO just want to have fun!

  10. What a naughty girl she was! But she cleans up real good! I remember years ago our little dog finding the fishing worms me dad had thrown out. The little fella rolled in them and boy oh boy was he stinky! The smell was even worse when we got him wet to bathe him ~ OY!!

  11. I know that Sophie REALLY enjoyed her mud treatment! LOL! It's good that shampoo and water can fix that. She certainly is a beauty all cleaned up!

  12. She's so cute!! They love to get into every little corner! She looks like she definitely had a good time!

  13. Oh Sophie!! Now that was fun!! Great work getting her cleaned up Leslie. xx

  14. You'll have to forgive me for laughing...Sophie is so darn cute even though she was a little naughty. Gotta love her.

  15. Oh my goodness, Sophie! You don't look like the same dog! It must be good to roll in the mud, or you would not di it, but oh the feeling of a fresh bath and cuddles with your owner! Your are beautiful!

  16. There is something hilarious about a pristine cream golden retriever ending up in this state isn't there, but it is SO much funnier when it's someone else's dog!! I adore her innocent little expression in the 'after' photo :) Vicky x

  17. Oh my GOSH!!! I didn't even recognize her, the little stinker. She is living her best life with you, mud and all. You are a lucky woman, my friend!!!

  18. Oh my! It's hard to believe that's the same dog! She is getting so big!

  19. Oh boy can I relate to that LOL, once while we were headed up to the UP in Michigan (an 9 1/2 hour drive) just before we left our golden girl Nick ran and jumped in the creek, came out all muddy and had to give her a bath before we left, anther time we just arrived home from the UP, she jumped out of the truck as soon as we opened the door and got sprayed by a skunk, my hubby's office smelled like skunk for over 2 weeks as she shook herself and it went all over him, HAH! She sure cleans up pretty though!!

  20. OMG she looks like a different dog! YUCK ... lots of work to get her pretty coat back to the color it's supposed to be! LOL You're a good mom!!

  21. OMG! Too funny!

  22. LOL... I used to love jumping in rain puddles in my best clothes.

  23. Ha Ha, she is a little stinker, you would never know that was her, but looks like she had a grand time for sure :) She sure does clean up beautifully though :)

  24. LOL! Our Golden was constantly breaking free to visit a giant "mud hole" the cows and horses had wallowed out over the years to escape Florida's humidity and biting flies. He came back such a mess, so pleased himself, and smelling to high heaven! Sophie looks literally night-and-day with these photos, doesn't she? I wonder if Disney Land will become her favorite spot - I hope not for your sake. LOL Or maybe buy stock in the shampoo company. Do you use cream rinse on her fur? On Friday we adopted a black kitty from the Humane Society. His name is Sammy. He was part of a "cat hoarders" home where over 100 kitties lived, and the caregiver became disabled. Like a puppy, much training is involved. We have learned the words "down", "come-on", and a few others as well. LOL Wishing you a beautiful week, Leslie. xx

  25. Oh my, mud pie cutie! She even has her eyes shut! What a funny story!

  26. LOL! She sounds so much like my daughter's plot hound, Rosie. She hates to take a bath, but like Sophie, can always find the mud puddle at the dog park to wallow in.

  27. Sophie certainly looks like she enjoyed her mud bath! The difference between pictures are like night and day. She's such a pretty pup!!


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