
Thursday, December 28, 2023

Catching up with Sophie

Hello friends.  I believe it's time for a year end wrap up as we prepare for a fresh start in 2024.  I can't say 2023 was the best year ever.  We had some heartbreaking losses including, as you know, our beloved Goldens, Wally and LuLu.  In spring we lost a sister-in-law in a tragic accident.  In December we lost a dear friend.  We've had illnesses, some temporary, some progressive, some cured.  However, it was not all bad.  On October 9 we brought home our little Sophie and she has been working to brighten our spirits ever since.

She's still just a pup, not even 5 months old, and has a lot of excitement and energy in her.  I don't want to curb her enthusiasm or dim her spirit, but she can be a handful at times.  A 35+ pound handful.  She gained 15 pounds in a month and has a lot of growing yet to do.

December 13.  Our friend down the street has two Goldendoodles.  Bailey has been very kind and gentle with her, but Lynus tends to be a little snappish.  He had a serious crush on LuLu and I'm sure he'll come to feel that way about Sophie soon enough.  Pictured below is Sophie's attempt at making friends with Lynus.

December 17.  Princess Sophie.

December 21.  Enjoying a backyard full of maple leaves, including the one in her mouth.  Rich raked after this picture.  You can imagine how that went.  It's been a while since we had such an eager helper in the yard.

December 24.  After she was fully immunized Sophie had her first trip to the marshy playground that Wally and LuLu always enjoyed.  She's cautious about new places, but is learning the world is full of wonder.  I chose this picture so you could see her swoosh.  She has a pronounced fur swoosh down her back which gets thicker and swooshy-er as time goes on.  More of the cream color is showing up, too.  I find myself very curious as to how she'll look when mature.

December 24 again.  Sophie found a treasure in the Great Outdoors.  She's wearing LuLu's harness, walking the same trails Wally and LuLu walked.  She even resumed excavation of the hole LuLu started.  I said to Rich, "that's LuLu's hole", and we each had a moment.

Every dog is unique and Sophie sure is her own little self.  She's a feather soft bundle of charm and personality, and her story is just getting started.

Happy new year to all!


  1. You've had such a tough year, I'm so glad Sophie popped into your life. She's so adorable and I love her energy. You just can't beat a Golden to make you feel better- the best dogs in the world :)

  2. I am so happy Sophie came bounding into your lives when she did. I have 3 Yorkies and she seems like a gentle giant compared to them but you can just see the love oozing out of her. Thinking of you as we approach the New Year!

  3. Sophie is certainly a charmer. So adorable. Wishing you all the best for the New Year, that you will have peace, comfort, and joy in everything.

  4. love the pics. she is a cute bundle. wishing you all a very happy year ahead.

  5. Sophie is absolutely gorgeous and sending you best wishes for hopefully a better New Year.
    Carol x

  6. Sophie is ADORABLE and so makes me want another dog...just not there yet though. But I sure am enjoying all Sophie's firsts and smiling like crazy over glad she joined your family and has brought such love and fun back to your home! She's a keeper!! Happy 2024 to you too Leslie!! Hugs. :0)

  7. What a beautiful blessing is Sophie! Happy New Year and here's to a less stressful year.

  8. Sophie is so adorable Leslie, she certainly is a keeper. She makes me smile each and every time you post pictures of her. You certainly have had some difficult times this past here. Wishing you all the best in 2024. Hugs,

  9. OMG she's growing so fast and what a pretty face! She will bring you years of love & joy I'm sure! Thanks for sharing Sophie's Story

  10. Such cuteness! Sophie is really growing and is as cute as can be. I'm so happy she has helped to ease the loss of Wally and Lulu. Love her color.

  11. I can see how much she has grown. She is just so adorable and will definitely help you keep your spirits up going into 2024. Thank you for sharing her progress. I hope she is learning who is boss. Happy New Year to you xx

  12. Wowser, Leslie! Looky how quickly Miss Sophie is blossoming! She is a beauty, and I love her platinum coat. Thanks for sharing your year-end and year-beginning with us. Bittersweet though it is, (like you and Rich), we are so appreciative of each new moment and opportunity. Wishing you much better health in 2024, with lots of happiness! Sending warming FL hugs, de

  13. You have made my day with all the adorable photos of pretty, adorable Sophie:-) Thank you so much for sharing, Leslie. I LOVED my visit a couple of weeks ago with you, Rich and sweet. soft Sophie:-) She sure is growing and even learning your commands and what a bundle of energy and fun!!! Wishing all your family a much Happier New Year filled with lots of walks and creativity:-) Love and Big Hugs to you all, dear friend. Nancy

  14. Oh Leslie, I'm crying! Such a beautiful post, from tributes of Wally and Lulu, to little Sophie, just getting started on her life. I'm in love with her, as much as I was Wally and Lulu. Thank you for always sharing your life, and your love of stamping. It warms my heart. God Bless you and Rich, and I wish you a safe, healthy and Happy New Year. Hugs!

  15. Thanks so much for sharing these adorable photos! She is growing so fast. I'm so glad she found her forever home with you and Rich. I'm sure she will bring lots of joy and happiness to your home this year! Happy New Year!

  16. This year has been hard and I'm so happy that Sophie has joined your family and is bringing a lot of love and fun back to you and Rich. I can't believe the size of her ... WOW, she has grown a LOT! :) And I LOVE her swoosh ... it looks like a waterfall cascading down her back. She is one sweet girl, with a personality to match. She is a blessing. Love, Loll

  17. It sure has been one of those years, full of up and down. I sure hope the year ahead is full of many ups for you all in 2024.
    She sure is growing up so quickly isn't she, quite the cutie1
    Happy New Year!

  18. Leslie, your Sophie is truly a treasure and such a wonderful companion for you and Rich... I can see your love reflected in her gorgeous brown eyes!
    Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures! and Happy New Year to you three! xx

  19. 2023 has been a tough year for me too, but I love reading about sweet Sophie. Wally and Lulu will be missed Leslie.

  20. Sophie is one gorgeous little lady and certainly has grown!! Don't you just love those puppy years, such little rascals and so full of energy and sometimes I don't think they ever actually grow out of the puppy stage, which is a good thing right? She is one beautiful pup and will bring you lots of comfort and joy!! Have a happy new year!!

  21. Happy New Year Leslie. Wishing you all the best. Love little Sophie.

  22. Such darling pics! Sophie is all personality! So glad she's filling your days with new adventures. Happy New Year, Leslie!

  23. Precious and most adorable photos, a better year ahead dear Lesley xxx

  24. Happy New Year...wishing you all the best in 2024! Sophie is such a the photos!

  25. I'm so glad that you have Sophie, Leslie, even if she is temporarily a handful! Thanks for sharing the sweet photos.


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