
Sunday, November 12, 2023

Sophie Sunday

Hi!  Just a few Sophie pics because she's growing so fast, every week is another jump ahead.  She looks small and sweet in these photos but she's considerably larger than in the photos from Oct 31.

Down the steps and out to the fenced-in backyard, nice and safe, she weaves her way through the flower pot jungle.

Rainy day activity pictured below.  Sophie's enjoying an edible chicken-flavored teething ring, fresh from the Chewy box.   Better a teething ring than my hand!

She can be such a good, sweet girl or a spirited imp (to put it mildly), but no matter which Sophie presents herself, you can't help but love her.

I'll be back with cards next week.  See you then!


  1. Lovely photos my friend and sweet Sophie is growing so fast. Her little teeth are like needles right now but she will soon shed them to your relief! Have a great upcoming week!

  2. Gorgeous pics of Sophie love the one with the teething ring lol,she is certainly growing.
    Carol x

  3. She is a little adorably cute doll and I am sure she is growing leaps and bounds, they do see to grow fast don't they? I love her pretty face and her color is gorgeous. IMP? Ha, that wasn't what I called Mack when he was a pup lol, he was more like the Tasmanian Devil, but like you said, you can't help but love them and sometimes I do miss 'some' of those puppy days!! Glad you have Soph to bring love into your life with such a sweet fur baby!!

  4. Oooh,these pictures of Sophie are darling! There's nothing like the love and joy a new puppy brings. These pictures of her make me think of our Hunter when he was a puppy. He's been long gone now, but his memories will last forever, just as Lulu and Wally's memories will.

  5. cute. thanks for the pics. Have a great day

  6. Ohhhhhhhhh...I just want to pick her up and hug and love on her Leslie! She is so ADORABLE!! Hugs. :0)

  7. Thanks for the Sophie fix. She is just so adorable. That first picture is precious. Glad the chew ring helps.

  8. Thanks for sharing these. I am very happy to get a cute puppy fix through your blog as I know I will never take the plunge myself. I can see that she is a delight xx

  9. Oh Leslie, Sophie is just darling! Just look at that face. I'm so glad you and Rich decided to get a pup sooner than later. I am sure that sweet Sophie will help heal your hearts from Lulu and Wally. Thanks for sharing such joy with us today.

  10. These pictures are so cute! They grow so quickly. Their little teeth are so sharp. She looks like she is enjoying her teething ring!

  11. So absolutely beautiful! Hello, Sophie! I love your green collar!

  12. I could just squeeze her!! What a cutie she is!!

  13. What a face! You can't help but love her!

  14. So sweet and beautiful!! She will live her best life with you, and your reward will be her undying loyalty to you until her last breath.

  15. Oh my Sophie is so beautiful. Just love the picture of her standing among the flower pots. I just want to pick her up and give her a hug. She sure is growing! Thank you for sharing Leslie. Have a wonderful day!

  16. Sweet Sophie. Puppy days are busy and golden. Enjoy them, Leslie!

  17. Awwww ... you've brighten my day, Leslie! Sophie is adorable!! xx

  18. Picture perfect and most adorable little fur baby, she lools gorgeous xx

  19. I don't know how you get anything at all done with that adorable Sophie around. I'd jut want to play and snuggle her all day long...but yet to the teething ring, those puppy teeth look sharp!

  20. OMG how could you not love that puppy face (but I do hear she's a bit of a terror at the moment! lol). She's beautiful!

  21. Your Sophie is so precious, Leslie! She will be well loved. There's nothing like puppy love to warm the heart.

  22. Yes, she looks so sweet!! Sounds like you need a little patience with her at times, though. Well, I guess she IS a puppy!! She will be perfectly behaved soon enough.


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