
Thursday, March 30, 2023

Walking Down Memory Lane with Hero Arts

Helloooooo...  Is there an echo in here?  It's been a while since my last post.  I've been absent from the blog, but not from my stamp room.  It was time to reorganize and purge a few things, and whenever I do that it's like a walk down Memory Lane.  I took a notion to pull out one of my favorite oldies and put it on paper.

Hero Arts Botanical Peony, 2001.  Good grief, is that really 22 years ago?  I watercolored with a combo of Gansai Tambi paints and Tombow markers.

The sentiment is also Hero Arts.  It was an unlabeled demonstrator's set (from when I designed for an online shop).  That was back in 2010.  I use this sentiment frequently.  The most recent product on this card is the Hero Arts Wood Frame die.  I gave it a light watercolor wash.

About those bubbles...  They're just for fun.  It's been too long since I did this kind of watercolor and playful background.  This beautiful stamp was just asking for it.  The bubbles are simply circle stamps.  Hero Arts Box of Dots, 2003.

Continuing with more Hero Arts...  The So Sorry set I used on the next card is more recent.  It's a cling mount set, probably not more than 10 years old -- practically brand new!  This is another set I use a lot for the sentiments.  The watercolor background with branch was in my bag of backgrounds.  I added the sentiment plus extras and turned it into a card.

Talking about Memory Lane... We got our first PC specifically so I could shop online for stamps.  It was a Gateway, ordered by phone in the year 2000.  The picture below was how we used to do selfies -- put the camera on a tripod and set the self timer.  Forgive our dorkiness.  Don't tell Rich I showed you this picture.


I couldn't possibly know what this stamping thing would turn into.  Not sorry.

Thanks so much for coming to visit.  I wish you many happy, healthy, and safe days always.


  1. fun trip down memory lane with your stamps and that awesome pic with your first computer :)
    Beautiful watercolouring with the peony, love the soft wash background ♥

  2. It's always fun to take a stroll down memory lane and see how far we have come! I remember some of my first cards and wonder what I was thinking! My very first card had a pink owl on the front and that is all! Not sure what happened to it. Love the peony stamp and your coloring but you know how I feel about a flower!

  3. I'm sitting here laughing at the photo of you and Rich, so funny and cute, I remember those gateway 'puters', I also remember doing end of month at a home center (like Lowes) I worked at and the computers were as long as a station wagon, my how things have changed!! Anyhow, your cards are beautiful, the peony reminds me that I bought a new one last year and am hoping to see blooms on it this year, yellow peonies, the most I have ever spent on a peony but just had to have it, we'll see! I'm glad you didn't purge these stamps as they make beautiful cards, great sentiments too, always good to use the old, amazing how they are still so very useful!!

  4. Thank you so much for my morning smile AND my morning laugh Leslie!! Your water colored peony is just BEAUTIFUL and I love that sentiment you used! I smiled too at your "box of dots" because I had that same stamp set a loooooong time ago I'm wondering whatever happened to it?! Your 2nd card is just lovely too my friend! Now about the gateway selfie had me snorting Leslie!!! Rich in the box with the socks and sandals and ALL the other boxes is just priceless!! I think that photo is going to stay with me awhile! Brought back memories of our 1st computer too and the phone line that ran from the living room into the kitchen where the phone jack was, and how our youngest kept trying to pull it out! Thanks for the trip down memory lane and lovely post!! Hugs. :0)

  5. Beautfully watercoloured peony and love the wood effect frame and bubbles background.Love the CAS effect on the second card and watercolour background-love the fun memory pic lol
    Carol x

  6. Your cards are gorgeous. I love those backgrounds especially the bubbles. I thought you might have made them with a drop of water, but cool on using the circle stamps. I also remember having a Gateway years ago. What a time.

  7. The Flower card is beautiful. I LOVE that flower. The other card is pretty too. I love the simplicity.
    Purging... Boy do I need to do that, just don't have the energy. That 1st computer pic is priceless... Think I got mine i the 1990's and it was a clunker... Good memories
    Have a great day

  8. These stamps are definitely keepers and isn't it like reuniting with old friends to pull them out again? Love both sentiments and the bright flower! Awesome circles in the background. I'd missed that from before and love, love, love that look!

  9. YOur amazing coloring skills are on display here with the peony and the wash on the second card. Both are beautiful. I was a scrapbooker and made cards just when visting hubs while we its been ages since I scrapbooked and stamping...its totally out of control. But I love it.

  10. Looks really classic and beautiful! Love the colours ♥

  11. Beautiful Hero Arts stamped and watercolored peony image on your 1st card. It looks like it is floating in water with your soft dots background, Leslie. We had so much fun drooling over our Hero arts stamps and D.O.T.S. stamps...I am thinking our love of stamping started about 25 years ago. Such a fun hobby to share together plus our gardening:-) I loved your softly watercolored background for your 2nd card, stamped leaves and sentiment. TFS.

    The photo of Rich is sooooo funny too:-) Love old memories and photos! TFS, my forever creative friend. Love and Hugs..Nancy

  12. Oh, Leslie! a fun and wonderful trip down your memory lane! Hasn't each set had its own reason for being in our stash? Your gorgeous cards are the best reason to keep these favorites around!
    LOve how beautifully you've watercolored your Peony - 22 years feels like yesterday to me, too! And those sweet little bubbles! Feels like I could reach out to pop a few!
    You have a BAG of backgrounds? How handy to have one at the ready! Who doesn't love to receive sentiments like these?
    Thanks for sharing that photo of you two 'kids' - I won't tell!

  13. Every time you say you have purged I think oh I so need to do that. You did a beautiful job using all your Hero Arts goodies together. Those dot stamps sure do look great with it, your watercoloring of that is just gorgeous, and love the touch of color you gave to the frame!
    I like both sentiments you used on your cards, I love the water color background with the leaf stamp and the sequins are sure pretty with it!
    Oh we have a lot of these type of pictures from back when :) Love it, so fun, and I am sure brought back a lot of great memories!

  14. What a beautiful and fun card, Leslie!! I always love love your coloring! How awesome that you still have those old stamps - and still USE them!! I have room for most everything and so I haven't done much purging. I have tons of old stamps and many, many other things. Perhaps I should purge, but why? LOL! We had a couple Gateway computers, too. Did you have BOB on yours? That was kind of fun. Thanks so much for sharing your photo. I promise not to tell Rich. I assume that's you in the Canada sweatshirt?? I forgot to say, I like the second card, too. :-) Way to use up some parts.

  15. Well, this wonderful trip down your memory lane has been so fun to read and visit! The card is so delightful, the sentiment is so meaningful and the bubbles say fun to me and look so pretty on the card. Yes, your first computer photo is priceless!
    I had my own trip down memory lane this week. I gathered an armload of old stamping magazines to sit down with. Looking through the photos I had studied and analyzed and CASED in my early days was like reading a favorite book from my childhood. Oh, and the designers whom I knew by name were as familiar as friends in my (ancient) high school yearbook!
    I'm glad you and I are still in touch, Leslie!

  16. What a beautiful blog post. I am so glad you wrote it. So lovely to see your gorgeous stamping and your fun photo, and to read your memory lane walk. Sherylee.

  17. What a great post. I so enjoyed reading it! Loved your beautiful cards especially the peony with the bubbles! I had to laugh when I saw your selfie. That was the first PC that we got as well. In fact, I still have the box which now stores my manager set! Have a great week!

  18. I am still trying to catch up and am glad I have finally got round to visiting this one as they are two very special cards and I love both the sentiments, so I can see why they were used a lot. It took me back to see your empty Gateway Computer boxes because my first computer that I bought after my divorce, was also a Gateway - I wonder what happened to them? I can't remember the exact date but I think it must have been 1994 or maybe earlier. I know I was quite an early adopter as not many people had a computer at home in those days. Strange thinking back. Things are so different now xx

  19. Fun pic!

    Love your cards...that frame is awesome!


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