
Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm sending something soft and sweet to wish you a happy Thanksgiving tomorrow.

Someone once told me that big dogs aren't cute.  Well, I'm here to tell you that not only are big dogs cute, but big old dogs are cute!  Wally brought the ducky over to entice me to play with him and, of course, LuLu wanted to be part of the game as well.  She will always wait for Wally to share, which he does quite generously.

Not as cute as Wally and LuLu, but thought I'd share this pic as well.  The neighborhood is always visited by a rafter of turkeys in November.  Yes, a rafter.  So named because they like to roost in the rafters if available.  We don't have rafters so they roost in the trees.  These three were in a small group that paraded through the yard.

Back to stamping next week.  Enjoy your day!


  1. Of course big dogs are cute and your two are really cute and big softies by the look of them-very brave Turkeys wandering about this time of year
    Carol x

  2. And a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your ADORABLE BIG dogs too Leslie! Our dog Daisy will be so excited tomorrow for the possibility of food droppings from the grands, so definitely a wonderful holiday for people and doggies too! We have wild turkeys that visit all Winter long...they love the berries in one of the trees in our front yard! (Drives Daisy nuts when they come to visit!!! Hahahaha!) Hugs. :0)

  3. They are very sweet, for sure!! We just had turkeys in our yard a couple days ago, too. :-) Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. wonderful pics. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving tomorow. Have a great day

  5. Big dogs are the BEST, Leslie! and your two look like the sweetest as well!
    Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos - I'll never forget the first time I saw the turkeys come down from 'the rafters' at our Two Acre Woods - such a fun surprise!

  6. Oh, I'm so glad you shared this adorable picture of Wally and Lulu! They are so beautiful! I'm sure they fill your days with love and joy! Where we used to live the turkeys used to come to our house at dust to the back where we had lots of trees and go up branch by branch for the evening. Miss all the wild life! Have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving!

  7. Not only are they cute ... Wally and Lulu are BEAUTIFUL! Gorgeous picture capturing their fun, sweet nature. LOVE the pic, Leslie. Your visitors are so funny! It was nice of them to stop by and say hi. :) xx

  8. Wally and Lulu are beautiful, Leslie! And how sweet how they ask you to play with them. What a blessing to see these live turkeys in the garden and not on the table! Happy Thanksgiving, Leslie! I'm thankful for your positive impact on my life!

  9. Lulu and Wally remind me so much of Tika and Dylan. Tika loves to whack Dylan in the face with one of their toys when she wants to play tug of war :) When he's had enough, he jumps on the sofa next to me. Fur babies are the best, Happy US Thanksgiving ♥

  10. So happy to see Wally and Lulu enjoying life and playing with their favorite toy. Do they have turkey hunting up in that area? Those look like they could use some more meat on their bones. Happy Thanksgiving to you and all the family.

  11. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Leslie! Of COURSE big dogs are cute! Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't know what to look for! LOL especially those adorable expressions that even our German Shepherd makes, and the cocking of the head as if, "I'm inquisitive! Tell me more!" We see rafters of turkeys here quite often, most notably during hurting season. They like their hide out in our little "quadrant of 20 acres. Our turkeys do not sport beautifully colored plumes like yours. They are rather muscle-ie and can run REALLY fast! Ours have black feathers. When the sun glistens off them, they are so pretty! (I love black animals, so I'm a bit partial.) Happy Thanksgiving, Leslie, Rich, Lulu and Wally! I am grateful for your friendship. love, de

  12. Gosh - I said "hurting season" (which might be appropriate) but I meant "hunting season". LOL

  13. Happy Thanksgiving, Leslie. Thanks for sharing Lulu and Wally's sweet faces. A wonderful way to start my day.

  14. Yes. yes BIG dogs are cute, and cuddly and loving!! I think those turkeys came to hide out before the big day, I find them to be the funniest birds and quite nosy too! Hope you had a great thanksgiving, it was just hubby, myself and my brother but I still cooked a ridiculous amount of food for just three, five kids and we spend it alone for the most part, oh well, it was pretty quiet, but my brother is quite a talker...hah!!

  15. Hi Leslie, I hope you enjoyed a wonderful thanksgiving. I am sorry I am late to return the greeting. I read your post and then managed to move on without leaving a message! What a fabulous picture of your dogs, they do look special and I am glad to hear they are still full of life despite their old age. What amazing wild life you have in your back yard too xx

  16. Oh I would say these two are just the cutest ever, so great that Wally shares with Lulu :) Love those turkeys strolling by :). Perfect for the Thanksgiving season. Hope you enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving!

  17. Wally and Lulu are sweet as can be! Happy Thanksgiving! ♥ Sue K


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