
Thursday, September 9, 2021

This and That Catch Up: Dogs, Garden, Stamp Room

Hi, everyone!  Some of you, my dear stamping friends, have been kindly asking about Wally and LuLu, and wondering how things have come together in my stamp room since all the home renovations, so I'm here today with a little catch up on that.

First, and most important in my heart is Wally and LuLu.  They're both as healthy and fit as you can imagine 10 and 12 year old dogs could be.  In the picture below they'd just returned from a neighborhood walk and are enjoying a little cool down on the lawn.

LuLu has had a remarkable recovery from her fibrocartilaginous embolism.  She has a slight limp and has to wear a bootie when walking on asphalt because she drags her foot a little bit when she's not thinking about it.  It takes some effort, so she tires more easily than in the past, but seems to be getting stronger every day.  On Labor Day we took the dogs for an off-leash walk on a woodland trail and they both ran like juveniles.  You'd never suspect a thing.  I could have cried with happiness.

With all the home renovations and then LuLu's embolism, the garden was neglected to a certain extent.  I watered and deadheaded, but not much else.  Our deck was torn out for the foundation work, so the flower pots were displaced and construction debris was everywhere.  It wasn't until late summer that we started working more earnestly outside.

There's my handsome Wally in the picture below.  He loves his blankie!

As for my stamp room, the only renovation in there was the flooring.  The whole house got new flooring, and what a huge deal it was to move out all the furniture!  My big desk (stamping command center) was broken in the process and there was no solution but to find a new desk.  We don't have a lot of resources in our town, so the new desk came from Wayfair.  I like it, but it's smaller with less surface area and storage than my other desk.

To make up for some of that lost space I added an additional piece on either end of it.  The white unit below is actually a kitchen cart from Wayfair.  I lost the drawer that I kept my large punches in, so I had to purge a few and hang the rest on a towel rack.  You can see "before" pictures here.  The rest of the room hasn't changed much except the floor.

I did a lot more purging and reorganizing, too much to mention.  I felt some despair at first, but it all worked out nicely.  In the end I have more room for stamps (my #1 passion), and I eliminated the overcrowding in my designer paper collection.

It would all be so much easier with built in wall to wall cabinetry and work surfaces, but this needs to stay a bedroom if we are ever to sell it as a 3 bedroom, 2 bath house.  Not planning on that, but you never know.

Back to stamping now.  I hope we can meet here again real soon!


  1. Oh I am so happy to hear that the dogs are doing well and they look so gorgeous! Thank you for sharing... You garden looks beautiful as does your craft room. Sending best wishes that all stays well in your home and you can relax and enjoy.

  2. Brilliant news about LuLu and love the pic of Wally and his blankie have just crocheted another one for youngest grandaughter Hollie we was having a declutter and she found some wool lol.Fabulous craft room
    Carol x

  3. I am so glad that your precious dogs are both well, what a relief. Thanks to for sharing pictures of your stamp room, it looks so organised and what a lovely space to craft in xx

  4. Thanks for the update. Glad the dogs are doing. Room looks too tidy BIG GRIN. Have a great day

  5. Leslie, wonderful news about LuLu. So glad she’s better and was able to enjoy and off leash romp in the woods. Your crafty space looks fabulous. Newly organized and a bit purged can add to the mojo.

  6. I was just thinking on my drive home that I needed to touch base and ask if all is done and the house back to normal and how Lulu has been doing and here is my answer, isn't that crazy how that happens. I almost started crying reading on how you took them for a walk without their leashes and they ran like young pups. It sure makes your heart happy to know that all that taking care and being careful and giving time to mend has paid off and she has gotten stronger once again. Glad you were able to make your room more functional, I know I need to down size but I just can't bring myself to do it yet, at least in my craft room, other areas of the house have seen some cleaning out and it feels real good :) so good to hear that things are going well now and you are done with your massive project. We need new carpet but we can't bring ourselves to doing it just yet.

  7. I am so happy to hear the good news about Wally and Lulu! Love the pictures - thanks for sharing! I'm sure you are glad the construction is over. It usually is so disrupting but worth it at the finish. Your craft room looks so organized. Puts mine to shame!!

  8. Leslie, So glad to hear Lulu is doing well now. Thanks for pictures of your craft room. It looks so much more organized than mine!

  9. I always love to have news from Wally and LuLu! So glad they are doing well! I love your new desk and I hope you are enjoying your new floors. We did that several years ago and it was like moving twice...once moving everything out and once moving it all back in. We did the house in two sections so it was quite a bit of work. I wouldn't want to do that again!

  10. aww Leslie great news and the doggies look happy and healthy. I love your spacious craft area. xx

  11. Fabulous pictures of you, the pups, your flowers and your awesome stamp room! The floors are beautiful though I am sure it was quite a feat getting them done, but all worth it in the end! I am so happy to hear Lulu is getting better, she is so sweet! (as is Wally)

  12. First of all, I'm so happy to hear that Lulu especially is doing so well with her health. Great to see Wally and Lulu living their best life. Lovely photo of you too and your space. You live in the most beautiful place.

    I remember redoing my house about 10 years ago now and had the wood floors redone and had ceramic tile in the dining, kitchen, and computer rooms installed. Yes, it was a big job moving furniture from one place to another to get them all done. Your stamp room looks great and I love the floor.

  13. Thanks for the catch up, Leslie. So glad Lulu is recovering so well, ad glad you have your craft room back together.

  14. Oh Leslie, how lovely to come and visit you and find your beautiful golden babies (well ok then, seniors!) wandering around your blog! My heart just bursts when I see goldens and I can see that yours are a beloved pair. Isn't it wonderful when they just remember previous woodland walks and just run as they used to. I'm so happy you can see the improvement in Lulu's strength every day. The garden is looking wonderful with just watering and deadheading and it sounds as if there was a lot else going on! What a wonderful craft space you have. Thank you for sharing your photos. Vicky x

  15. I'm so glad that Lulu is doing much better! Both are such beautiful dogs! Your craft room looks so neat and organized and I LOVE the floor! I know you are glad to have the renovations behind you!

  16. Thank you so much Leslie for your update of Lulu and your remodeled craft room:-) I was thrilled to hear that Lulu is continuing to improve and that Wally has his playful playmate back:-) Loved seeing all the photos of your new work area and beautiful new flooring. I can't image replacing ALL the flooring in the house...Wow! Hopefully we can get together in the near future for a safe little visit. We are still busy with our projects, gardening and harvesting at home. It sure has kept us busy all Spring and Summer. We have really enjoyed our fresh veggies, berries and apples and...the freezer is full for the Winter plus 150#'s of stored yukon gold yummy potatoes:-) Thank you again, my friend for sharing your Huge project and Lulu's awesome improvement:-) Love and Hugs..Nancy

  17. So wonderful to hear that LuLu is doing so well, Leslie. What a lovely photo of the two of them resting after their walk. They are both so sweet. And Wally with his blankie ... adorable! Your garden looks amazing. LOVE the gorgeous, tall foxgloves! Lovely photo of you and LuLu in the garden. Great work with your reno. Your floors are beautiful. And lovely workstation ... always great to purge and make room for more new purchases! :) xx

  18. Dear Leslie
    The two dogs are very cute . Your desk is very organised and love your craftroom so much. Tc Stay safe

  19. Your new crafting digs look marvelous, Leslie! I do LOVE your new flooring! it reminds me of the NW, and is the perfect addition to your lovely home. It's great news hearing about Lulu. Both "pupsters" look marvelous. Our GSD is now 11.5 years old, and tends to nap a bit more in the heat of the summer, as long as he can watch Jack doing his outdoor stuff from the windows and doors. Seeing the textures and colors in your garden always wows me - such beauty you have to enjoy just peering out the window. It's a treat when walk by a window and see the hummingbirds or butterflies gracing the meager pickings of my garden. But beauty is all in the eye of the beholder, and the pollinators seem to love the things outside the door, even though they don't look so pretty to me. Wally is a doll with his knit "bidda" - that's what we call Kilo's "blankie". LOL "Let's go to your bidda..." and off we go to his sheet covered thick rug (5x8 feet) for a brush or treats of peanut butter or freeze-dried salmon. The "bidda" sheet is washed weekly LOL It's so humbling growing "old" with our fur children. I'm grateful we can give them a dear quality of life they otherwise would never know, and one I would never have guessed possible graced with their loving devotion. I will try to email soon to explain what has happened here - unfortunately, the medication to put this disease into remission is affecting my personality, and I'm experiencing several other severe side effects as well. It is humbling and makes me feel insecure around other people. But at least I have hope that it will go into remission in 12-18 months. huggers, de

  20. Leslie, love seeing your beautiful dogs, your new working area looks wonderful
    Hugs Pam x

  21. What beautiful blessings your pups are! So happy they are doing well. Your new flooring is awesome and looks great for a craft room or bedroom.

  22. That is just so awesome about LuLu! What an amazing recovery. Hopefully even her limp will go away and she won't have to wear the bootie anymore. Your room looks great. Good job of purging. I really haven't purged too much of anything in the nearly 20 years I've been stamping!

  23. Hello Leslie: I must apologize for the lateness of this comment, I've been a little out of sorts, trying to keep up with my DT's and, as always, being a little late to finish my cards. I just finished one for SHOPPING OUR STASH that goes live tomorrow morning, sheeesh!!
    But anyway, my friend, your sweet doggies look so happy and healthy, I'm so happy to hear that Lulu is fully recovered and that both of them are back to their old selves.
    Your craft room looks amazing, I wish I could have wood floors in here, it's so hard to move my chairs, which have wheels, and the kitty keeps scratching the carpet every day, LOL!!
    Thank you for sharing the pictures of your garden too, everything looks amazing.
    Stay healthy and safe, my friend.
    PS. I want to thank you also for all your visits to my blog, I appreciate always your sweet comments on my cards.

  24. Leslie, I am so grateful to read that Lulu is back to being her sweet puppy self and Wally is the happy fellow he’s always really is the best news and glad for you and your husband too!! You have certainly had your hands full doing your remodeling as well!! I’ve always enjoyed seeing your stamp room and can tell the desk is a bit smaller but hopefully won’t “cramp” your beautiful stamping style!! I keep thinking if I had to pack my room how much would I get rid of and the main thing…where would it go as I’d love to give to someone who wants to stamp. I have over the years found someone but not right now. I look forward to coming here and also…your picture of you and Lulu is so so haven’t aged at all!! Blessings to you!!

  25. What a nice post, Leslie. So nice to hear good news about Wally and LuLu. :) Your foxglove looked fantastic in that one pic! And the stamping room looks well organized and clean and bright - my kind of stamping space.

  26. Sorry so late to comment. Such wonderful news about Lulu! Thank you for sharing pictures of your craft room, looks awesome and so organized. I to did some purging last month, gave it all to a friend, who has 2 new friends just getting into stamping, so I'm sure it all went to a good home. Lots more to do, but it's a start. Thanks also for sharing pics of Wally & Lulu, always love seeing photos of them, they make my heart happy! Take care Leslie,


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