
Saturday, July 3, 2021

Quick LuLu Update

Hi, there.  Just a note for all my friends who may be wondering how LuLu is doing.  She's an enigma.  She was recovering better than I ever expected, then suddenly took a turn for the worse.  She began limping in obvious pain, and her leg joint (knee or hip?) popped loudly with every step.  She soldiered on, but it was a sad sight to see and hear.  I'll make a long story short and just say I took her back to the vet who agreed it was a new development in her knee, and now we're waiting to hear from an orthopedic specialist in another town.

However, it doesn't end there.  First, let's take a look at her sweet and pretty girly self in the grippy socks she borrowed from me while waiting for her own grippy socks to arrive from Chewy.

LuLu's grippy socks make all the difference in how well she walks on bare floors.  She still gets her leg tangled up sometimes, but she's learning how to manage it.  By the way, I refer to her grippy sock as her "super power sock" because it gives her the power to walk on bare floors.  She knows exactly what I mean when I say "let's put your super power sock on".  She's so easy and cooperative.  A very good patient.

Now for the rest of the story:  Her leg is suddenly much better again.  No popping, no pain.  She's putting more weight on it.  She can even manage the bare floors without her grippy sock, but mostly she wears it.  She's perkier, happier.  Guess who else is happier, too?  Yes, me!

So, that's where we are right now.  Fingers crossed that we stay on the good path to recovery.  Thank you for caring about my little Golden Girl.  Have a good day!


  1. Leslie so sad to read of our babies being unwell, sending big Bella kisses, and sloppy ones they are too.. xxx

  2. Aww, she is so beautiful and look at that loving face, so adorably sweet! I pray she keeps on getting better, at times I swear I know just how she feels! We are the lake house and heading home tomorrow to get Mack off the lake as the fireworks will be going off and he is terrified, I just hope we haven't made a mistake by not leaving today. Last night someone set two off and he was so stressed it took him over an hour to finally calm down, I though he was going to have a heart attack, I need to look into getting him a thunder coat.

  3. My dear Leslie: Thank you for this update on Lulu, I'm always hopping to hear good news.
    I keep wondering what is going on with her leg bones "popping sound", maybe Arthritis??
    But I'm glad to hear she is walking better with the grippy socks, sweet girl, she looks so adorable and I'm amazed she is not even trying to pull them off, she must know they give her comfort and help her walk better.
    I'm praying for her full recovery, I always have all of you in my thoughts.
    She looks so beautiful in this picture, Leslie, thank you so much for sharing and please, keep updating on her condition when ever you have news.
    Sending lots of love and healing vibes~~~~~~~~~~~

  4. Thank you for the update on Lulu. Although I don't comment often you and your furry family are in my thoughts and prayers for Lulu's wellness.

  5. I'm so sorry that poor Lulu and you and Rich are having to go through all this pain and discomfort and sadness with having your furbaby in pain. I'm glad to hear that she is doing better right now and hope that it continues and that no surgery will be necessary, at least for now. How is Wally handling all this drama with his playmate? It saddens me to see our furbabies in pain and suffering and for them not to understand what is going on. My prayers for all of you to be at peace and that Lulu will be well.

  6. so sorry for Lulu's ups and dows. I'm glad it's on the upside again. Have a gret day

  7. Yay for the upturns, may they continue and far outnumber the others.

  8. I got so worried when I first started reading the post, but now so happy she seem to be getting better and will have her orthopedic consul ♥. They know when we are trying to help them and become so complaint. Golden's are the best!♥♥♥
    Doggy Hugs form Tika and Dylan

  9. So sorry to hear of Lulu's ups and downs, but glad to know she is back on track. She is so sweet and precious. I hope this new Dr. will be able to help her get back to her fun loving self. How is 'Wally holding up with his pal under the weather? I will definitely keep my fingers crossed that she is on the path of recovery.

  10. Oh, dear Leslie, what a rollercoaster you've been on. LuLu is just so sweet in that photo with her grippy socks. I've continued to pray for her and you all as you wait for the orthopedist consult and trust that something was "out" and is now "in" again and feels better for her. So glad she is so sweet and easy dealing with all these things. Thanks for the updates. We all want to know how she is doing and you, Rich, and Wally are too. Happy news, and we pray for more! Hugs and love!

  11. Glad Lulu is not in as much pain and mananging to get around better. They are so much a part of our families, and they love us like God does, unconditionally.

  12. Oh my, at first I thought we were going to have bad news but so thankful that she seems to be on the mend and to even be able to walk on the bare floors again that is great, sure do hope that she continues to improve!!

  13. We become so dependent on the love of our fur babies and when they are not well it just makes you feel ill. My Molly has had trouble with one of her back knees and sometimes she would really struggle. Vet visits tell us she is not bad enough for surgery so like you guys we soldier on. Praying LuLu continues to do well and I really hope she doesn't have to have the surgery. She is just a beautiful girl and seems to have a beautiful soul as well. Please keep us posted!

  14. Ohhhh soooo glad to hear she is feeling better when I read the first part I thought it was bad news-keep it up LuLu she is gorgeous but look at those feel sorry for me eyes bless her
    Carol x

  15. I came over to see if there was news and I'm so delighted to read this post, Leslie! That face! I ache to put my arms around her neck and I love her red-gold curls. Her power socks really were super power socks ... praying that it doesn't change again and she simply continues to do better and better!

    Thank you for the beautiful birthday card! I love the design and how the gorgeous AI background peeks through! My birthday was marred by Kevin having a major event with his back. He has been laid up in bed on meds since then, waiting until doc's office opens tomorrow. Poor guy! Always something! Hugs, Darnell

  16. There are many wonderful and special things about Lulu that I could mention but this I know: she is very very loved and cared for by the best. Glad to hear she's having better days.

  17. What wonderful news. I know how much you love your sweet fur babies so let's hope she doesn't have any more relapses. Give her a hug for me.

  18. Lulu is having quite an up and down battle! Hopefully she will have more good days than bad.

  19. She is so beautiful and I wish I could hug her... I am really really happy to hear she is improving bless her.

  20. What great news! It's amazing how our fur children rebound when they are able. Her comes-and-goes challenges remind me of my own. You never know when things will relapse, and when I'll be able to do a little something. I just know when the ability is there, I immediately am up and at 'em. Lulu is so precious, and I hope she improves greatly. I am interested in the grippy socks. Will check on them for myself! Thank you for sharing your happy news, and I hope that somehow going to be happier every day for all of you! xx

  21. Oh my I had not read about Lulu. Visiting blogs has been hit and miss with me with all our moving etc. going on. I hope she continues to get better and better.

  22. My goodness... little Lulu looks so sad. I am glad she is doing better and so sorry missed that she was having trouble. They are so tough though aren't they. The socks are totally cute.


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