
Thursday, June 3, 2021

Your Email Subscription and News About My LuLu

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Now, for news about my sweet LuLu.

On Tuesday we were all outside working in the garden.  I was watering and tending the flowers and Rich was working on the edge of the woods.  Wally and LuLu went back and forth between us and occasionally they'd go for a little run in the woods.  Routine stuff.  After one such run, LuLu came back with a hurt foot or leg... at least that's what we thought.  She was favoring it, but still walking.  We took her inside to rest.

After a nap she progressed from bad to worse, and couldn't walk at all.  It was as though her right hind leg was completely paralyzed.  Of course, we took her to the vet immediately.  The news is not good.  They suspect a fibrocartilaginous embolism.

A fibrocartilaginous embolism typically occurs during times of activity, such as running or jumping. The majority of dogs will yelp once, or seem painful at first, but later there is typically no pain associated with this disease. The usual signs are a very abrupt loss of function to one limb, both pelvic limbs, one side of the body or all four limbs, depending on what part of the spinal cord is affected. Most often, one half of the body is significantly worse than the other.

Some call it a spinal stroke, but it's not exactly a stroke.  It's an injury that results in an embolism which presents with stroke-like symptoms.  We help her walk with a sling, but mostly she should rest.  She has started a course of Prednisone, but there is mixed information as to whether that is helpful or not.  We're hoping her condition will improve with treatment and therapy, but that's not certain.  As you can imagine, this is heartbreaking for me.  She's my sweetest girl, only 9 years old.  She acts like a puppy, loves to help carry groceries and get silly after dinner.  I've had a lot going on lately with the remodel and this blog subscription business, but nothing is more important than my LuLu.  The vet has already brought up the "quality of life" issue.  I cannot think about that!  I love her too much and I'm falling apart here.

Many of you have been with both Wally and LuLu since puppyhood, so I wanted you to know.  Keep us in your thoughts and/or prayers.  Hugs to you.


  1. Awww I am so sorry to hear about LuLu -if it is anything like a human stroke I have had 5 mini ones and know the main issue is rest but how do you expect a dog to understand this ---I do so hope her condition improves and you don't have to think about "the quality of life" result of that issue never leaves you!Sending positive vibes for an improvement bless her.
    Carol x x

  2. Awww sweet Leslie I'm so sorry to hear about LuLu's dilemma. I will pray the prednisone works for her. I can only imagine how much your heart hurts right now and mine hurts for you! We just never know from one minute to the next do we! Prayers going up for you & LuLu! Hang in there.
    I signed up for also and don't know if it's working or not. I'm sure I'll lose a lot of followers due to this switch over but don't know what more as bloggers we can do. Guess I'll just try to keep up as much as I can as I'm sure we are not alone in this craziness!
    HUGS my friend ... I'm here for you if there is ANYTHING I can possibly do for you.

  3. I am so sorry about your baby Lulu! Every time someone has a sad issue regarding a pet, I tell myself I'm glad I don't have a warmblooded creature. Too human! I hope she recovers.

  4. I am so sorry to hear about Lulu. Sending thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery for her. It is heartbreaking to see our beloved dogs in a compromised way. I can understand your heartache. Keep us updated.

  5. Leslie, I am so sorry to hear about Lulu. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray for a quick recovery. I can only imagine your heartache. Hang in there my friend. Sending hugs, Keep us updated.

  6. Oh my goodness Leslie, I am so very sorry to hear about Lulu, I will certainly pray that the medicine and your help will bring her back to feeling well again. That picture with Wally with her is just so sweet, you always wonder what they are thinking, I am sure he senses she isn't well. Big Hugs to you my friend, I am sitting here crying wishing I could say something to make this less hard for you.

    I still don't know what I should do about the email situation, I use Bloglovin to follow you too, so I am hoping that will still work after the feedburner is done.

  7. Oh Leslie, I hope Lulu improves. I know what you are both going through with a sick fur baby. Hugs from Dylan, Tika, me and Hubby ♥♥♥♥

  8. Hugs and prayers. I hope she improves! xoxo

  9. Oh Leslie this just breaks my heart, after losing Nellie I can totally relate how you feel and it's the worse feeling ever, but know that Lulu knows how much you love her and she knows how much you are trying to help her. I pray the meds work for her and she recovers to her normal playful self. I am so sorry you all have to face this, big hugs to you and so wish there was something we could all do to help, but know that we care and are praying for the best outcome!!

  10. Dear Leslie: Words are not enough to express my sadness to hear about your sweet Lulu, we all know how much you love these amazing doggies and how heartbroken you and Rich must be seeing her hurting this way. All of us who follow you have come to know, almost personally, your beautiful furry friends, enjoying the pictures you share of them running around your home.
    I pray that she will respond to the medication and the therapy, keep your hopes up, my dear friend.
    I'm sending a giant hug and lots of love, I'll keep Lulu in my prayers.

  11. Leslie, my heart aches for you. I know what you are going through and how it tears at your heartstrings to see one of your furbabies going through something like this. I feel like Wally and Lulu are a part of my family and am praying that treatment will be successful and she will still be with you for many years to come. Love and hugs.

  12. Leslie, I am so very sorry to hear this news about Lulu. Praying that Lulu improves. Love and hugs. Denise

  13. my heart is going out to you all. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it all goes well. Have a great day and give Lulu a hug for me.

  14. Oh, Leslie - I'm so, so sorry to hear about Lulu. I sure hope the medicine helps her immensely and she can recover from this. Your poor, sweet little girl.

  15. Oh No!!!! I am in tears thinking about poor sweet, sweet Lulu and about how broken hearted you, Rich and Wally must all be. I will be thinking and sending healing thoughts and prayers. I want to call, but we would probably be crying the entire time. Please know I am thinking of you all and will keep in touch. Please let us know if the meds are working. With much Love and wishes for healing. Big Hugs to you all...your friend always, Nancy

  16. I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet Lulu! And yes, I've been following since she was a puppy. Here's hoping for a recovery for her.

  17. I am so sorry to hear about Lulu, what a blow. I do hope she is able to make a recovery xx

  18. I've been following you, Wally and Lulu for years. It is so sad when our beloved pets become ill. Holding good thoughts for all of you. Hang in there, Leslie.

  19. I am so sorry Leslie. When we lost our black lab two years ago we were devastated. You will know when the time is right and we can pray that the treatments will work.

  20. Oh Leslie, I am so very sorry. I remember when you got LuLu and how much her and Wally immediately made a bond. Just look at that photo of the 2 of them. Super sweet. I am praying that any treatments you decide on, will just perk her right up and make her feel better. Hugs and love to you and Rich and Wally. XO

  21. OMG Leslie - prayers being sent. Our furbabies are like our children and it is so hard when something happens to them. My heart goes out to you and her. I firmly believe dogs feel the love we give them and it affects them positively when some injury or disease happens. Give her a lot of love and affection (I am sure you are doing that) and think positive. She knows how much you care about her and that will help her to bet through.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and her. Please keep us posted on her progress. I have been following since you got her and she is special to me too.

  22. I'm so very sorry about Lulu and can feel your pain and concern. My prayers are with you all. Truly I just cannot express, in words, how I understand what you are feeling. Hugs to you all.

  23. Ohhhh this makes my heart hurt!! She is so sweet. Prayers-Prayers-Prayers

  24. Oh, Leslie, I'm so sorry to hear about Lulu! So much to deal with. Sending love and prayers, my friend.

  25. Oh my, I was so upset when I read your post about LuLu! I do hope the prednisone helps. Being she is so young I hope that will help her heal quickly in a few weeks. I will definitely keep her in my thoughts and prayers. Keep positive thoughts!

  26. Leslie I wish I could reach out and hug you right now. I have tears running down my face... It takes me back to my sweet girl Kelly who had a similar fate... There are no words I can say to make you feel less hurt, I KNOW how you are feeling and I'm feeling it with you. Please God she will recover and I'm praying for you too.

  27. I saw this post first and made myself not read it before checking what else I've missed - because it is such very sad news. My heart goes out to you. You know your being busy did not cause this. Sending cyber hugs, kind thoughts and fervent prayers that the meds will work.

  28. Leslie my heart goes out to you & Rich right now as you deal with Lulu illness. I am so very sorry to hear this happened to her. Making a "quality of life" decision is hard so I pray the medication helps her and you won't have to make that decision yet. Much love & prayers for all.

  29. I had to skip most of the card posts to come find what happened to Lulu after the other post. :-( My heart hurts for you as this had to be such a shock. Sounds like she is doing okay though and on the mend. Keep watch over her and love on her all you can. Sweet fur baby hugs to them both.
    Just got our office remodel done and I finally have a computer back and stamping room. Now just need some creativity. :-) Will catch up over the coming weeks girlie!


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