
Friday, May 29, 2020

Lilacs and Lemons

Are lilacs still blooming where you are?  Such a heady fragrance.  My Mom wore lilac cologne when I was little and you know how they say scents trigger memories... well, this time of year I'm continually reminded of her.  So, in her memory I've made this card.

I've used Power Poppy's digital stamp, Lilacs and Lemons.   The clear set that held this image is retired and sold out, but it lives on in digital.  You can find more in the French Lilac digi set.  Each are currently only $2.99.  Print large or small, your choice.

I've printed on watercolor paper and colored with Copics.  The background is stenciled.  In the original drawing this arrangement sits on a cloth napkin with only one lemon.  However, I gave it a different impression -- not digitally, but by hand.  The second lemon in the lower right is actually a corner of the napkin.  I colored it yellow, penciled in a few dimples and, voila, lemon!  I also hand drew a few florets in that corner.  I'm sure I wouldn't dare try more than that!

I don't own or use a lot of stencils, but I'm very fond of the few I have.  This one is called Tricot, by Carabelle Studio.

Thank you for spending a little bit of your day with me.  I'll wrap this up with some links for you to check out:

Christine Okken


  1. Wow Leslie this is picture perfect ! Love it !

  2. Another lovely creation my friend! Lilacs hold a special place in my heart and many fond memories. As a girl (a hundred years ago!) my grandmother had a huge Lilac and that was the one flower we were allowed to pick. Obviously when it bloomed our dining room table was loaded!

  3. My Mum loved Lilac, that's why I planted one in my garden... Your card is stunning Leslie and what a beautiful tribute to your Mom... The composition is just as amazing as your colouring. Have a lovely day

  4. Absolutely gorgeous card Leslie! Love everything about your card today, colouring is flawless, (would of never known you had taken the corner of the napkin and made it into a lemon!) beautiful stenciled background, and just the overall composition. Wow, I love this. So wonderful to see your card today. Have a fabulous day!

  5. This should be framed! All the attention to detail with your beautiful coloring makes it a piece of art, Leslie.

  6. Wow! It's beautiful. We had a lilac tree in our yard when I was growing up in the Northeast. Sadly, they don't grow down here in H Town, at least, I have never seen one or seen one advertised at a nursery. Your card is stunning and your artwork, as usual, is fantastic.

  7. OMG this is just stunning! Awe what a sweet memory!!! I (loving purple & lilacs) just ADORE this card! Such a beautiful image and your way of coloring is SO professional ... WONDERFUL through & through! I had 2 large purple lilacs at the corner of the house but had to take them out a few years ago because they got way too big for the space. So now I have a 'white' mini lilac bush (didn't know it was white when I bought it grrr), a purple Rose of Sharon and a 2 tone purple butterfly bush in that location. And yes, there is a window in that corner of the house and the smell of the lilacs when the breeze came through was just heavenly! NOW when I smell my lilacs, I will think of you & your mom! Have a wonderful day and thanks for such beautiful inspiration my friend!

  8. Love the gorgeous lilac image,beautifully coloured and delicate stencilled background
    Carol x

  9. Love your soft stenciled background for your gorgeous digital lilac images, Leslie. Our lilac hedge is done blooming, but we sure enjoyed the blooms and fragrance for quite a while. How sweet that your card reminds you of your talented mother. TFS my friend. Love and Hugs...Nancy

  10. Leslie, I can almost smell the fragrance of these sweet flowers, and I love the peek of yellow of the lemons, purple and yellow, a fabulous combination.
    This is a beautiful image and you brought is to life with your amazing coloring.
    It's so sweet that the aroma of Lilacs remind you of your mom, for me is Lavender, she had little sachet bags in the drawers of her dresser and hanging in her closet.
    Thank you for sharing.

  11. This is so gorgeous the way you colored the design. I love the lilacs and the fragrance. We had the windows open and we could smell the fragrance but it sure made my nose run as I am allergic to the smell.

  12. Lovely and the coloring is wonderful as usual. My lilac tree is in bud will probably open in a week or 2. Waiting anxiously for the smell... Have a great day

  13. This is so gorgeous. Love how you can make the changes from the digital format. The stenciling is the perfect back drop.

  14. I was so inspired by this card. It is so beautiful and I have not made a card in weeks. I love that background and tried one myself.

  15. I loved hearing about how lilacs remind you of your mom. They are also my favorite flower because I just love the scent.
    Your card is a beautiful tribute. Love your changes to the scene to make it just what you envision. Love the stencil in the background.

  16. What a lovely memoroy, and a beautful card. I love that you added an extra bit of yellow with the impromtu lemon. Beautifully colored and the stencil adds a nice depth. Stay safe.

  17. I have lived in the south for 50 years and still miss those lilacs! The scent and beauty of those flowers is a treasured memory! Your card is gorgeous, Leslie! I'm impressed with your hand drawing of the extra lemon and flowers! And the stenciling in the background is perfect! I see why you love this stencil. I may have to look for that one myself! Have a great weekend!

  18. Gorgeous Leslie! This enlarged is fantastic and the stenciled background is beautiful. Scents are triggers and this is a happy one. She would love this creation.

  19. What a beautiful tribute to your mom, Leslie! It's so wonderfully done.

  20. What a beautiful card. I love my lilac tree but unfortunately this year it did not bloom very much. Maybe because of the crazy weather - who knows. I know what you mean about triggering memories. My Mom carried a corsage of Gardenias and so did I at our weddings She always wore that perfume as well. My daughter gave me a plant for Mother's Day and I am cherishing it as it is growing and blossoms are blooming with that lovely smell. Your coloring is absolutely beautiful. I'm sure your Mom would love it.

  21. Stunning, ours didn't seem to bloom for long at all, I think it is the plant or our soil that isn't the greatest, not sure, or maybe still to young, only a couple years old.
    Your coloring is just amazing, and aren't you very clever with the extra lemon, and I do love how you used the stencil for the background, that is very pretty touch to it, soft and pretty pattern!
    Hope you enjoy a nice weekend.

  22. Great designed card and fabulous colours, really nice.xx

  23. Lilacs bring back so many memories of my grandfathers small farm in Wales, Lilacs were always the smell in the summer months. Beuttiful card and fond memories :)

  24. So stunning, Leslie! These are my favorites and I miss them so much. You rarely see them in California, but they were on nearly every property in Iowa. They held up so nice in a vase on the kitchen table. It's wonderful to have this image to color so beautifully and remember your Mom. Hugs, Darnell

  25. This is so purdy!!! I love love love fave!

  26. Wow! Amazing card Leslie! And so sweet that this reminds you of your mother. Lilacs have a very strong, sweet smell that is so distinctive and wonderful. Great work with drawing in your second lemon and some more lilic blooms. So inspired by your work (as always!) ... think I might have to go buy that digi! :) xx


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