
Monday, February 3, 2020

Pretty Bird and Winter De-Clutter

Monday greetings, friends!  It's been a few days since I did any actual card crafting.  I've been on a wintertime stamp room de-clutter binge.  The last significant clean out was in 2017, so it was time.  OMGee, did I ever clear out a lot of ribbon!

There was a time I could hardly make a card without ribbon, and now I can hardly make a card with it!  So why was I keeping so much of it around?  Well, after I cleared out a shocking amount of it I tried to make a card with ribbon... then another... and another...  I just couldn't get happy.  Today's card is the best I could do and, honestly, after all that struggle I cleared out a whole lot more ribbon.

It's pretty enough, and the ink and ribbon are a nice match, but I'm never going to use enough ribbon to justify the space it was taking up.  Remember, I have a cupboard full of designer paper, too, and that would have been so much easier.

In the end, I cleared out 2 medium-size bags of ribbons and trims.

It gave me a lot more free space in my stamp room, including three additional drawers for stamps, which is really where my heart is.

I still have a lot of ribbon, but it's pared down to a single drawer now.

I also have a shoe box-size container of trims.  Seriously, how does it come to this degree of excess?  Most of this will go eventually, but it's all I could bear at this time.  More photos of my whole stamp room after the 2017 clean out can be seen here.  There was a lot more ribbon then.

About the card:

Penny Black Peaceful Time bird stamped in Distress Tea Dye ink and colored with Copics, then cut with coordinating die.  Background is Distress Oxide Peacock Feathers, Poppystamps Leafy Sprigs Border (2014), and Offray ribbon which is now in one of those bags to be given away (sob).

I hope to get back to stamping and coloring, but I also have a lot more de-cluttering to do.  Glad to have the ribbon chore behind me.  It really knocked the "mo" out of my "jo"!  Have a happy day!


  1. Your card is lovely; I love the little bird! I know exactly what you mean about all the clutter. I have a cousin starting her journey and I have given her so many Heartfelt Creations stamps and dies. I still have more than I can ever use, I just keep finding things she can use and she is so grateful.

  2. I too cleared out a lot of ribbon last year... I've still got lots more stuff to tackle as well... Your card is so beautiful Leslie, with the perfect backdrop for that beautifully coloured image. BTW ... your card never arrived (sad face)...

  3. Love the beautiful stamp and fabulous background-good luck with the declutter I also gave away a load of ribbon,a big backful of stuff and sold some unused stamp sets.
    Carol x

  4. I love your card....she is colored so beautifully! And kudos to you for the clean-out! I am thinking I need one of these too....I can barely see the floor on my craftroom because my shelves are full and the overflow has spilled onto the floor! How do we get to this point?! ACK!

  5. The ribbon you chose is lovely, and I have a drawer full of ribbon too...but I still occasionally scrapbook so I'm keeping it.

    You've managed to put together such soothing blues/blue greens and the ribbon is a perfect addition with its lovely pattern...yes paper would have been easier but ribbon is something special.

  6. I feel your pain..I have way too much stuff too! I did clear out my ribbon a few years ago, just kept some like you did.

    I love your card,so pretty,and that ribbon looks awesome!!

  7. You've certainly inspired me! I keep the ribbons on hand because I want just that right color and just that right width - and then hardly ever remember to use ribbon! DUH! OK - I need to take the plunge and get rid of a lot of ribbon. I imagine that I have at least as much to give away as you do. My friend is having a garage sale, maybe she can use it there and make a little cash. In the meantime, "pretty bird" is GORGEOUS! Your coloring is LOVELY! I am, admittedly, a huge Leslie Art Fan, so everything you make is glorious in my eyes, but then, I truly believe it is gorgeous in anyone's eyes, Leslie! BEAUTIFULLY done. And maybe you have inspired me to try playing with oxide backgrounds, too. I keep forgetting to do that! I'd love staying here and gazing upon our lovely creation, but alas, I hear the drying sheets outside calling me - we had a frost this morning, so I covered my plants. The drying sheets need to be brought in. LOL hugs, de

  8. Beautiful card and makes me want to bring on Spring. The pretty shades of blue are stunning, I love how your oxides turned out! I have a ton of ribbon left over from my crafting days and donated a lot, but like you I still have way way too much, so I sorted put some aside and try to use it for Christmas as much as I can. I need to do a major overhaul of my creative room, been waiting for a cold snowy day to do just that, but we have had a very mild winter for us, but from what I see all that is soon to change. I love how beautifully your bird is colored and of course the lovely design!

  9. This is so beautiful. I love the soft color of the background. Your shading for the bird is fabulous. Oh, I'm ao likW you. I have tons of ribbons and trims that I don't think I'll ever be able to use. But what to do with it once you clean it all out? I'd really like to have my own craft sale, but I wonder if anyone is interested enough to buy it.

  10. pretty card. I know what you mean about ribbon. But even though I don't use any, I'm still hesitant about letting them go. Sigh.
    Have a great day and happy cleaning. BIG GRIN

  11. Leslie, I am so proud of your ribbon overhaul!! I have some beautiful silk ribbons and crochet trims that I love...and hope to use again. Your blues are a perfect match and I love your birdie with the blues. Happy sigh. Thanks for bringing a breath of Spring to our long winter.

  12. Your card you made is so beautiful. I wanted to say that first before I get into my hoarding of ribbon too which I seldom use like I used to do. Like you it seems there is not enough room on my canvas for it anymore. However, I did use a bit of ribbon on a card today so maybe there is hope for me yet. My daughter says I have enough stuff to start my own store. I think she may be right. LOL

  13. I bet that felt good to get some of your ribbon purged! I did some over the holidays as well, but still have so much and I hardly use it. Maybe another purge is in the near future! Leslie, it was great to see your card today, because today felt like a spring day. Temps in the mid 40's with lots of sunshine. I even went for a walk on my lunch hour just to soak in the sun (which we haven't seen in days) and breathe that wonderful fresh air. Love your no line colouring, you did a fabulous job. I have yet to try this, someday I will. Your distress oxide background is fabulous, along with the leafy spring border and your strip of ribbon. Beautiful card Leslie, thanks for inspiring us today as always! Enjoy your day!

  14. We all need that type of clear out, Ribbon, washi tape and more.
    Love your bird in such amazing colours, the touch of ribbon is perfect :)

  15. Gorgeous card Leslie and love the design. Am with you on the ribbon and have done the same and kept only what I wanted the rest went to the kindy where my daughter teaches..xx

  16. Gorgeous card Leslie! I understand...I've just kept the solid ribbons and use them on presents. I love using twine and cotton cord now and then and the skinny ribbons on cards... I hope ribbon doesn't come back around in a few years as a new thing! lol

  17. Stunning card Leslie, love your beautiful stamping, wow gorgeous background..
    I love ribbon on my cards..tend to stick to bows though
    Pam x

  18. I love cards that have the focal point of birds! I guess because we are big bird feeders and love to see what variety comes for a visit. Your coloring is so pretty as usual and the ribbon is a perfect match. I know what you mean about the ribbons. My stamping friend moved the other year to Virgina and she gave me so much ribbon which is just sitting in a box. Like you, I used to use a lot of ribbon on my cards but not so much any more. I think I will give the ribbons to Jennifer to take to her art class. They so appreciate any donations.

  19. Your card is gorgeous. Love the design and your amazing colouring.

    You definitely have too much ribbon!! :) Good that you cleaned some out for other things. I have one box of ribbon and I rarely use any of it ... thinking it's time to go. Twine too. Good luck with the rest of your clean out. xx

  20. Wow you did have a lot of ribbon, I just love how you used the piece in this card. That bird is just fabulous, the way you colored it is so striking and the background looks bokeh, so cool!
    Bet it feels good to have more room, I need to do that too but I have such a hard time getting rid of stuff.

  21. Giggle.. Oh the clear out of 2017. I do remember that one, it was a good one if I recall. :-) You made progress then and yes you cleared out a lot this time. Proud of you. This card is very sweet and the background looks great. You always know how to color birds to look so real. Great all around.

  22. Way to clear out some space! I bet it was hard to let the ribbon go, even knowing that you wouldn't use it. What you have left is SO organized! I need to get rid of ribbon, too. I almost NEVER use it, but I do like what I have left. Decisions, decisions! Great card, by the way!


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