
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Rainy Day Coloring: Potted Geranium

I must have misunderstood the weather report for yesterday.  I was expecting part sun, but woke up to a drizzly day which later dried up and turned simply cloudy and dull.  Is anyone having sunshine?  Ah, well, I trust it will come back soon enough.  By the time you read this I might be outside planting flowers.  In the meantime, I decided to go ahead and color one of my favorites from Power Poppy's Spring Digital Blitz.  This is Potted Geranium.

I colored with Copics all smooshy without a lot of detail.  Truthfully I'm becoming disillusioned with my Copic markers.  My darkest green - YG67 - started out fine while I was coloring this, but before I was finished it started going gummy and pretty much messed up my greens.  Impossible to blend or color over.  I won't even go into all the research I've done on this problem and everything I believe I'm doing right.  Anyone else have this problem?  Feel free to weigh in, please.

The background is all dotty in blue-violets, yellow, and pink, then smooshed over with the colorless blender to make it soft and painterly.  I do love my Copic markers when they work right, sniff sniff.

A few clear rhinestones to decorate and a card base that matches the darkest pink... an easy finish.

Enjoy your week and I'll catch you later.  Happy crafting!


  1. You may have had trouble with your Copics but what I see is gorgeous coloring and a card with beautifully applied details and a lovely composition. FABULOUS in every way! I love the dreamy dotted background.
    My heart associates geraniums with my Mom's love for those flowers and I have paintings she's done of the ones that were always on our front porch in summer.
    The sun shines where I am and it's going to be high 90's today!

  2. what a great card - wonderful coloring. The stamp is one my wish list!

  3. Wow! Even when I have my Copics cooperate I never get a beautiful look like you have with yours. I can see no wrong in this and just love how fantastic you made this design look. The coloring is perfect to my way of thinking.

  4. Well, I don't see any problem with your green leaves. In fact, just before I read your blog I was admiring your leaves and envying your coloring ability. Hope you find a solution.

  5. Well my friend, trouble or no trouble with your Copics, the end result is always stunning, what a gorgeous, amazing card Leslie.
    I've been wanting to buy this set but, the little voice in my ear keeps whispering "no new purchases" so I stop myself from clicking the "Pay Now" button, LOL!!
    If my printer was functioning like it should, I would get the digi, it's so beautiful and, since Geraniums come in a rainbow of colors, each time this image will look different.
    Now, to answer your question, no my friend, we're not having any sunshine at all. Yesterday there was a horrible storm system that blew through here, knocking down some of my garden chairs and the fire pit also went tumbling down the back yard, the sirens were going full blast, so we were ready to go down the basement just in case. After the storm passed, there were a few small branches all over the yard, but no serious damage.
    Anywho, thank you for sharing this amazing card.
    Sending hugs.

  6. very pretty. sorry your day was not so nice... Mine is full of sun and nice and warm finally. Have a great day

  7. oh my goodness, Miss Leslie! How incredibly GORGEOUS are your petals! Each one so perfectly highlighted and colored, and those leaves are amazing! The dancing shadows of pale yellow and lavender in the background remind me of the blooms outside my window wafting in the afternoon breezes! The rhinestones make the card even more precious! Leslie, your skills as an artist are growing more and more lovely with each creation! So pretty! I hope you are now outside planting flowers. We are in dire need of rain - I have to water my plants every day, and many of the annuals are already withered from the heat, and won't re-emerge until next winter when things are cooler. Looking forward to seeing your garden soon! hugs, de

  8. We misunderstood the icon sun here yesterday or the day before, etc. But it is very green and the grass and plants are still growing. It has been very good napping weather too.

    Love your gorgeous geraniums. What a bummer about your squishy Copics. You still ended up with a beautifully colored card. Thank you for sharing. Hugs..Nancy

  9. What a stunning card this is Leslie! Your beautiful copic colouring is amazing (even with your gummy green. Love the dotties around your image and the colour of the grounded area - just makes the flowers pop. I'm so glad Marcella made this into a digi, it's so nice to make your blooms bigger. As always, you inspire me like no other! Thanks again for sharing. I hope the sun came out for you today, it's been a gloomy, rainy few days here as well.

  10. I almost ordered this in the digital...sigh,..but I resisted. I am too slow coloring any medium and am usually not thrilled with the outcome. And I have also had trouble with greens...especially the BG family. I really don’t see a muddle and I do adore your background that makes your pot really stand out!! Another beauty, Leslie. I potted my flowers on Mother’s Day then spent the rest of the week bringing them back into the kitchen as storms came and went. The weather has been very unreliable and lots of tornado warnings.

  11. What a beautiful card! I love your coloring and it doesn't look like you had any trouble. What a perfect card for this time of year. My Mom always planted geraniums - red ones - in her pots for the front porch every year. She always insisted they must be red and geraniums.

  12. I can't believe you aren't happy with your coloring on this gorgeous card! I'd be dancing around the room if my coloring was that awesome! It's drop dead beautiful!!

  13. Wow for all the problems you were having this turned out just gorgeous, I love your smushy coloring :)
    I use Spectrum noir markers mostly, I have a small amount of copics , but haven't run into that problem with mine, I do know I need to buy some reinkers for one of them that I have. Hope you can figure it out.

  14. amazing card Leslie, as always your colouring even with problem pens stunning. I also get frustrated when we pay so much for supplies and they stop working. I don't have many copics as they are way too expensive, I went for Touch and haven't had any problems.
    My issue is lack of use and they may dry up :)

  15. Honestly, your geraniums look 3-D....I think I could feel the "fuzz" of those luxurious leaves! And the wonderful color of those flowers is so typical of you amazing coloring skill.

  16. WOW! Your coloring is ALWAYS outstanding and this is just GORGEOUS ...Copic problems or not! You certainly have an eye for color! And the leaves are so life like ... amazingly beautiful!
    Sorry you were having 'issues' ... I use Spectrum Noir so can't be of any help to you ... sorry!
    Our weather here in Ohio has been nothing short of CRAZY!! Sunshine one day then horrible storms, wind & hail the next. Drove through it yesterday and believe me ... I was REALLY glad to get home! A white knuckle drive to say the least! But God is good and got me home safely! Happy Day my friend and thanks for ALWAYS inspiring me wih your beautifully colored designs!

  17. Wow, what a gorgeous gorgeous card!! I always love to see your Copic coloring, except then I am intimidated to color LOL, but really ALL your color mediums are beyond expert!! A beautiful 'image' too, prettier then any real life geranium that's for sure!
    Weather here is crazy, I have gotten outside very little due to rains and it's so wet out, looks like next week might be slightly better, it is so green out it hurts your eyes and I think we have mowed more this year so far then the entire last year!! Have a great week!!

  18. Wow!!! Love, love, love this card, I could see it hanging on a wall!
    Your colouring skills are AMAZING!! I can't see anything wrong on the leaves, they are just perfect! These geranium are so realistic and gorgeous!!! The dotted background is a dream, I have to try this technique!

  19. Your geraniums are gorgeous Leslie. You are a master at copic colouring. I have a few of them, but they usually just sit in a drawer. Not a medium that I've been comfortable with. I'm just amazing at your shading and that gorgeous, dreamy background with combining soft colours and using the blender to smooth them out. xx

  20. Bummer you're having trouble with your Copics, Leslie. :( I have one that I've refilled that I'm not happy with. Your card is absolutely stunning, though! Today is gorgeous here. We've had several very rainy days and also some lovely ones.

  21. Leslie, this is gorgeous, and your coloring is perfect! I really love the soft feel in your coloring and how you've given the flowers and leaves such dimension and life. I know that Amy Shulke has helped me with what she calls "Copic jelly." I have now found I don't have that problem with the gummy and sticky coloring. I clean my caps and the ends being careful not to touch the brush nib. It helped me, and perhaps that's a problem. But it sure doesn't look like there is a problem in the end result. Always delight us with your work! Hugs and love! xoxo

  22. Gorgeous! These blooms just pop off the screen, man you sure can color Leslie. Love this...

  23. WOW stunning card and gorgeous image -your colouring is amazing so your problem definitely doesn't show love the soft background too
    Carol x

  24. Your coloring is stunning and wow..those geraniums look so vivid and beautiful!

  25. Wow, I saw this on instagram and thought it was a real beauty, but seeing it on your blog really showed all the gorgeous details!the painstaking coloring of your geranium is outstanding, but the background is simply brilliant...gorgeous colors and technique! ♥ Sue Kment

  26. such a gorgeous card...I'm feeling like you with my Copics, it often becomes frustrating for me to get it right so I just leave them behind. Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of colouring anyways, I'd by far sooner be playing with my DOX inks.
    xx Karen


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