
Monday, July 30, 2018

Cars: Henry Becomes Henrietta

Well, friends, my desktop computer died and I'm not feeling too happy about that.  We went away for a week and I guess it thought it was still on vacation.  All my photos and photo editing programs are on the desktop so my hands are tied for a while.  Believe it or not, I use three different programs for photo editing.  I know, but there's something I prefer in each program.

Anyway... this card was already photographed and on the blog as a draft post, so I can share it today via my bare bones laptop.  It looks like I could have made it for my computer, but, in fact, I sent it to a girlfriend who had foot surgery.  My hubby, Rich, astutely pointed out that the flat tires made it a perfect choice for my foot surgery friend.  Ha!  I didn't even think about that.  I was just looking for a chance to use this cute stamp set again, and along came the opportunity.

The stamp set is called "Cars - Henry".  I turned Henry into Henrietta by using lots of pink and drawing long lashes on the "eyes".  Fun!  It sure makes for a happy card.  Added a flag banner and used a gear die set for the first time.  Naturally, I thought of the gears for guy cards, but with pink polka dots they're much prettier.

I hope I'll be reunited with my big, fancy computer soon.  The folks at the shop felt it was fixable.  As always, a week away means I've got a million things to do, but perhaps I'll fit in some stamping time, too.  Take care, and have a happy day!

ps:  Hope these photos look better on your screen than on mine.  There's a big difference from one computer to the next.  This laptop leaves a lot to be desired.  Hugs!

Stamps:  Cars - Henry  Paper:  X-Press It Blending Card, SU Pixie Pink, other white for card base, Simple Stories Snap Color Vibe designer paper  Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black, black SU marker, Copics for coloring  Accessories:  Spellbinders Scored and Pierced Rectangles, Memory Box Banner Parade and Deluxe Gear Set


  1. Your photos look just perfect! Love this sweet card's color combination and pretty detail!
    I got a new desktop computer about a month ago. I LOVE its BIG screen and it's so quick! But the whole process of converting is not so nice. Takes so much time to make sure you removed everything from the old one and get the new one ready. I was most concerned about my Silhouette studio of course. But everything is sorted now!

  2. First off the photos are fabulous, secondly your card is stunning!! Made me smile and I love the happy colours - This is sure to cheer up anyone! Lastly my heart goes out to you with a broken computer... Oh my.. we rely on them so much that it leaves you kinda lost and frustrated without them - I hope it gets fixed soon. Have a great week!

  3. As the recipient of this gorgeous card I can tell you first hand just how adorable it is! It's sitting on my hutch in the kitchen where I can admire it all day long! I have this stamp myself and would never have thought of it for a woman in a million years, but it's absolutely perfect! It brings a huge smile to my face every time I look at it! And made me feel very special when I opened it! You have no idea what it meant to me! Hugs, my dear friend! You are always there for me!

  4. Leave it to you to come up with the most adorable card. You have a way of seeing everything as the cutest or most beautiful. Love your cards!

  5. I just love this card! Especially with all the pink and polka dots! It is so cute - I'm sure your friend will love it. Your husband was so right with the flat tire! Have a great week and good luck with the PC!

  6. that is so cute. I also wouldn't have thought of it as for foot surgery. Guys really do think differently than us gals...
    So sorry about your desktop. That is absolutely no fun.
    Hope all works out for you. Have a great day anyway.

  7. Your pink Henrietta card is too cute! Absolutely love your card. Hope you PC is out of the shop soon!

  8. Your hubby was right. That is perfect for your friend who had foot surgery. I love the colors and the photograph is just awesome too. I am like you. I use three different programs as well to make my photographs look better so I can understand how down in the dumps you are about this. But I am glad this card got shown. I always loved that silly car design. And Henry looks awesome as Henrietta too!

  9. Love your hot pink and grey color motif for Henrietta, my friend. Rich was right...the perfect image with the flat tires for foot surgery:-) Hope your PC gets fixed soon too. Hugs..

  10. Oh no, Leslie! That is awful news about your main computer. We are SO very dependent on technology, and it's just so disruptive not having them. We have so much on them that it's actually scary! But it's wonderful t see this adorable card, and Henrietta is so sweet with her lashes and pink embellishments! Love the polka dots, and it's sure to encourage your friend after her foot surgery. Hope you get some enjoyable stamping done this week. That will be fun, and it's nice that you are home again (even if you computer missed you enough to die!). Hugs and love!

  11. Oh dear ... I'm so sorry to hear your computer is ailing!! HATE when that happens! Your card is adorable! I have that stamp set also and would have never thought to color it in those colors but it looks FABULOUS! Well done (no surprise) ... hope your friends foot is much better soon too! Hang in there! HUGS

  12. LESLIE, outstanding color choice! Wow! Perfect for the girly girl, and such a sweet image used in this way (it is one of my all time favorite stamp sets). Love what you have done with it, with the partial gear behind the main layer for visual interest, and those sweet little pink banners! You have given me a whole new inspiring outlook for this sweet little stamp!

    Ugh! Sorry to hear about your puter. Yikes! All the favorite editing stuff on there, too? It encouraged me greatly to hear about your editing software - that you like 3 of them. I, too, use more than one, but my photos never look as professional as yours. I've decided to just have fun with it, and do my best LOL Guess your computer can identify with this poor ole jalopy! Hoping it is something minor that can be quickly remedied without any losses. xx

  13. The photos look fabulous I will say!! I just love that you made the car into a girl by just a few changes, like the idea of using the pink polka dot for the gears too, you always have such creative ideas! I am glad you had something in your drafts to post, and that they will have your computer back up and running very soon! I am so worried the very same thing will happen to my computer soon, I have a laptop too but like you it has none of my programs or pictures on it :( I bet this just brightened your friends day!

  14. Oh what a fabulous card Leslie! You sure know how to brighten up someone's day! I love Henrietta, and this image is so fitting as Rich said. I hope your friend is healing well. I'm sure this card brought a smile to her face. Great layout, the die cut gear set goes perfect with your image, and very 'girlish' with using the pink polka dot paper! An all around fun 'girly' card! Great sentiment too! I think your photograph is perfect, but I know what you mean about being without your computer. I hope your able to get your computer back soon. Glad your back, although it is nice to get away! Looking forward to more of your creations as time allows. Have a great week Leslie!

  15. Sorry about your computer, I hate when that happens as sometimes there's new software versions to learn:(
    Love Henrietta, she really looks as though she should be in the shop (OR) for repairs. Awesome card, I'm sure your friend will love it.

  16. What a fabulous and fun fun card and love the PINK and darn CUTE!! I read above where Sherri was the lucky recipient and how much she adores it!!
    As for those dang 'puters', I don't know about you but I have a love/hate relationship with mine (mostly being the later) and the same goes for AT&T..ugh!! It has been a trying week here as my BIL passed away (hubby's brother) and have been dealing with funeral arrangements and all that comes with that, funeral was yesterday and I have had all at my house forever it seems and it will start again on Thursday and Friday as my husband cooks 32 pork butts for a cancer fund raiser on Sunday, (about 25 people come and help)then he works at it all day Sunday...I am going to a friends Lake Michigan home all day Sunday and spending the night for some much needed R&R and taking Mack with..ahhh!!

  17. Sad to hear about your desktop computer. I do have issues when it's on the fritz. But love,, love, love your card. It's so stinkin' cute. What a brilliant idea to turn her into a lady car, and I love the polka dot gears. Everything about this one just shouts out CUTE!

  18. LOL what a cute image and a fun pun!!! Love the polka dots too. So sorry to hear about your computer issues, hope it gets resolved soon. That is always a pain!

  19. Adorable card my friend. Good luck on the computer!

  20. Sorry to hear about your computer -oh how we rely on technology and lost when they go wrong.Fabulous card and a great idea the image and cogs look brilliant in pink would have never thought-will have to remember that one!!!
    Carol x

  21. Hello, dear Leslie! Welcome back! All your nice comments on my blog made me feel as if we'd sat down for a chat.
    Henrietta is a big hit with me! Love the eyelashes and polka dots. LOVE the way YOU play with your stamps. The gears are adorable in pink. It's a perfect cheer up card for your friend.
    Sorry about your computer. Not fun, Hope it's on the mend soon.

  22. First of all, I'm sorry about your computer woes! Secondly, I think Henry makes the absolute cutest Henrietta on this card. And that coloring is fabulous, as always. This is such a terrific card for your friend. (I do hate the fact that we can't reply to comments anymore. I still don't understand why the changes were made.)

  23. Oh you know I had that same problem a few years back with my computer. I can understand the frustration. Hopefully it will get fixed rather quickly. The card is totally cute. I like the spocket wheel accents. And the pink is darling.

  24. SO CUTE Leslie! Delightful coloring, papers and embellishing! Reminds me of the card our middle daughter gave me when I bought a new car years ago... upside down car on the front and the word, condolences. lol


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