
Friday, April 27, 2018

Flowerful Friday: The Real Deal

I went into my stamp room to tidy up a little, looked out the window and that was the end of tidying up.  I had to go outside.

The garden path beckons.

The cherry tree is blooming.

The fiddlers are fiddling.

The forsythia is bursting.

Even as pesky as the violets can be, they're still pretty.

As this post goes live, we've just come home from our first camping trip of the year.  Gorgeous weather.  Oh, my goodness, spring has arrived!  I'll visit again soon, I hope.  Wishing you a beautiful weekend!


  1. WOW!! You have some beautiful landscaping there, I would of played hooky from the creative room too! I have a few things blooming here, not much yet and a major amount of clean up, digging up and mulching. Your photos make me want to get started ASAP! I spent yesterday afternoon and late morning outside with Mack cutting my monster Annabelle Hydrangea down to about 12", it was hard to do but it needed it. I did get some of my mulch bought (20 bags) but should go and get more while they have it as it doesn't go far.Thanks for sharing those beautiful photos, makes me aware of what's to come here soon!!

  2. what a gorgeous yard. so glad I get to enjoy it vicariously!!

  3. Love your pictures! That's how I felt over the weekend! The rain is back now and Mr. Dusty is calling - hope to find time in the craft room. Have a great weekend.

  4. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous garden, Leslie! I'd like to book a room for the 4th weekend in June, please!! I'm so glad spring has arrived and you had lovely weather on your camping trip!! Hugs, Darnell

  5. needless to say I'm a little jealous... gorgeous garden. We've still got patches of snow. and the trees haven't even started budding yet. Although the weather was been in the low 20º
    We're heading into cooler weather again starting tomorrow.
    Glad you had a great camping trip. Have a great day

  6. WOW what a beautiful scene outside your crafting window! It's no wonder you headed outdoors! You certainly have a lot more in bloom than I do at the moment and I truly LOVED walking around your gardens through your photos! One day I must come and walk with you in person and maybe sit for a cup of tea!
    Unfortunately we will miss seeing our 100 year old apple tree in bloom this year since we will be on vacation during it's blooming time but there's always next year!
    Thanks for sharing ... just beautiful!

  7. What beautiful landscaping and your gorgeous flowers would draw anyone out to view them and walk along the paths. Thanks for sharing.

  8. There is nothing better than the real deal when it comes to flowers Leslie, so happy you went outside to enjoy the beauty and splendor of Spring in your garden.
    The tidying up of your craft room MUST wait, your "mess" ain't going anywhere so, it'll be there when you come back.
    Thank you for sharing this gorgeous pictures, my dear.
    Big hugs and enjoy your weekend in your back yard.

  9. Thanks for taking us on your garden walk, Leslie! Our azaleas are long since bloomed in February! Love those fiddlers making their way to life, and all your glorious colors! You say "pesky", but I'd love having purple violets like that, peeking out from the leaves beneath. My caladiums are coming up beautifully, and the snapdragons are definitely draggin' with the Florida heat. I hope they all bloom fully, as they are volunteers who reseed themselves each year. The faithful periwinkles last all through the summer - the only flowers that seem to handle the heat and humidity. My angel wing begonias are doing well, and then usually do ok until the first of the summer storms beat them up. My garden is nothing as lush as yours. You and Rich surely have a magnificent park to enjoy with your Goldens. Thanks for sharing! love, de

  10. How absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

  11. Omg! If I lived there I would NEVER go inside! You have created the most spectacular garden I've ever seen! I can't imagine how many hours you must spend there to get it to look that gorgeous! WOW!! Double WOW!!

  12. If that was outside my crafting window I don't think I could stay inside for long either, I was just imagining that your garden was looking fabulous and it sure is, just wonderful!!
    I hope you share some of your camping trip too, and that you had a fabulous time!

  13. Happy spring! Enjoy your beautiful yard!

  14. I love your garden! I really have no design for mine...pretty simple and unimpressive. However, when the peonies bloom and later, the coneflowers...the "strip" that runs along the east fence is my favorite.

  15. So, so beautiful, Leslie! I'm jealous:) Camping and gorgeous flowers - what could be better?!?!

  16. thanks for the tour, it's so beautiful and so much inspiration withe colour and form :)

  17. Love that View!!! Here in central Fl our Azaleas have bloomed out and now look poopy....but many of our Caladiums are up and out, making lots of color...
    Just love how you have everything in layers and picking out from under... so, so pretty.
    Thanks for Sharing!!!!!!

  18. What a stunning garden you have! How I wish I could walk there with you!

  19. Oh, it's a day just like you had ay my house today. I sat outside for lunch and had to make myself come in to craft. I think your garden is so very beautiful, you not only have talent with flowers on paper but the green thumb and work ethic to create a breathtaking spot. Glad you got in a camper trip too!

  20. Hey girlie! Looks like you had a great time outside instead of tiding up. Beautiful flowers and greenry. I always like seeing your green thumb and the results.

  21. Thanks for sharing. It does look so beautiful. I love the violets and whatever else that ground cover is mixed in with them. I didn't realize you had a cherry tree. Looks beautiful and yummy fruit. I was out in my backyard today and noticed that my fig tree has a ton of figs on it this year. I wonder if I'll get any off of it. Usually about the time that I go out to get some, some other critters have beaten me to them.

  22. WOW! Love seeing your garden/yard pictures! I have to chuckle that I'm excited over new trees budding and a few blades of grass popping up! Nothing compared to your gorgeous setting!Thanks so much for taking the time to share with us! I did order some Lilly of the Valley plants for the east side of the much shade over there. hehe Time will tell... a little concerned about the water bill cutting into the card making budget! lol

  23. Just a lovely, lovely post. Your garden is so pretty.


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