
Wednesday, January 10, 2018

My Sweethearts

Do you think they like each other?

A few days ago our little LuLu had an episode of all-night vomiting that ultimately turned bloody.  Blood from the other end, too.  Don't worry, that's as graphic as I'm going to get.  She was a very sick little girl and we were all worried about her, including Wally.  She's better now, but we're keeping her relatively quiet and on a restricted diet for the time being.  Our vet believes she has gastric ulcers, which are fairly common in Golden Retrievers.  It would explain a lot.  Did you know dogs can take omeprazole (generic Prilosec)?  Always check with your vet first, of course.

Wally is giving her plenty of tender loving care.  They melt my heart.  When I'm sick (thankfully not often) they give me this same kind of therapy.  It's why I like living in our Golden Retriever bubble.  It's peaceful here.

I routinely receive emails from Shutterfly -- "Your memories from this week six years ago", etc.  It prompts me to click and revisit those stored images.  I always think I have my favorites on calendars and in photo books, but there are so many of Wally and LuLu, and when I look at them with fresh eyes the "awwws" just keep coming.  I brought the photo below back to the computer.

Six years ago this week.  Love.


  1. such dear photos. glad Lulu is getting better!!!

  2. Glad Lulu is doing better. When my girls don't feel well I get very stressed. My Bella turns 5 tomorrow. It's hard for me to believe that; time does fly. Hope you have a good rest of the week and hug those babies for me!

  3. Aww! What cuties they are and I'm so sorry that Lulu is not well ... Such a worry... I know! Animals are just wonderful... The other day I was in so much pain I put my head down and cried, then I felt a paw on my head... It was Missy my little cat... That made me feel so much better. Thank you for your kind wishes Leslie... New surgery is scheduled for next week... 17th, Fingers crossed!

  4. They are all shiny, loving, and beautiful - inside and out, Leslie! Lots of that has to do with their fur mom and dad, too. Sweetest little hearts ever, aren't they? I've been watching Diane H with her Goldendoodle, too - such a sweet little puppy! I love reading about your golden adventures and seeing how kind your puppies are toward each other and the non-fur people in their lives. Thanks for sharing, Leslie! xx

  5. Those are the sweetest photos Leslie. Wally and LuLu are so precious. Good to hear that LuLu is on the mend. Loll

  6. Oh, poor Lulu:( Hope she is all better soon. What great pictures of such sweet dogs.

  7. Oh my goodness look at that and their heads are in a shape of a heart. I love, love Goldens, they are so sweet, makes really really miss my Nicks (yes Nicks in plural, when the first one passed away Greg insisted we name the 2nd after the first, I got the 2nd one for his I miss them and Nellie of course, too)!! And look how much Lulu has grown, wow, she was tiny there next to Wally!! My Mack is the light of my life now, and he is pretty much house broken...he barks to let me know he wants out, which is fabulous (except those 3am barks lol)!! Thanks for sharing, made my day!!

  8. Love seeing pictures of your dogs. Thankful too Lulu is feeling better, hope more as the days go by. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Dogs have so much love to give. And your duo are especially loving. Thanks for the pix.

  10. I am so sorry Lulu has been so sick. How sweet that Wally is so caring and concerned along with you and Rich. Get better quick Lulu. A big soft hug....

  11. Oh Leslie, how can you not absolutely love this dogs!!! They are loyal, caring, grateful, loving and the most selfless companions, they ask for so little and they give heaps in return.
    Hope Lulu is much better now, with Wally as her caregiver, she will soon be like her old self.
    Thank you for sharing this sweet and tender photos, my dear.
    Hugs to all of you.

  12. So sorry to hear about LUlu - hope she is back to par soon! I love your pictures! They are so cute together! I too get those emails from Shutterfly and it makes me realize how much everyone and everything has grown! Enjoy the moments!

  13. I love seeing animal friendships!

  14. So happy your fur baby is getting better Leslie, I dont think well last much longer without a Lab, still grieving over our loss last July.
    Lovely to see your beautiful dogs.
    Hugs Pam x

  15. I'm adding LuLu to my prayer list right now! Hopefully, between you & Rich & Wally, she will be her old self in no time! Poor baby! Why is it we always feel worse when our fur babies get sick than anyone else? They can't tell you how they feel and you worry twice as much. Give her a hug from me!

  16. Your dogs are so beautiful. I truly enjoy all your posts about them. It is refreshing to see a true dog lover and follow your two sweet dogs. Keep em coming. I sure hope Lulu starts feeling better. Please keep us posted on her progress. I am sure she is getting a lot of love from you two as well as Wally!

  17. These are wonderful photos of your babies. Glad to hear that Lulu is on the mend. We have a 10 year old yellow Labrador called Amber. She has suffered from acid reflux for about 1 1/2 years now. When she has an attack it is ghastly. I feel so terrible for her. She takes 10 mg of Famotidine (Pepcid AC) twice a day. When she has an attack, we increase the dosage to 20 mg. twice daily. I do not know if you vet has mentioned this or not but thought I would pass on all the info that I have. It is better to feed several small meals throughout the day rather than one or two larger meals. Amber eats hard dog food so it has to have water added to it. It is also better if they do not eat with the bowl on the floor, but raised up a foot or so. Amber, being a Lab, takes about a nano-second to eat her meal so I just sit in a chair and hold the bowl so her neck is lever as she eats. Pepto-Bismal is great to keep on hand. When Amber has an attack, she gets 2 tbsp. of Pepto 20 minutes before her meal.
    I hope come of this information about our fur-baby is of some use to you. Please post about how she is doing. Fingers crossed for her complete recovery. Cheers.

  18. Oh, my goodness, how precious are your furry babies!!! I will keep both of them in my prayers. So sad when our pets get sick as they can't tell us what is wrong and you feel so bad for them. I have had over the years, a Boxer - Juno, German Shepherd/Great Dane mix - Rex, Newfoundland - Brutus and a St. Bernard - Caesar and the last dog was a pure mix that we rescued and he was a love and so obedient - Bandit. In between, plenty of cats and now we are down to one cat Sam and he is also a rescue pet and such a love!!! I hope LuLu bounces back into good health soon. Hugs and blessings

  19. Awe ... they are so beautiful and you can 'feel the love' between them! Glad LuLu is feeling better ... how scary!! Time flies doesn't it!! Thanks for sharing!

  20. Oh my, Leslie! Talk about melting your heart! These sweet babies are darling, and I am so very glad to hear that Lulu has improved. So tender and dear to see Wally caring for her and being near her. It's truly amazing how much pets care for each other. I will never forget coming home one night after work and taking a peek downstairs and seeing a tail out from under an Army blanket (remember those?). Well, next to the "bump" in the blanket was our beagle (Buddy), and he had dragged the Army blanket to cover my beloved cat Teddy (he was my teddy bear), and Buddy was trying to keep him warm. Teddy had been sick, and we were nursing him back to health, but it was not to be. Do you know that my dog and the other kitties (had two others) all mourned Teddy? I cried for days, and even at work I would suddenly burst into tears. Wow, I think it's one of the reasons I no longer want any pets. But I do love them dearly, and I'm thrilled to see your babies care for each other. Love the last photo! Treasured m moments! Warm hugs to all...and good health!

  21. Oh my goodness, I'm so glad to hear that Lulu will be fine, but I'm sure that was such a scare! Both Wally and Lulu are so precious, I love all the pictures you have captured of them, they melt my heart! It's so touching to see how Wally comforts her, but it is funny how they know when one isn't well. I hope she will be back to her ole' self soon. Thanks for sharing - hugs,

  22. Oh my your right that is just too much sweetness to handle! so sorry to hear Lulu has gone through all of that, I am glad to hear she is on the mend. That is so sweet that Wally is making sure he is by her side. That photo of the two of them when she was little is just too cute.

  23. It seems like yesterday that Lulu came into our (your blog friends) lives. Was she ever so little? It reminds me of the "little Wally" under the stairs. I have something for you this evening - it's a link to the one of the most beautiful pieces I've read on the relationship of man and animal. It was written by the youngest daughter of very long time friends of ours. Believe me, you'll want to keep it. Megan's wisdom is beyond her years. Here it is: Love, Susie ~

  24. Oh look at their sweet little heads together! It sounds like such a sweet relationship Leslie, I hope she’s on the mend soon!

  25. So glad LuLu is on the mend. The pics of the pups make my heart all mushy. So much love with these two. Thanks for sharing

  26. Oh my goodness Leslie. I am glad to hear that she is doing better and I did know that about retrievers. It is nice that Wally is taking good care of her as well. What a sweetie. We do love our fur babies don't we. Ranger has had more seizures more often lately. :-( Which means more medicine and I don't like that. He is happy as all get out and normal all the other times which makes it so hard. They are so apart of the family aren't they. Furry hugs from us...

  27. Oh my, wonderful photos! Wally is such a good big brother. I'm glad that LuLu is on the mend - it can be so distressing when our furry family members get sick. I love the photo from six years ago - LuLu was so small, but already following her big brother's lead. Sweet! Thank you for sharing.

  28. I LOVE your pictures of Wally and Lulu. There is nothing like the love of dogs, is there?
    My physical therapist has a sign in the office: The best therapy has fur and four paws. I hope she will keep on getting better and better.

  29. Oh Leslie, those photos are so, so heart warming, especially Wally snuggling the ailing Lucy. So glad she is on the mend! I started visiting your blog when Wally was a youngster, primarily because I always greatly admired (and still do!) your beautiful cards, plus the added bonus was that you're a fellow Oregonian! So, it's hard to believe it's been six years since that photo was taken of Lucy as that young puppy next to handsome Wally. Time flies, as they say, so here's to continued long life and good health for the entire Miller family, two and four legged!

  30. I seem to have missed this post. So adorable. I'm glad to hear that Lulu is better and not seriously ill. Yes, I can tell that Wally loves his little girlfriend. My newest kitty who turned 1 in October is so "do not touch me," but whenever I'm in bed either sick or reading, she comes and wants to lay right by me.

  31. Please let us know when she's back to herself.... Hope that's soon too.
    Sending Beagle hugs from Belle!!!!

  32. I always love seeing Wally & Lulu. They are just so cute. I do hope that Lulu is much better by now. I've been late commenting so I hope whatever ailed her has been resolved by now. Give them both a hug for me.


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