
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Colorful Birdhouses

I was beginning to wonder if it was ever going to happen, but I finally finished a card.  Things got a little nutty around here for a while.  My face swelled up in a big ball of pain and after a dental appointment and some antibiotics I'm having a root canal today.  My first.  A crown will follow.  Sheesh.

On Sunday Rich collapsed in the yard and after checking his blood pressure and finding it frighteningly low we took him to the ER.  All the tests imaginable showed he was in good health, but dehydrated and maybe his blood pressure medicine was working a little too well.  All this going on while our son was down for a visit and we're in the process of buying an RV for travel.  Rich said his first thought as he was drifting to the world of the unconscious was "well, there goes the RV".  All is well, though.  He's in surprisingly good health.  He's not good about hydrating, but he knows I'll be keeping on him about that from now on.

So, how about that card?

I used an Impression Obsession stamp called "Birdhouses".  I bought it locally at a shop that's been closed for almost a year, but it can still be found at IO online which is what I linked to.   I do love the stamp.  The bird looks like she's house hunting, just like we're RV hunting.  So many choices!

I watercolored on 140 lb hot press Fluid 100 watercolor paper with only five markers -- three Stampin' Up and one Tombow.  Stitched a border and added three Nuvo Crystal drops which I managed to get fairly flat for easy mailing.  This card is for a birthday later this month.

We've had a few days socked in with smoke from the forest fires all around us.  It turns the sunshine pink and odd looking.  The sky appears to be overcast, but it's all smoke.    Even the moon glows orange.

That's it for today.  I'll be back tomorrow with a new Double D challenge.  Maybe I'll even do some more stamping this week.  I hope you all had a good weekend.  I appreciated every moment of mine, even with the upsets.  I can't help but think of the folks who have such a long way to go to recover from Hurricane Harvey, and everyone in the west who have lost their homes to the forest fires.

Stamps:  Impression Obsession Birdhouses, Stampin Up Bloomin' Marvelous sentiment  Paper:  140 lb hot press Fluid 100 watercolor, Core'dinations white card base  Ink:  Palette Noir  Coloring:  SU markers More Mustard, Ruby Red, Old Olive, Not Quite Navy, Tombow marker N65  Accessories:  Nuvo Crystal Drops - Sugared Almond


  1. Was just wondering where you'd been. This is weird -- just broke a tooth and just struggled with being unable to function due to low BP. EEK getting old sucks. Hope Rick stays well. Drink!!! Now on to nicer things, that card is gorgeous. Hard to believe you got that look with markers. I've had very mixed luck with my SU markers for watercoloring -- the ink doesn't seem to flow as well as my Tombows. on the other hand my SU markers are over 10 years old! It's such a sweet card!!!

  2. Oh my, good to hear Rick is well- pretty scary stuff! Yes, keep him hydrated! And for you, sorry to hear about your tooth infection. I'm glad to hear you are both on the mend! For your card - love, love, love it! It's such a 'happy feeling' card, love the bright colours, and your simple layout - nice and flat for mailing :). Your Nuvo drops are so perfect - I thought they were enamel dots at first! Looking forward to your card tomorrow. You always excite me to want to go make cards when you post. Oh btw, I did manage to finally get one card completed - finally! Enjoy your week, take care.

  3. So sorry to hear about your scare. Dehydration can be a very scary thing so lots of fluids for your fella! Loving those birdhouses; so bright and colorful! Well done!

  4. OMG! You did have a rough weekend! I had my first root canal last year - totally surprised me! Hope Rich is feeling better. Such a cute card - I love the birdhouses! We are also looking into a RV. With my MS we thought it would be more comfortable to get around. Awesome picture of the moon. We are bracing for the hurricane coming up the east coast. Have a good week!

  5. Glad you're back and that all went well in the end.
    This may be my first time leaving a comment, Leslie, but I've been admiring your work for a long time and I just love reading your blog posts too.
    This card is so beautiful I just had to tell you how much I love it. Coloring with only 5 markers - that's amazing!

  6. cute card. Bright & cheerful. Glad things are progressing well for you and your hubby. Have a great day.

  7. Scary episode with glad it turned out to be dehydration. You did the right thing to take him to the hospital. How exciting to be looking for an RV:-) You will love having a travel trailer and so will the kids.

    Love your sweet, colorful and beautiful birdhouse scene. Your bird looks like it is trying to decide, which house to move into:-) TFS Leslie. Hugs

  8. I, too, wondered about you. We were in Portland for a week, visiting our little granddaughter. I got back into my craft room yesterday, made three cards---two of which missed the challenge deadlines! I need to read more carefully. Wow...your "health" episodes are frightening! I've had a root canal and several crowns, all of which worked out fine. As for your husband, dehydration is dangerous. I'm terrible about drinking water, but I guess I don't work hard enough to cause problems. ;-) I do love those birdhouses and their perfect setting.

  9. Oh, my Lordie, Leslie, I'm sorry you guys hit a rut in the road all at once! First of all, I'm so glad Rich is fine. So scary! Men are really bad about keeping hydrated and beers don't count!! Second, sorry you are having to go through a root canal/crown and you had such pain! (Although I sort of hate you because I've had like a dozen of them and this is only your first??? You've got good teeth genes!)

    Cool moon photo even if we hate the cause of it.

    Finally, gasp, your coloring is out of this world. You have made those birdhouses glow! And I agree, Mrs. Bluebird does appear to be house-hunting! So cute! Good luck with the RV purchase! Sounds like a new chapter is about to be written in the book of your life together!! Hugs, Darnell

  10. I'm so sorry about you & Rich's latest health issues (isn't getting older GREAT! LOL) But so glad you had time to color and create! Your coloring on this beautiful card is TOP NOTCH as always and the theme brought an instant smile to my face. HUGS & HAPPINESS coming your way! Better days ahead!!

  11. Oh that would have been scary. Some blood pressure medicines react to sun also,but I think after this experience he might get more thirsty and drink more water. Don't envy a root canal because there is a reason people say, " I'd rather have a root canal." Fabulous card. Of course, the coloring is fabulous,and the sentiment and stitching make it all the more special.

  12. What a wonderful post, Leslie. I was sad to hear about Rich's scare, but sometimes the scares have positive consequences - in this case, you learned he is in great health and he needs to watch his hydration. An RV, huh? That sounds fun! Do you have special places in mind? Will the puppies enjoy the travels, too? How big of an RV will you get? I'm excited for you! I hate that your dear little "chipmonk" face is in pain - but after the root canal, you'll feel better. It's one of those unpleasant but necessary ordeals of life. Then you won't have a chipmonk face after that. Hoping for the best!

    Your bird house card is adorable, and I love that your little birdie is looking for a new place to live. She obviously has high expectations and wants lots of color in her new abode. Your lovely coloring is cheerful and sweet! I especially like those "doodled" hills, and your watercoloring shows them off beautifully! Wouldn't it be fun to have such colorful houses that looked that pretty?

    I hate hearing about the fires, and the moon looks spooky like that, doesn't it? I hope some rain soon visits and dampens all the tinder so the fires go out. The folks suffering from Harvey have suffered something unheard of in the mainland US, and I hope they have not lost what is most important to each of them. I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose one's home to a catastrophe. And now IRMA is a cat 5 with Tropical Storm Jose behind her. Sheesh! Hoping it does not harm those who are already "saturated". These monster storms are the scariest.

    Wishing you a lovely week, Leslie, and hoping that only good things are in your future. hugs, de

  13. Great card, Leslie. It seems to be harder for guys to stay hydrated than women. Wonder why?! Happy your scare had a good outcome. Best wishes for fun travels. Root canal? Had my first at 18, way back when. Had another a couple of years ago and it was nothing. You'll do fine. It seems the country is either flooded or burning up. We even have ash here in Mac. Keep those happy cards coming.

  14. Wow! You and Rick have sure had the health issues, but I'm glad it's nothing serious and you're both doing okay. Yikes! Wish we could have sent some of the 56 inches of rain we got from Harvey up to the fires where they need it. I hope they won't be coming close to you. An RV sounds fun. Maybe when it starts traveling, it will make it's way down to the Texas coast and to H Town. Now wouldn't that be fun. Love your cute, adorable card. The bird house are so cute and always a creative touch to your designs.

  15. Your card is beautiful Leslie! Fabulous coloring!
    Hope you're okay after the root canal ! I had one done... unsuccessful and ended up at a specialist who told me the tooth were cracked and a root canal wasn't even an option... the tooth had to go. Ouch :(

  16. Pretty pretty colored house, heck I could even live in one lol...wonder which house that little birdie will choose!! Ouch for your face and tooth, I hate how those things just seem to creep on you when you least expect it...glad to hear the hubby is okay, something like that is so frightening!! Yes the fires, and that nasty hurricane sure have done it's havoc on so many people, I can't even imagine (nor want to) all the grief if has caused so many, how sad! I'll take our Michigan weather for all it's worth anytime I heart aches for all the loss!!

  17. Wow how scary! I'm glad he is ok!

    Your card is I wish I could color like you!

  18. The birdhouse card is just darling! So glad your husband is ok - and hopefully drinking more water now!!! Take care yourself and your dental issues will be fixed and hope all is well in your world! Thanks for sharing your talent!!!

  19. ACK! Oh leslie you poor thing and Rich... oh man you guys just had it all hit at once. Thankfully your son was there to help out. I hope the root canal (blech) went well and you are doing ok. Definetly keep an eye on his hydration and make sure he doesn't scare you again. Sheessh... A RV oh how fun! You going to come see me? hee hee I still need to get up there one day. We have the fires from Ellensburg here and the sun is a bright orange like that too. The air quality is horrible I can't even walk Ranger in it. :-(
    Now for your card, super sweet and springy feeling!

  20. Oh my sounds like you too are trying to out do the other in the medical area. I have not had to have a root canal thankfully but I have had two crowns. Glad to hear Rich is ok too, and all he needs is to keep hydrated.
    How exciting to be RV shopping, we would love to do that ourselves when we retire, good luck finding the right one for you guys.
    Now to that beauty of a card, it is amazing you didn't have to use many colors and it looks so fabulous, the shading is just wonderful and you did so well with such little details that are in this stamp! I love the stitched border framing it also!!
    I sure do hope that you all get relief from the fires soon, it must be miserable to have that smoke in the air so thick breathing it in all the time. Pray that your homes are not affected by the fires. I can't imagine what they are all going through in Texas either, so sad.

  21. Oh my goodness, Leslie - I had no idea what was going on in your world! I'm glad everyone is fine, but my gosh, you've been through a lot!!! Your card is beautiful!

  22. Oh, wow! Leslie, I am so glad that Rich is okay. Yes, it's so important to keep hydrated when working outside. Glad you are "on him" and will make sure he drinks. I'm so sorry about the root canal, but it's amazing it's your first one. That's good actually, but it's still no fun with it is so painful. Makes me sad. But I've been reading your posts (my in box since I subscribe), and I see you found a great RV. That's wonderful news. So about the card...I LOVE it! What a darling stamp, and I can see why you wanted it. It's so you and makes a sweet card with your wonderful watercoloring. Beautifully done!! Hugs, sweet friend, and rest...both of you! xoxo


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