
Saturday, July 8, 2017

Lots of Stamp Room Photos

Welcome to my humble and very clean and tidy stamp room.  Does it always look like this?   Ha!  In my dreams!  Note the Swiffer duster on the desk... oops.  Just a touch of realism.

Truthfully, ever since The Big Purge and The Redo I've kept the room very tidy.  When there's a work in progress it can get out of hand until I remind myself to pick up as I go along.  It's supposed to be a happy place, right?

So... I've been meaning to share photos of the new and improved room.  I love seeing other peoples' stamp rooms, so I hope you'll enjoy a visit.  It's nothing fancy, but it's home.  One of these days I'll put some blinds on the window, but for now I'm simply happy with the clean, well lit, openness of it.

In the first photo I'm standing in the doorway looking into the room.  It's approximately 12' x 12', so it can easily get crowded.  And it did get crowded before the redo.  I gave up a lot of stuff in order to be happy stamping in a small space.

The little white table under the window is where I do all my coloring.  It had to be petite enough for my small space.  Height, width, depth, knee space... I could not find a suitable table anywhere, so Rich made this one per my exact specifications.  And I love it.

I guess we'll go clockwise around the room.  It's a short trip over to some storage cabinets.  The tall cabinet holds paper.  Nothing but paper.  There's a chest of doodads on top of the tall cabinet.  The  shorter cabinet holds mostly ribbon, with some cute and colorful button jars displayed on top.  See the plastic containers on the center shelf?  Those are for Copic various inks (refills).  Two containers give me room to grow.

Below you can see into the paper cabinet.  Tubs of 6x6 designer paper in quart storage bags (ziplock top cut off for easy access) with the scraps also in the bags.  There is some degree of organization -- pretty, cute, masculine, holidays.  Shelves of 12x12 Bazzill and Core'dinations card stock.  Whites in the drawers on the bottom shelf.

Drawers of ribbon in the other cabinet.  Bottom shelf for miscellany.

The top drawer of the cabinet is full of ribbon, too.  I hardly use it, gave away a ton of it, but still have lots.  All that purging didn't cut me short one bit.

Here we are at the next corner already.  I have to close the stamp room door to access the right half of the closet, but I don't mind.

Can't help myself... I love the buttons.  Purged bunches of them, but left these, sorted into color groups.  They double as stamp room decor.  Before the redo I didn't have room for decor.  All the wall space was used up with storage.

Inside the closet -- lots of stamps and organized storage.  Lazy Susans (turntables) on top make it easier to get at things.

Pictured below is the Stamping Command Center where card construction takes place.

More Stamping Command Center.  When I saw this big computer desk at Staples years ago I knew it was just what I needed.  Two of those baskets on top hold not yet used stamps, dies, and embossing folders.  I'm slowly whittling them down to size.

Some stacked storage inside the desk:

Moving around to Wall #4...  More of the Stamping Command Center, my sewing machine, die cutting center, and embossing stuff.  I was saving the Susan Wingert print for when the room was finished.  Cute, isn't it?  Embossing powders and Nuvo drops are kept in an old spice rack which I spray painted.  The two baskets hold my dies with room to spare.  I made envelopes and category dividers for all of them.  I also have a magnetic binder for my original die storage, but it wasn't long before I realized it was totally inadequate, seeing as how I became so enamored of dies.

The bottom drawer of the desk and the whole file cabinet are full of 8 1/2 x 11 card stock and whatever specialty papers.  A ridiculous lot of it.  You can see my Copic carrying case tucked down there beside the black file cabinet.  I keep all my Copics in the case and just slide it over to me when I color.  There's a color chart in there, too.

And now we're back here again.  It's a small room with a whole lot of fun packed into it.  Everything in its place and plenty of open floor space.  On the corner shelf unit are stamps and a basket of embossing folders.  The photo storage boxes hold miscellaneous stamps, loosely categorized and room to spare.  The drawer cart by my coloring table holds a variety of coloring mediums, and gives me extra surface to set something if necessary.

All the lamps are Ott lights and there are three daylight bulbs in the overhead fixture so it's like sunshine in there day or night.  I like a lot of light when I'm "working".

My goal is to never ever let my room get over crowded again.  Everything must fit into the available storage and if it doesn't fit, something has to go.  I've quit buying colored card stock and designer paper for obvious reasons.  I'm trying to use all the not yet used stamps and dies before I buy more.  That's NOT easy, friends!

My stamp room, small and unremarkable though it may be, is a magical place for me.  You know what I'm talking about, don't you?  Hmm... maybe I'll head in there now and see what I can color up.

Thanks for visiting!  I hope you had a good trip!


  1. I could really take that purging ball and run with it! My room is over filled with lots of things I will never use. If it hasn't been touched in over a year it's a good indication that I will not use it at all. You have inspired me to do some work in my space! I also love the table Rich built, just a perfect size!

  2. that was fun. loved seeing your room. Love the desks, so fun that Rick made one for you. am 100% with you on paring down. Makes a huge difference in my mood!

  3. It is a magical place and looks awesome. Cute with the duster on the table, I like the reality of the picture. :-) You and Rich did a wonderful job on the room and it looks awesome. The little table to color on is perfect. The window is just amazing with the natural light, oh what I would give for that. How you don't get distracted looking outside and leave the room amazes me. hee hee Turned out wonderful Leslie.. Now go color and enjoy!!!

  4. Thanks for sharing your space. It IS just perfect. I know what you mean about a personal stamping space being magical. It sure is a treat to be able to sit and create, isn't it?????

  5. WOW!! Fabulous and beautiful space Leslie, functional and inspiring, love all the natural light you get from that widow above your coloring table.
    I made a major purge last year, it's amazing how much you accumulate in over 10 years, there were many stamp sets that I never use anymore, pattern paper that I've won, (I'm not to much of a fan of DSP), card stock, embellishments, glitter, brads, ink pads, markers, ribbons, buttons, and stuff like that, all in good condition but hardly used, I donated 5 big boxes of this stuff to my 12 year old granddaughter art class, when I arrived at the school, her teacher was at the office waiting for me, she was elated and so very grateful. I was very happy that all this things were going to be put to good use by all of the young, budding artist in my granddaughter's art class.
    But anyway, thank you for sharing this fabulous photos of your amazing craft space, no wonder you create all of those gorgeous cards.
    Big Hugs,

  6. Thanks for the tour in your craft room. Neat and tidy. Wonderful. Mine was neat and tidy a couple years ago - sigh. It's totally overrun now. I keep saying one day... Have a great day

  7. It's like we're twins, Leslie! You are a girl after my own heart with your organization and efficiency, your pare down and purge, your not buying any more cs and pp, keeping your NBUS out until you use it ... ! I even put my buttons in old olive oil jars to use as decor the last time I did a reorg! But the room itself is better than the Playhouse because you have that amazing huge window and that view! Lucky girl! I think it is utterly beautiful in every way and now I understand why you make such colorful and HAPPY cards!! You've created a warm and HAPPY place to create! Thank you so much for sharing! Hugs, Darnell

  8. What a fun tour-only wish I was so organized! Thank you for the inspiration.

  9. Oh my gosh... this is fabulous, and looks so organized and a happy place to create.

  10. What a beautiful, peaceful, serene room! I imagine you enjoy just being in there. Thanks for showing us around. Hope your summer is lovely.

  11. I love seeing stamp rooms and yours is wonderful! Windows are everything! :D Fabulous work and set up for creating! Always love your cards Leslie!

  12. Oh my! What a wonderful space. I can't imagine my craft room being that neat and tidy EVER! LOL! It must be really fun and rewarding to have such bright space for your creating. I have my tables in front of a window, but the window looks out to the house next door only 10' away so I keep the shades down, but I have up/down shades so I can pull them down from the top to let light in.

  13. Love your wonderful craft room Leslie, wish mine was as big and neat as this, I have a small bedroom for extra storage, yet my craft place is over flowing again! as yet no time to have a sort out..well done you on creating a fabulous room..
    Hugs Pam x

  14. What a lovely view - no wonder you make such happy cards. Thanks for sharing and inspiring us with a neat and tidy space (always wondered what neat and tidy meant - giggle)

  15. It was a wonderful trip, Leslie. Just a perfect room in which to create, day or night, and any season. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Leslie, your room is absolutely wonderful! Love all the 'white light' you have, so bright and cheery. Love the table Rich made you, it fits perfectly. Good for you for keeping it nice and tidy, as I know how hard it is to keep it that way. My eyes gravitated to the Susan Wingert print in your first picture, it is so sweet. Thanks for sharing your room, it certainly is an inspiring place to create!

  17. I really enjoyed this post! You have such an awesome craft room, so bright and pleasant.I could spend hours there!

  18. Beautiful room Leslie!! So glad you made it a happy place, that's what counts :-)

  19. Leslie, thank you for the tour. Your room is beautiful and if it were my space I'd never put blinds up on those awesome windows (I stamp in my basement :)). We are preparing to move in a year or so and I am hoping to have one room I can make into my new space. I've been purging myself and still have much more to go through. You have inspired me to get busy doing that. My space is now neat, I just need to downsize some more. Like you, I am no longer buying paper and limiting my stamp purchases. I make and send out the birthday cards for my church so that gives me a good way to use up all that stash! Happy day to you!

  20. What a beautiful & happy crafting space! LOVE that big window ... awesome light and what a comforting view! You've done a fabulous job of purging & organizing! I too am inspired to get busy in my cave and do some revamping. Although I'm blessed to have such a big work space (3/4 of the basement) ... that just means more room to spread out and become unorganized quickly! LOL Your happy space is just beautiful Leslie ... well done! Big Hugs from my messy Ohio cave! LOL

  21. Oh Leslie, you've done a fantastic job re-creating your happy place. I will be downsizing after my home sells and you have given me tons of ideas and inspiration! Thanks for the magical tour. I absolutely LOVE it!

  22. Your room is just beautiful - functional and pretty! I love the light and all the special touches too!! My room is about the same size but SUPER crowded - your room is inspiring to say the least!

  23. So that's what I need to do...... PURGE!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And here I've been buying more and more containers.......
    Just STOP buying and give away what I don't use....
    Thanks SOOOOOooo Much for sharing with us...
    Love all the Light and White...
    I Enjoy my visit!

  24. Thanks so much for the tour of your craft room - I so enjoy seeing how others store there craft items! I love that your husband built you your desk!! My next task is my ribbons. Have to look for something to store them in so I can see what I have!! It so nice that you have all that light especially when you are coloring. That's the one thing I missed when Rachel was in my craft room, and I am enjoying seeing what I am doing again!!

  25. Thanks for sharing your stamp room with us. It truly is an inspiration! We have rooms about the same size and seem to be on a similar wavelength when it comes to keeping things neat and at hand. I've wanted to do a post of my stamping "tower" but wasn't willing to do a video like most of the others online. Now that I've seen how you did yours with a few photos and brief descriptions, I'm planning to give it a try soon. (I still have one corner of my work table that I can't seem to rein in yet.) Thanks again for sharing your photos!

  26. Oh, Leslie, what an amazing tour of your beautiful stamp room, and I too immediately honed in on the Susan Wingert print! I love her work, and it's lovely against the soft pastel wall. You truly have inspired me even more to purge, purge, purge. I've done a lot, but I still need so much more. I can see how much more productive we can be with more space and less "stuff" around. I also love the idea of not putting away your NBUS stamps (or other supplies) until you've tried them at least once! I love the table Rich made you and think you don't need anything on your window. It's such a beautiful view and brings in all the lovely light. Thanks again for sharing your beautiful crafting place, and I'm sure it draws you into it more and more now that it's tidy and ready to go. Bravo! Hugs! xoxo

  27. Your room is very inspiring, Leslie! I enjoy seeing the tidiness and organization and your Susan Wingert print is a favorite! Thanks so much for the tour. I do have one question, what are the white storage closet units that you use for wood stamps? Also, how special to have that customized table!!

  28. Who are you kidding? Your room IS remarkable!! So organized and I love the paint color. And how would you ever lose you mojo with that view. (I think I see room for a Silhouette) :)

  29. It is a beautiful space Leslie, you have done a fantastic job with your organizing and it all looks just perfect! I start to organize and then I don't ever totally finish, guess I need to do some purging like you did in order to get it looking nice, right now it looks like a tornado has gone through :) I like the idea of having the paper stored by subject, mine are all mixed, and the lazy susans on the top of the closet is a great idea to reach everything up there, Thanks for sharing your lovely space!

  30. Oh I loved the tour!! And that view!!! I would love that! What super organisation you have ... I try but I just don't have time to keep everything so perfect... I'm too busy making a mess if you know what I mean hahah!

  31. Oh my, a little piece of Heaven; thank you for sharing. You've inspired me!

  32. What a lovely, clean, bright and beautiful space to work in! Lots of wonderful ideas for organization, I really like the idea of having a place 'just to color'..makes great sense! I love how cheerful it is and that window is wonderful! I am in creative room envie!!

  33. What an amazing room, Leslie - I love it! How fun to make it all new and organized. I have been inspired:)

  34. Your space looks amazing! LOVE the light!
    Thanks for the tour!

  35. Thank you for inviting us into your studio home, Leslie. It's fantastic! I wish I could say that I keep mine as tidy as you do yours, however, I am BETTER than I used to be. Does that count? Each year, I do a little bit better in the cleanliness and tidiness aspect. I especially like all the stackables you have, keeping things not only in order, but also visually appealing. How nice of Rich to build exactly what you need! I'm so sentimental, that I cannot bear to part with any of the furniture Jack has built for my use, and my room sometimes looks like a hodge podge because of that. But who cares if it makes me happy to think of him in my room? I need to purge again, but not quite ready to do it yet.

    Thanks for sharing all the photos! And 12x12 sounds like a great size, but then, we can always use more space, right?

  36. Great craft room Leslie and so tidy too! I redid mine recently but still have far too much 'stuff' lol.Must have another 'purge' soon ;) Viv xx

  37. I'm late to the tour but it sure was fun. It looks inviting and a great place to craft. I L-O-V-E organization and work best in it. Unfortunately, my desk (a table actually) doesn't always look like it should. Kudos to your spouse for making you a desk. Very nice! [Bunny]

  38. I'm very late to this tour but so glad it caught my eye this morning. I LOVE your room, and I especially love the view! Large or small, our stamp rooms are like our childhood playhouses, magical! I'm interested to know if that is a "north" facing window? My window is about the same size I think. and my desk sits in front. But my room is located in what is referred to as a "FROG" (Furnished Room Over Garage). We had some built in's put in and my desk, and a smaller stand next to it holds my die cutting machine and dies.

    I love that you're able to keep your sewing machine out on the other desk. That's a nice sized L desk and worthy of being a command center (winking). The sweet white desk is so nice. How nice that Rich was able to make that for you. It's a wonderful room, Leslie. I loved seeing your happy place!

  39. Such a beautiful, light and airy place to create all your wonderful cards.

  40. I thought I was organized, but you have me beat by a mile! Wow!! I'd never leave if my room was this beautiful and well organized! Love the he hardwood floor! I have carpet so am always vacuuming! Love your beautiful view! I'll have o send you pictures of my room so you can give me tips on organization! Love all the light! You've created heaven on earth in there!

  41. Leslie, I'm so glad I stopped by your craft room, still more ideas for mine. I love all your natural light and that amazing view to get those creative juices flowing.
    Hugs Christine

  42. WOW I am totally in awe of your craft room it is soooo beautiful and light and airy--All I have is along one wall in the smallest spare bedroom and desk is so full I make my cards on the floor --colouring has to be done downstairs on the living room table--WOW all those ink pads and stamps --love love love the seashell wreath
    Carol x

  43. Thanks for the tour! I just recently decluttered my stamping "tower" and would love for you to visit. I'm also determined to use up what I have in my stash before buying more, especially dsp. I plan to "cheat" by giving some away!

  44. wow
    what a grat place to create

  45. What a great craft room. so much storage. I feel blessed that I have a room for my craft room (it's mainly because I am an empty nester.) I also have a window in my room, but mine looks out onto a busy street and my neighbors. I love all the light that comes into your room. even though, my fron porch is falling down (may not have it much longer...but while I do..on nice days I sit out on the porch and craft! Probably get strange looks from my neighbors... We live very close between houses. But I love all the light when a sit on my porch and craft. Thank you for sharing your pics.

  46. I knew you had a link to your craft space here! After you described your view, I just had to check it out, Leslie! It is a wonderful space - and I spy with my little eye the perfect spot for a Betterpress AND a Grip Mat - right inside that lower cabinet left of your chair in your stamping space!

  47. Such a delightful room, Leslie! I had not seen it before and I love all the natural light you get from that gorgeous garden window. I'm not sure I would get anything done if I had that window to look out of. I would daze a lot I bet. I've been cleaning and re-organizing for years! When I find something I forgot I had, it's like my birthday and Christmas, and I get WAY sidetracked. Hence, it has taken me so long to finish. This year for sure....I hope. :-) Thanks for the room tour. It's delightful!


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