
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Coloring in the Wee Hours

A few nights ago I had one of those awful sleepless episodes.  They say you shouldn't stay in bed if you can't sleep, so I went to my stamp room and colored.  I never color in the middle of the night, but this particular night once the thought entered my head there was nothing else for it.  I had to color.  I went right to sleep after.  The next night was another sleepless one, but no coloring.  I toughed it out in the darkness until 5 am when I finally drifted off.  I've been sleeping fine since then.  I don't know what gets into me.  Does that happen to you?

So... for my coloring in the wee hours I rummaged in my box of printed digis for something quick and easy.  Probably no surprise that I came up with a Bugaboo -- Floral Teapot.

It was a few days before I made it into a card.  Framed with a Taylored Expressions die that's meant to be used horizontally, but there's no reason the "hello" can't be up the side, I guess.  I made three layers of Neenah 110 lb white and colored the top layer with Copic B21, which is the lightest blue in the teapot.  Fun designer paper on the card base and a few glittery Nuvo drops to echo it.  It's simple, but not too simple.  Just another stop on the road to utter simplicity, but I don't think I'll ever quite get there.

About that sleeplessness... I've read everything there is to read, adhere to all the dos and avoid the don'ts.  Don't eat too close to bedtime, don't read your Kindle or use the computer, don't exercise or drink alcohol or coffee or anything with caffeine.  They even say don't read in bed.  What???  They can't take everything away!

Enjoy your day.  I've been out making hay while the sun shines.  The rain is on it's way back...  Supplies listed below.  Thanks for making my day with your visit!

Stamps:  Bugaboo digi Floral Teapot  Paper:  Neenah Classic White (image panel and card base), Neenah 110 lb white (frame), Echo Park Fine and Dandy designer paper  Ink:  Printer, Copics for coloring  Accessories:  Baby Blue Stickles glitter glue, Nuvo Sherbet Shimmer Glitter Drops, Signo Uniball white gel pen, Taylored Expressions Picture Perfect - Smile/Hello die


  1. Hi Leslie ... Oh yes I've had episode of sleepless nights or nights when I wake and just cannot get back to sleep. I recently bought a new bed and it's wonderful though I still would like to one day go to sleep and wake fully refreshed. Aside from that your card is magnificent! Beautifully coloured and a fabulous image! Have a lovely peaceful day!

  2. That is way too cute, I love the ladybugs scattered all about, with your papers it just brings a smile, fun and whimsical :) I never would have thought to use the die like that but it works perfectly, great idea!!
    I get those nights too, thankfully not too often but every once in awhile. I end up playing games on my kindle until I get tired again, usually last about an hour rarely two and then I am able to go back to sleep. It use to be a lot rougher on me when I had Peanut because then she would wake me up at the crack of dawn and by the time I finished with her I would just get up for the day, but now I just sleep in if that happens. I can't imagine those people who have to deal with that every night

  3. pretty. I just read my book when I can't sleep... Have a great day

  4. This is fantastic! Now I just have to have that hello frame! Darn! Stop tempting me so much! ha ha I used to have lots of those nights, but since I've moved here I sleep like a baby. It got so bad I even moved my clock so I couldn't see it! They say never look at the clock because then you will lay there & figure out how many hours you have until you have to get up & it will just make you wider awake.

  5. Great card Leslie. I love the frame!
    Alas, I have been an insomniac for most of my life. Even as a child and teenager. You are quite correct. Get up and go and do something. They recommend that it not be something stimulating (like colouring!) but rather something dull and reading a painfully boring book. And right TV in the bedroom, no reading...just sleeping know...the other thing. :)
    I refuse to take prescription meds to sleep but I have found that Valerian tincture works a treat. I give it three nights and then if still no sleep, I take some Valerian in a shot glass of water and that usually breaks the cycle for me. Good luck my dear. I hope you have sweet dreams. Cheers.

  6. This is such a cute and cheerful card! Anyone would love opening an envelope and seeing this beauty! At least you were productive! When I don't sleep it is usually because I have too much on my mind. I also don't look at the clock anymore as well!

  7. Even sleep-deprived your cards are great. Yes, I was awake from 3:30 last night until after 6 this morning. Didn't think to craft! Maybe next time . . .

  8. Oh yes ... been there, done that! Sorry you're dealing with this issue but as always, your coloring is perfect and your creations are so inspiring! Love that Hello frame ... will have to check into that!! Hope you have better days ahead.
    Was just talking with daughter and she too has been awake at 3:30 a.m. and can't fall asleep until 5 or 6. She's an accountant and of course this it's tax time and a very stressful time for her. I guess we all have one thing or another keeping us awake at night! I'm thankful mine is just a card I have in my mind and want to make and too afraid I'll forget what it was I had in mind if I don't get up and do it! LOL Hugs and Happy Day!

  9. When I (or Denny and I) have sleepless nights I sleep in if I can and even if do sleep in...take a nap:-) I love that when retired you can almost always take a nap :-) Also...NO caffeine...only drink herbal teas anymore.

    Love your beautifully colored and adorable image, Lesley. Your die cut hello frame is wonderful and your choice of DSP so pretty. TFS my friend. Hugs

  10. I love the image and your wonderful coloring of it. I love the die-cut frame, too, and the pretty background. And yes, I have certainly have THOSE nights!

  11. Been having those nights for over a week now Leslie, tend to just stop in bed and wait to doze off.
    You sure did some beautiful colouring on your craft night! wonderful image and love the card layout.
    Pam x

  12. I LOVE the frame like this! What a delightful image and beautifully colored. Sleep...ugh.

  13. All four of my siblings have sleep issues...not I. Once a year or so, I have a sleepless night, but I know I'm fortunate to go to sleep right after my head hits the pillow. I love your "sleepless coloring" on this card. That pitcher is amazing!

  14. I'm a little teapot short and stout! I'll be humming that tune all day and it will remind me of this sweet card. I look at these stamps and think no way could I make something with that. But then I'm no Leslie Miller! This is just one awesome card.
    On that sleep issue. I am the queen of insomnia. I use to wake up after two to four hours sleep and call into my work computer. I would have a whole days work done before I ever arrived. Would you believe despite after being retired 2 years, I still dream about work and I'm always chasing a deadline?

  15. Fun and pretty card, I do love those Bugaboo stamps and if I could color as well as you in the middle of the night, I would do it all the time! Very pretty design, so pretty and happy! As for the sleeping, it has been happening to me for years, I have become the regular night owl, I did buy some 'sleepytime' tea and it does work when I don't fight it!

  16. Gorgeous late-night coloring! Love, love, love the bright happy colors...esp. the blue! Good luck sleeping. I had insomnia for years, considering myself truly lucky to get 5 hours a night. Now, it's more like 7-8 most nights, but the insomnia rears its ugly head a few nights a month. If it happens more than two nights in a row, I take 1/2 a Unisom (old formula...not the one based on benadryl) for a couple of nights in a row, and that seems to break the cycle. As I said, good luck!

    1. I also read books that I've read a hundred times before. That way, there's no new plot twist to grab my attention and keep me up longer!

  17. Well you made a darling card in the middle of the night! I have the very occasional sleepless night and it is quite frustrating. I read every night before I go to sleep and usually drift off quite quickly. However, when I can't, I usually don't get up and eventually fall asleep even in the hours before I have to get up! Maybe next time, I'll get up and color!! All the best to you and thank you for sharing your lovely artwork!!

  18. Hi Leslie...I am just trying to pop in and say Hi once in a while...between family issues and working 6 days a week...leaves little to no time to surf. I have to flit in to my favorites every once in a while though! You have lots of wonderful creations to browse! I have always been a good sleeper, but have had a couple sleepless nights lately too...Just too much to deal with I think. I tend to try to tough it out...but seems like such a waste of time!

  19. What a cute card....and I hope you have good luck with your sleep issues!

  20. Every now & then I have that happen too. I should go color then, good idea. Your card is super cute.

  21. Your sleepless night was so worth it! Your coloring is simply amazing! Stunning card!

  22. Hopefully your sleepless nights are dwindling. I have had those myself and it usually is when I am worried about something. I will pray and go over scriptures in my head and try not to think about whatever is worrying me. Usually helps and at times I fall asleep and do fine the next night. Wish I could help more girlie, will pray for you. This card is too cute. What a fun vase, adore the die cut frame. Awesome coloring as always.

  23. Sorry to hear about your sleeplessness, but I think you did the right thing to get up and color. Any excuse, right?! I do read my Kindle in bed but if it's late, I dim it a bit. You can't take all the fun away. They say body temperature can have an effect. So maybe an open window or a foot popping out from under the covers?

    Anyway, glad you were able to make lemonade--or should I say a beautifully colored image--out of it! Love the card!

  24. Oh, Leslie, I think we all struggle with insomnia at one time or another, and it's very hard to break when it continues. But I do agree that keeping the temperature cooler at night helps me...that and trying not to think - ha! Hard to do. But I've done what you did and just get up and do something. Well, you accomplished something beautiful and darling with this sweet image, and I love the colors and your frame! Love the "hello" sideways. Seems to work with this sweet card and DP! Love it! Hugs and sleep well!


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