
Sunday, March 5, 2017

Painting the Stamp Room

Hi, friends!  Since there's not much in the way of stamping going on here I thought I'd share a little peek at what's been keeping me busy.  I was in an energy lull after Christmas, which went on far too long, so I thought it was time to start painting my stamp room.  Seems like it's taking forever, but considering we only work on it a couple hours a day, what can I expect?  There are a lot of other things that need doing, as well.

Two walls and the ceiling are done, so I put half the room back together.  Check out the color.  I thought I had selected a pale aqua, but it appears more mint green to me.  Minty fresh.  I like it more all the time, but I still keep trying to see aqua in it.  The mint green is rather retro looking, but when you get down to it, aqua is a rather retro color, too.  Think old cars and every kitchen my mom ever had when I was growing up.  Okay, you wouldn't know about the kitchens, but trust me...  Mom said it was a cool color and she needed that in the kitchen.

The other half of the room still looks like this (below).  You can see the old color.  Hey, it looked good at one time.

Meanwhile, this is going on across the hall where LuLu has laid claim to a pile of warm laundry.  I know... dog hair, sheesh!  Just give it a good shake.  Love me, love my dog hair.

I finally hung up the seashell wreath I bought last summer.  It has nothing to do with stamping, but I like it and it looks good with the color.  Crafted by a local artist from local beach findings.  I have another one in my blue bathroom.

Mint green... or aqua...?  I'm so confused!  There is a fine line between the two colors.

Two walls to go and some finishing touches, but it already looks so much more bright and cheery.  I'm heading off to paint, now.  See you soon, I hope!  Have a good day!


  1. Who cares about a name if the color is so pretty! Looks fresh and I am sure you will feel so inspired when everything is finished!
    Talk about dog hair... we have a cocker spaniel... and oh boy, the hair. But my love for him wipes away all the worries about hair on the carpets! (and clothes, and floors, and and and :)
    Hugs and wishing you a wonderful week!

  2. No matter what you call it, the color is beautiful and very soothing! Just enjoy and by the way...all us pet owners are used to a tiny bit of hair! Or a lot...doesn't really matter!

  3. ooooh! I'm jealous! LOVING your "minty aqua" room transformation, Leslie! So bright and airy - you'll be feeling light and airy, too! LOL Seriously, I wish I had painted my room a lighter color when we redid it 2 years ago. But I'm happy, still - it is woodsy, just like the area we live in. Before I forget, I LOVE your dog hair, so count me in LOL Your room is going to be transformed with this color, and it will be like Spring Time and Summer at the Beach, every day! But wait! You go to the beach everyday! LOL

    Thanks for sharing! huggers, de who has a huge sea-shell collection she holds very dearly

  4. What a pretty color! That looks like a room anyone would be happy to craft in.

  5. Whatever color title you want to give it ... I call it 'Refreshing'! It's a beautiful, calming color and a great way to start one's day of crafting! Good for you! Love that wreath too! Awesome purchase!

  6. The first thing I thought before I read what color you intended was this has an ocean fresh feel to it. I really like how refreshing as Darlene says it feels, especially with the white. What you intended might not of come out right, but I really like the color and feel. Puppies look like they are ready for it to be done so you can play. hee hee So sweet... Good luck with the rest of the room!

  7. glad you have the energy... I sure don't... But I can feel the clean and freshness of it. Have a great day

  8. By any name, it's a lovely color. And your room looks amazing.

  9. I think it looks like a pale mint green....or a pale aqua....either way, Gorgeous! I can't wait to see your finished room IRL my friend:-) Can you believe we woke up to snow...again this a.m.? What a crazy Winter it has been and now it is suppose to be Spring. Our plants are going to be so confused. Happy painting...Hugs

    P.S. Loved the photo of the kids laying on your warm, clean laundry :-)

  10. That was fun, Leslie, thanks for sharing! I have that same color in my "computer room" ("office" just sounds much too posh!) and the company called it "Sea Foam Green." I like the sounds of that, although I was hoping it would be a bit more aqua, too. Calling yours Sea Foam Green works perfectly with the beautiful seashell wreath! And I do remember turquoise of my youth and think that's why I love it so much today. Before the change, all my walls were that "salmon/peachy" color! Usually by the time I get on to the next color, it's changed again. (You know if we left our walls peachy colors, eventually that will come back!) Most of all, I loved the photo of your beloved dogs and the warm laundry. Lulu is no dummy! Anyway, it is all so fresh and pretty and I'll bet you can't wait to have it all done. Your mojo should come flooding back!! Hugs, Darnell

  11. What a tranquil color, bet it changes color as the sun, what sun we get this time of the year, changes the lighting within the room.

  12. Looks good to me! I love your wreath as well. Anything from the shore sounds good to me! Have a great week and hope your painting days are over soon!!

  13. Looks beautiful to me Leslie, love Aqua and Mint green, gorgeous colour with your white furniture, bet you`ll be pleased when it`s all finished.
    Hugs Pam x

  14. Beautiful colour no matter what it is called. It's so fresh and soothing at the same time. Looks fabulous with your white doors and cabinet. Love your shell wreath as well. Can't wait to see the finished room!

  15. Now if we combine Donna’s and Darlene’s “Refreshing Minty aqua” names, it’d be the perfect name. Really do like it.

  16. Your studio looks wonderful! What a nice place to stamp in. Hope you are doing well. Lisa

  17. I am not sure what that color is but it looks great to me, nice and bright, my room is a green color that I really liked when we moved here 10 years ago, now I would like something a little lighter but I can't even imagine moving all the junk in my room to be able to paint. That wreath is cool, so nice to bring the beach home that way :) Looks like Luly and Wally are just waiting for you to be done :)

  18. So fresh and pretty, Leslie!! My stamp room is a beautiful green and it always calms and helps me feel happy. Color is amazing what it can do for us! You'll be so ready to stamp!

  19. There is nothing like a fresh coat of paint to make everything look all brand new. Love it. Cannot wait to see your room when you are all finished. Cheers.

  20. That is a refreshing color like a sea breeze Leslie.

  21. Well it looks terrific to me whatever colour your call it... So fresh and clean! I adore the wreath too and your beautiful dogs ... Ahhh! who cares about dog hairs!

  22. Oh boy, this is going to be such a beautiful room to work in, so light and pretty!! Love the pictures of the fur babies, so typical when you have something clean they think right away it is for!! And I agree with Ros, who cares about dog hair, but here it's cat hair, a daily job of cleaning up after them, but so worth it just to have them!!

  23. A beautiful color-and I would say minty green. Going to be so bright and cheerful!

  24. oh Leslie! You are so ambitious but it is turning out so beautiful! I love seeing where everyone creates! My stamp room is painted red and white from when it was middle daughter's bedroom. You can hardly tell though, every square inch is covered! Crazy! ugh. I think it would be fun to overhaul the room but it would be a nightmare getting it all back in. I can't bring myself to detash. hehe It's funny because in the rest of the house, I'm a minimalist. I bet they couldn't help me. hehe

  25. My vote is... Mint Green and I just LOVE it! It IS fresh and sparkly, and goes so well with that gorgeous wreath. Reminds me of those quaint little beach houses on the East coast. Not that I've even been to one, but I drool over them in the Better Homes & Garden mags. :-) A perfect color for creating and your cute fur babies are just waiting for it to be finished. Hairs and all! :-) Thanks for sharing. Hugs.

  26. This is looking good Leslie, I love mint green like Bobbi said and it would feel so fresh. Mine is all white with white crafting furniture which I love too.xx ♥[aNNie]

  27. Absolutely love this Leslie -- so fresh and fun!

  28. Oh how fun, Leslie! Not the painting, but having a "new" room! Almost makes me want to paint mine again! Can't wait to see pictures of the finished project.

  29. I see Aqua when I look at the paint color. But when you mentioned Mint, now I can see that too. Either way, no wonder you want to spend lots of time in here post-re-do. It's serene and gorgeous!


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