
Thursday, January 5, 2017


It snowed here yesterday, a rare occurrence, so naturally I had to take pictures.  It's a small showing compared to many regions, but it was a big deal to us.  We got about 3".  Here's part of our side yard at 8:00 in the morning:

Rich, Wally, and LuLu:

Wally posing for next January's calendar page:

Wally catching a snowball:

Had to get my mug in there, too:

Wally was so excited he ran outside with my shoe and acted like a big puppy.  I love his squinty eyes:

We had a lot of fun getting our morning exercise in the snow.  Went for a walk and didn't even put the dogs on a leash.  They loved it!  I wouldn't mind if it stayed for a couple of days, but it can go away after that.  Happy new year!


  1. Oh what fun! Super photos and your dogs look beautiful and fully recovered thankfully! TFS!!

  2. It is wonderful to see everyone's smiling faces! Snow brings out the kid in all of us!

  3. What great pictures! It looks like all the kids had fun in the snow! I hope that's all we get this winter - my husband would be happy not to shovel any more than 3"! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Oh, Leslie, WOW! It looks like a winter wonderland! It's gorgeous, and what fun you and your fur babies had! Love the photos of Wally and Lulu! Sweet! And it's wonderful that you and Rich had fun outside with them...and that you even had a walk! So glad you got to enjoy just this wonderful and rare snow fall! Hugs, and bundle up! xoxo

  5. Oh that's exciting I'm glad you could all experience the joy of Snow! It's not so bad! Great photos Leslie!

  6. How sweet! Although I'm used to a lot of snow when I lived in Chicago, I always did love the very first snowfall, before cars made it all yucky and gray. Wally and Lulu look adorable and are having so much fun! Like little kids, huh? Love it! Thanks for sharing your beautiful family. Hugs to you and Rich and the kids. Happy New Year !

  7. Forgot to tell you.. I really LOVE your new blog header! Very "artsy". Like watercolors! XO

  8. Hi Leslie, beautiful photos and your fur babies look like they are having such fun. Where I live its sunny and hot today. I'm looking forward to seeing your cards and hearing about your fur babies in 2017. Happy New Year. Jeanette, New Zealand.

  9. We just got a huge snowfall in Colorado, it is so beautiful!! So glad you and the pups got to enjoy, Leslie!!

  10. OH WOW ... what awesome photos ... perfect for a holiday card! But I really like the one with the tennis shoe too ... what fun! And it looks like one of those wet, heavy snows ... really good for snowball fights! Thanks for sharing these photos and glad you got your mug in there too! FANTASTIC!!

  11. Wonderful photos of you all enjoying the snow Leslie, I hate it when it turns slushy or icy! our dog love`s the snow too.
    Pam xx

  12. Love those big and beautiful dogs! :-)

  13. Beautiful photos Leslie and so fun to see you IRL! We didn't get much snow. It's so cold though, I hate to go out unless I have to. lol

  14. Oh wow, I think you may have gotten more snow then we did here today. They look like they are really enjoying themselves, love the shot of Wally catching the snowball. So good to see you too :)

  15. Wow this is breathtaking beautiful Leslie. Never seen so much snow in my life. In South Africa it is 36 degree Celsius at the moment. Would love to play with your dogs in the cold - they are gorgeous!

  16. Wow this is breathtaking beautiful Leslie. Never seen so much snow in my life. In South Africa it is 36 degree Celsius at the moment. Would love to play with your dogs in the cold - they are gorgeous!

  17. Wow, your pictures are gorgeous. I love the look of fresh fallen snow as it sits upon the ground.
    You have more snow than we do here in SW Ontario. We only have a dusting, whereas central and northern Ontario a buried in it. Wally and Lucy look like they are having a blast! Thanks for sharing your family pictures, I can never get enough of Wally & Lucy.

  18. Goodness Leslie! Your snow looks like ours right now! So glad Wally and Lulu got a chance to play! My dog (Maggie) asks to go out every five minutes just so she can roll around, eat snow and when she gets cold she comes inside only to do it all over again a billion times a day! So fun seeing these pictures! :-) Happy New Year my friend!

  19. Yea! I am so glad you got snow Leslie. hee hee We have quite a bit more over here which lead to another school and work closure for tomorrow. Just means I get to play in the stamp room and sleep in. hee hee I am sure the puppies LOVED playing in the snow like Ranger. I can see they like it from the pictures which is great for them. Enjoy your snow girlie.

  20. Oh what fun, I love, love seeing these photos, Wally and Lulu look so excited!! We have lots of snow here and it has snowed the last 4 days non-stop thanks to good old Lake I have to tell you I am sad that our new pup Bruno did not work out, he wanted to eat my cats bad and almost killed one...long story but I came so attached to him for the few days I had him and still mourn him, he was a WONDERFUL doggie otherwise, so sad I will post about it later when I can...but he was just like Nellie but different color, it has been a hard struggle when he left, on a good note he got a wonderful home and they LOVE him....sigh!!

  21. LOL! WAIT! come back here with my shoe! LOL We laugh when Kilo jaunts out an open door with an indoor toy. LOL

    BEAUTIFULLY white, and how fun to have something different for you to enjoy, Leslie! Gorgeous photos, as always, but I must say that I prefer the photo of Wally catching a snowball for your January calendar rather than the posed image LOL

    SO CUTE! Can't believe how cold you got! Hoping you have a great week-end! hugs, de

  22. Looks like a good time was had by all! Love watching dogs have fun playing in snow! We recently had a touch of snow. When my two saw it they barked!! What's that Mom??


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