
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Stamp Room Progress

Hello, stamping friends!  Today I'm just going to pop in with a little stamp room show and tell.  This may take more than a minute, so I hope you have some time, but I also hope you'll enjoy the read as you can probably relate to some of it.  Or maybe you've got more self control than I do.
If I had one of those "dream rooms" these pictures would be a lot more amazing, but, in fact, it's a very small room and it hasn't felt very pretty or special to me for a long time.  It held too many supplies for its size, and all of it was contained in mismatched, hand-me-down furniture and shelving.  I couldn't walk without bumping into something, and if I pulled something from a shelf I had no place to set it down.  I felt closed in, especially with a window too high on the wall for a view unless I picked and tripped my way through the obstacle course and peered over the sill on tiptoes.
I came to a point where I decided that my little play room was important enough to get some special attention so it could be a happier place.  Earlier this month I shared a little bit about the ribbon organization.  Today it's buttons, papers, and stamps.  We'll start with the buttons.
I don't use buttons very often, but I do love them.  Most of my buttons were inherited from my Mom.  How many of you have inherited button collections?  My buttons were all over the place -- in a drawer, a box, a jar, a chest -- anyplace I could find a spot to tuck them in.  Many were still on their original cards and the loose buttons more often than not had thread and fabric attached from having been snipped from discarded garments.  I painstakingly, tediously removed all the thread and fabric, pried or snipped others off their cards, and sorted into color groups.  I gave away all the shank buttons, and there were quite a few.  Sitting on a cabinet at eye level in their cute little jars, they make a colorful decorative accent for the room.
Next comes the paper, very near and dear to my heart.  I gave it its own organized, neat and tidy, uncrowded cabinet.  This cabinet (pictured below) contains all my designer paper, 12x12 textured cardstock, and assorted whites for stamping on.  The whites are bottom shelf, sorted in drawers.  The white scraps go right back into their designated drawers.
The 12x12 cardstock is sorted by color.  This is Bazzill textured only.  All those clips you see on the 12x12s are my way of separating the Core'dinations papers from the rest.  I like textured cardstock or plain whites for card bases.  Once I cut a 12x12, if the leftover piece is large enough to make another card base I slip it back onto the tray.  Otherwise, the smaller scraps are cut into pieces no larger than 6x6 and stored in a quart size ziplock bag.  I sorted the scraps by color.  See that brown basket, bottom shelf on top of the drawer set?  It contains all the bags of scraps.
About those designer papers... I was surprised, actually, to be able to contain it in this small an area.  I didn't give up any of it.  Each 6x6 pad is placed inside a quart size storage bag.  I cut off the zipper top of the bag because it just gets in the way.  Scraps are kept in the bag with the pad they came from.
Now, here's the fun part.  My 12x12 designer paper had been stored on those shelves with the cardstock.  Most of it is rather old because I've been trying to use up a drawer full of sizeable scraps before I cut more.  The drawer was stuffed full and never seemed to get less full.  Well... I cut all the 12x12 designer paper into 6x6 sheets -- gasp!  But, truth is, I always reach for the 6x6 pads, so why not turn all those 12x12s into 6x6 collections?  Whenever I buy one sheet of 12x12 I always buy one or two coordinating sheets, as well.  These cut into very nice small 6x6 collections, each in its own storage bag.  I had quite a few rather full SU! collections and I cut those, too.  Plus, I cut up all the DP that was stuffed into the drawer, therefore turning it into tidy, pretty, very accessible collections which I'm much more likely to use.  And the drawer is now empty.
Stamps and more:
Pictured above is stamp storage in the closet.  The Sterilite drawers help sort the stamps and fit nicely in the cube units.  Little turntables (lazy Susans) hold certain essential tools and products.  The other drawers are full of mostly envelopes, but the smaller drawers hold some hardware and miscellany.  More stamps below:
SU! sets (mostly backgrounds and sentiments) are stored like books on a shelf with the ends labeled.  You can see most of them are older sets.  Power Poppy has its own bucket, and will have a larger space allotted as the collection grows.  I have some space available for it.  Those photo boxes hold miscellaneous stamps (single and sets) of jumbled up sizes.  Sure, it would be nice if all stamps were exactly the same size so they'd be easier to store, but that's not how it works in real life.  I like the boxes for keeping the jumble out of sight, plus they're colorful and they stack neatly.
You wouldn't believe how many stamps I cleared out, not to mention all the other supplies I just had to have at one time or another.  It's all gone to a local charity which now has a section created specifically for craft supplies.  I know it's all just because of the stuff I've given them since I started this project last spring.
The clearing and sorting is done now.  Everything's in its place and the room is usable once again and so much better.  Friendlier, prettier, roomier.  I still have the Stamping Command Center, but it's been moved to the other side of the room.  This is where I'll do all the card construction and inky stuff.
There's a smaller desk across the room where I'll sit to color in front of the new, larger window.  The window will come down to desk top level, letting in more light, and giving me a view of the garden and beyond.  I'll be getting a new desk for that window, plus two new chairs.  I have to wait for the window before I can paint the room, so I'll save more pictures for later.
That's it, folks!  It's the best I can do after letting it go for so long in such a small space.  I've taken a good look at all my stamps and papers and embellishments, cleared out the unessential and, honestly, it all feels brand new.  I started constructing a card at the Stamping Command Center yesterday afternoon and it was so fun with everything sorted and easy to find.  I'll keep it this way in the future.  I will, I will, I will...
Thanks for coming along!  Have a good day!


  1. Gorgeous. My problem would be trying to keep it that way!

  2. Wow, you have been busy!! It sure is fun to see a 'fellow' stampers creative room, I need to take your lead and clean out mine (whenever I have where are all your copics?? LOL...being nosy, I ordered a couple of storage things for mine, I hope they will work out. Looks like you are very organized and what a wonderful room to create in!! I have been cleaning out too, but mostly my holiday decor items, closets etc...I will tackle my craft room this winter (hopefully), it is a rather large room, but I think the bigger the room the more 'junk' you stash in it, seems like a no win win situation!

  3. Thanks for sharing your tips, I am in the same process, I had created a cluttered disaster, and something had to give. I like the 6x6 paper idea.

  4. WOW that's a lot of work but so well worth the time & effort! It looks AWESOME! I too love those 3 drawer units ... I use them for my stamps as well as my 12 x 12 papers and 6 x 6 paper pads. I did a revamp a year or so ago but it needs a good 'going through' again ... maybe over the winter months. Thanks for inspiration .. not only in your card designs but in your organization skills ... some fabulous ideas here! HAPPY DAY my friend!

  5. Omigosh! That is a terrific space! And your! To be brutally honest, I would NEVER let anyone look in my room, let alone go in. It's so overwhelming that I'm not certain where to start. Some days, I want to haul it all out and take it to the transfer station. I haven't seen more than 3 square feet of floor for years. I moved my crafting to the kitchen counter long ago...and the otherwise-unused kitchen table "stores" the supplies before I put them back into the PIT.

  6. WOW! Leslie, it looks amazing! Isn't it wonderful to get it all re-arranged and refreshing to just sit and look at it now? I had a friend build my craft room too, and I have to keep SU items separate, since I'm a demo and can only use SU things for classes. So one side is SU, and the other is "everyone else". Stamps though, are inside a cabinet in the closet marked by the company name in bins and photo boxes. Shamelessly though, I don't get to the "others" very often, but I still must buy them. I'm so addicted. Your room is beautiful and having that window, looking into the garden, must be pure joy. Especially when the babies are out there sniffing those gorgeous flowers of yours. Hugs and happiness. ...

  7. Wow, your room looks so organized! I really need to do that. I like your idea of the 12 x 12 papers cut down and a bag to put your 6 x6 pads and leftover scraps that go with that pad. I think I might steal your idea on that. I really need to purge, but I always think if I get rid of it what if I need it. But on the other hand if I haven't used it in a long while I guess I never will. Your new window and view of your gardens sounds so wonderful. I love my small window in my room, I spend more time watching the birds sometimes than stamping! Thanks for sharing all your organizational ideas!

  8. It's always fun and inspiring to see a fellow stamper's space and organizational techniques. I like your thinking...great ideas and tips, Leslie! I always try to do a little purging and organizing...but sometimes I feel like that gets more attention than the card making. I haven't shared this on my blog...but our Beulah just had the same knee surgery that your Wally had last Thursday. We still don't know if she has hip dysphasia as we finally got a second opinion after a month of no improvement at our CSU Vet and Medical CEnter. We'd had her on limited activity during that time...I have referred to your posts a few times to know what to expect. So, thank you for your helpful posts, and I hope Wally is improving daily!!

  9. I always enjoy your blog posts! Can't wait to see more of your reorganized stamping room. Your closet looks nice and neat. I also have white cubbies (IKEA) in my closet. We seem to think alike and have a similar sized room. I too cut my 12x12 sheets of dsp, but I cut them into 4x6 strips to use as 4 x 5 1/4 card panels, stored in ziploc bags. I store my 12x12 cardstock flat in a drawer since I don't have many sheets, and the rest of my cardstock in a file drawer. I'm glad you have a new window.

  10. Absolutely love it; I've been trying to make my small craft room more functional for quite some time. You've given me some new ideas to work with. Now if my hubby will just give up the closet in there . . . . . . . .

  11. Your room is such an inspiration to me . I only help my new room will be half as functional and beautiful as yours ! I bought a new desk for my room too! Unfortunately, I had to have it moved here and not to my new place so I will have to cart it down there in the moving van.

  12. Your space looks fabulous! Mine looks like a bomb went off in it!

  13. Oh Wow I can't imagine the work that went into all that but I bet it makes for more enjoyable creating now, you don't even want to see my scraps basket, I organized it by color once and now it is just all mixed up again, I get too excited while creating and just through scraps in there any which way. I have my button jars everywhere, I really need to get them all in one place. You have given me such inspiration for organizing, I especially love the idea of cutting the 12 x 12 pads into 6x6, I may just have to do that one for sure :) I will have to say I love my window, although it looks out over the front yard and road, it is nice to look up and see what is going on outside while I create, I am sure you are going to just LOVE that!

  14. Oh I am so excited for you Leslie. I know you are putting in so much work and when its all done you will be thrilled. I adore those button jars, great idea and yes you should use them more often. ;-) I can't believe you were able to limit your designer paper to just that area. Must be a deep cabinet and bins. hee hee Kidding... It looks wonderful and the new window and paint will really make it all that more special. Can't wait to see the end result! Hope your weekend is filled with fur and fun. ;-) Hugs..

  15. looks too tidy... you need to mess it up BIG GRIN. Have a great day

  16. Wow, Leslie - that's so awesome!!! Your room looks great. How fun to have everything gone through and organized so wonderfully. I'm excited to see more pictures!! I really need to be inspired by you and get to work on my room.

  17. It looks amazing Leslie... I really like the idea of cutting down all the 12 x 12 paper but I do like to make 5x7 cards occasionally so that would not work for me. Sigh... You have given me inspiration to have a go at my own room now that the gardening season is pretty much over here in Ontario. Cheers.

  18. Wow! That is amazing. Could you come down to my house and help me organize my room like that! I keep trying to keep organized, but whenever I make a card it gets all out of hand again. I really need to make an effort to pick up and put away when I'm done before I start on another project.

  19. Ack! Another well organized moment! HowEVER did you find the time! LOL WOWSER! I bet it felt good while you were going through your stash, and enjoying all the hidden treasures and reorganizing things. Our rooms DO deserve to be in good shape, and your's is GORGEOUS! Loving everything you have done, and how you have done it - especially in the closet. Those cubes really make for an expedient "mobile" method of storage, especially in the closet! Hmmmm - I had not thought of that, and REALLY like that clever, neat-looking idea. Great way of organizing all your papers. I'm rather wasteful since my cards are seldom the A2 size. And yours always look so spectacular! I can never get everything I want on a card. Then again, that comes down to being an artist. Your artwork is so pretty, it doesn't need clutter like mine do. LOL

    Hoping your week is thoroughly enjoyable! hugs, de

  20. It all looks fabulous!! Fancy coming over here and sorting mine?

  21. Wow, Leslie, I am so impressed and delighted and tickled for you! I really need to weed out my stamp collection as well, because I have a lot I need to give away. I've already given a load of CTMH stamps to a friend who has three sisters who are enjoying them now. That is fun. And I love all the wonderful organization, especially the idea of cutting down 12x12 DP to 6x6. I've been thinking a lot about that, and I know it would give me a LOT more space and control. I really don't make cards larger than that. And if I do, I'll use something else or create my own DP if I need it. I love your new Stamping Command Center - hehe, cute name, and it looks like a great place to work, especially with that wonderful OTT light. I've not seen that long-arm version. Will have to check that one out. Well, what a delight and wonderful visit, sweet friend, and I know you are looking forward to that wonderful window, new paint, and then a final tour-de-Leslie! Enjoy, and thanks for sharing your room with us! Hugs!

  22. Your room looks great! i wish you many happy hours creating in it!


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